Monday, February 11, 2013

Steve Martin - Atheists Don't Have No Songs (Live on Letterman 03-16-201...

He's right. Atheists ain't got no songs. That's because they have no faith. There is nothing spiritual in them. If it's not material, it's not real and cannot exist. Even so, the song is very entertaining. I always enjoyed Steve Martin.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Voting Is An Act of Aggression

I was hashing out the recent national election in my little ground hog mind and considering permanent hibernation when I had a thought. I'm almost sure the thought was not original with me and I'm sure that many know this and do not care. Let me just say it. The truth about elections is that the act of voting is an act of aggression against your neighbor. It may very well be every citizen's right and duty to vote, but it is also a very aggressive action. When you complete your ballot and run it through the reader or drop it in the box or seal it in the envelope you are telling everyone in your nation that you know exactly how they should live and if they disagree, well then they are wrong, hateful, backward, elitist, communist, fascist or whatever.

Do not try and tell me this is not true. You know in your heart it is true. Think back to the times you have voted and how you felt afterward. Did a smugness come over you? Did you think to yourself, "well I guess I showed them" or maybe it's just your way of "sticking it to the man"? Whatever the case, the real nasty truth of it is that in voting we decide how to steal from our neighbor, how to make them do things we think they should do and how to make them tolerate things that others may well think are immoral, distasteful or unpleasant and also we vote to stop them from doing things; whatever those things may be.

This is certainly a peaceful way of settling disagreements over public policy, but I am not sure it is good in it's present configuration. I mean, what if you have an electorate that has more takers than givers for instance? Should the takers be able to demand more from the givers year after year thus enslaving them? This is just one example of the problem. There are many more. So maybe it's time to define or redefine who should be included in the "electorate".  Most would say that involves discrimination. You can't do that. Everyone has the right to vote. To this I have to say categorically that every one SHOULD NOT have the right to vote.

If you live your life on the public dole for any reason, you should not be allowed to vote. If you do not pay income or property taxes, you should not be allowed to vote. If you are mentally handicapped and you are unable to vote on your own without assistance, you should not be allowed to vote. If you are a government employee at any level that makes their living from other people's taxes, you should not be allowed to vote. Finally, if you are an elected official you should not be allowed to vote.

Think about it. Should I be able to force my neighbor to give me a raise in pay? Should I be able to tell my neighbor that they have to pay for my child's education even though they do not have children? Should I be forced to pay for someone else's bad habits? Why should I have to pay for a smoker's health care? Why should I have to pay for some one's birth control or their abortion simply because they have no self control? Why should I be forced to pay for some one's drug rehab? Why should I have to pay for insolvent banks and corporations?; let them go bankrupt and start anew.

You say to me, what about the notion of compassion and helping others? What about your obligation as a Christ follower? To this I answer that I can and do help those in need regardless of the reasons for that need. I do so privately and as a personal choice. I do not do it because I am forced by law to do it or because someone demands I do it. Compassion should be voluntary. It should be one on one. A faceless, nameless government cannot be truly compassionate. The government has no money of it's own. It only has what it takes from us. If government is to be compassionate to one class of voter, it must be It must penalize the other voters by taking the money for that "compassion".

The bottom line is that the nature of the electorate has changed in the United States. There are more takers in the electorate than there are givers.  The givers cannot afford the takers anymore. I think we will have to join you and help ourselves at the public trough too, but then who will write the checks?

Let me close by saying that the election results this year would have made no difference in anything I just said. Our nation will have a $16 trillion deficit at the end of the year. Sometime next year it will hit $22 trillion. You could tax every citizen of the US 100% for ten years and still not pay it. Something has to give here and I'm sick of it being me. The answer to the problem is not pleasant either, but it may be the quickest way to end the problem. I may offer that answer soon.  I need to think some more. In the meantime, if your panties are all up in a bunch about what I said regarding redefinition of the electorate, my advice is to enjoy the snuggy. It's one of those things I like to provide from time to time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Where We Are Headed As A Nation

I was reading Pat Buchanan today and he lays out some interesting facts about where the US is headed as a nation in the next 30 years. Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with who won the election Tuesday. These things would have been true regardless of who was elected. I might also add that neither one of them would have been able to fix it this problem even though everyone in government has known it was coming for a very long time. It's all about retiring Baby Boomers..the generation born after WWII but prior to about 1967. Here are some excerpts from Pat's column:

Consider. Between 1946 and 1964, 79 million babies were born – the largest, best-educated and most successful generation in our history. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both born in 1946, were in that first class of baby boomers.
The problem.
Assume that 75 million of these 79 million boomers survive to age 66. This means that from this year through 2030, an average of nearly 4 million boomers will be retiring every year. This translates into some 11,000 boomers becoming eligible for Medicare and Social Security every single day for the next 18 years.
Add in immigrants in that same age category and the fact that baby boomers live longer than the Greatest Generation or Silent Generation seniors, and you have an immense and unavoidable increase coming in expenditures for our largest entitlement programs. 

And then there's this...

Benefits will have to be curbed or cut and payroll taxes will have to rise, especially for Medicare, to make good on our promises to seniors.

As for the rest of our federal budget of nearly $4 trillion, we have run four consecutive deficits of over $1 trillion. To bring that budget to balance, freezes would have to be imposed and cuts made in spending for defense and other social programs.From California to Wisconsin to New York, we see the process at work at the state level. Government salaries are frozen, government payrolls are cut, government pensions and programs are scaled back.
California and Illinois are on the precipice of default. Cities like Detroit, Birmingham, Stockton and San Bernardino are already there. 

And Finally..

Europe has arrived at where we are headed. In the south of the old continent – Spain, Italy and Greece – the new austerity has begun to imperil the social order. In the north, the disposition to be taxed to pay for other nations' social safety nets is disappearing.

With government in the U.S. at all levels consuming 40 percent of gross domestic product, and taxes 30 percent, taxes will have to rise and government spending be controlled or cut. The alternative is to destroy the debt by depreciating the dollars in which it is denominated – i.e., by Fed-induced inflation. 

Pat's right. We are in a bad way. I can see retirement age being pushed back to 75. I can see confiscation of IRA's, 401k's and pensions. It is coming. The growing storm in the east is coming our way and those of us that live through it will suffer a great deal. We Baby Boomers have been called both the most productive and the most selfish generation in human history. As a generation, we worked continuously but it was to feed our pleasures. We could not get enough. The political class of Baby Boomers' is the same way. These politicians spent what was in the bank and printed more to give back. The worst part is, we as voters did nothing to rein them in when we could have done so. The generations after that will be left with our debt and they have a right to be angry. They will get nothing. Their parents stole the food from their mouth and they will be slaves for the rest of their lives...unless...they rise up and refuse to pay the debt we left them. It is going to be a very dangerous time ahead. It will get ugly. It might even be wise to leave the country...except...the problem is the same almost everywhere. The world will be a very different place in 100 years, but the next 30 will be hell.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Conspiracies are real. Even cats have enemies.

Speaking for the groundhog community though, I have to say that I kind of hope Reginald puts the screws to him. Looks like a rodent killer to me.

Coalition of the Constipated

Interesting protest. According to the Orange News, a group calling themselves the "Coalition of the Constipated" gathered at Henley Beach in Adelaide, Australia in business attire to decry the condition and number of public toilets at the beach. Apparently it was so bad that local businesses were being asked by beach patrons for use of their facilities.
 So, the business owners took matters to the beach and called the press. The result is in the photo. It is funny and does call attention to the problem, but I do not know as yet if it motivated the town officials to remedy the situation. Whatever the case, they should be glad this is all they have to worry about. At least their government does not continually seek new places and new ways to go to war while 9% are unemployed and the banks continue to rob us blind. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

James Holmes Redux...Something's Not Right

All right. I'm having trouble believing that these photos are of the same person. The eyes are not right. The nose is not right and the ears are not right. The red headed loon on the right is not the man on the left.

I came across the documentary below today while perusing the posts at "Above Top Secret". It's one of the best treatments of this incident that I have seen and it was done by amateur videographer Mark Howitt. He definitely has a future in the documentary business. It is a fairly long documentary, but you will learn more about what is probably really going on here from this film then you ever will get out of a 3 minute bite on the network news. Take the time and watch it. Groundhog out.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why I go To The Iowa State Fair

I grew up here in Iowa and the only consistently big deal here, besides apparently the Iowa Hawkeyes,  is the Iowa State Fair. You can find just about anything you want to see at the Iowa State Fair if you look hard enough and the food is all deep fried and on a stick for the most part. People Watching is one of those things that's universally entertaining and while I like it, that's not why I go to the fair. Tradition dictates that you do certain things at the fair depending on how your family trained you and it really is about tradition. The photos below are the things that I find fascinating at the ISF.  For instance, this is a chicken.
You can't even see it's face and it is somewhat chicken shaped, but really, is this what comes to mind when you think of chickens? Most likely not. This is the thing about the fair...variety. Now for some normal chickens.

The one above looks more like a black road runner or a Cornish game hen with ostrich legs.
Need to throw in a couple of odd ducks.
Then there's the horticultural building. First, a cow sculpted from butter.
The rose competition.
The Arboretum outside the Horticultural Building
Then there is the biggest of everything. Here's a couple of shots of a ton of bull.

The bull is an Angus from Indianola, IA. He did not mind in the least all the people staring at him and taking pictures. I guess if you're a star, you are used to that. You would think that the next one below would be a real ham, but he seems to be sleeping through his fair visit like it's a real boar.
I really wonder if he can even stand up and if his belly drags when he walks.  the final pic is of the largest squash, euphemistically referred to as a pumpkin. It seems grossly deformed and overfed like many fair goers.
I also generally like the exhibits in the cultural center, particularly the photography and paintings. Among the paintings, there were a couple of disturbing works.
Please note the automatic weapon in the man's hand. I believe his hotel room is about to erupt into violence. Then there is this:
Please forgive the quality of the photo. This is an artist's rendering of an  apparent murder or suicide. It's hard to see here, but there is blood steaming from her temple, down her jaw line and onto her neck. I've never seen art like this at the fair. It made me uncomfortable. Perhaps it was suppose to.

There was also the prize quilts at the Varied Industries Building  and
some swans at the DNR Building.
In all, I enjoyed my trip to the fair. I ate a double bacon corn dog. It was good, but is it wise to eat things that have been fried twice? I was sitting on a bench eating it at 9 AM and an old lady walked by and said, "is that what you're having for breakfast?" I said, "it's ok. It has bacon." She shook her head.

I also had some nitorgen frozen ice cream at a place in the grandstand. It is the best ice cream I have ever eaten. It is very dense and flavorful. Not full of air like other ice creams. Blue Sky Creamery was running the display and selling the ice cream. It is wonderful.

If you haven't yet done so, go to the Iowa State Fair.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Another Weekend..Another Lone Nut Shoots Up a Sikh Temple...or was it 4 lone nuts?

So what's the story? A witness at the scene says there were 4 white gunmen dressed in black that entered the Sikh temple and started shooting. The mainstream media reports 1 lone veteran, neo Nazi gunman.

Come to think of it, there was a witness in Aurora that offered an alternative version of events from the one that eventually congealed in the media and became official. As I recall, he said that before the theater shooting, a man in front stood, took a cell phone call and then went to the exit. Not long after that "someone else" came in the exit. Outgasing tear gas canisters appeared in 4 equidistant points of the theater and than the shooting began.

I sense a false flag event in both cases. Right now there is more evidence in the Aurora shooting, but they are both shaping up to be controlled events. (For more interesting perspectives, look up James Holmes' father - Up to his neck in the Libor Banking scandal. There's a creep.) Both shootings stink of Monarch mind programming.

Why would your government do these things to you? So you will beg the government to protect you and surrender your rights. Watch the witness interview below. It's short. Is he wrong? He was there. Just sayin'.

The Symbolism Behind the Opening Olympic "Ritual" Ceremony

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Have To Ask...(and this is politically charged)

Do you remember Jared Loughner? He's the one that shot the congresswoman in Arizona. Does seeing his photo alongside James Holmes' pic, the alleged Dark Knight shooter from Aurora, CO, give you a creepy sense of dejavu?

It's the smile. It's not right in either case. Derangement is not out of the question. That's a lot to draw from two photos, but neither one looks quite right. Schizophrenia of maybe bipolar disorder?? What do you think? I also get a sense of their smug and self satisfied attitude. They seem quite pleased with themselves.

Back during the 1960's and early 70's, the CIA had programs where they would create mind controlled individuals for intelligence purposes; i.e., assassinations and general spying. The programs went by the names of MK Ultra and Project Monarch. Please do not take my word for it. Google them and also Google "the Church Committee" which exposed all of this and other nefarious activities by the CIA.

My question is this. In order to get public approval for signature of the UN Small Arms Treaty  which would effectively repeal the 2nd amendment of our constitution, would the more secretive elements of our government stage a false flag event with a mind controlled individual in a gun controlled city like Aurora, CO? You all probably know by now that I am cynical enough about the state of our government to say yes to that question.

Our government has been wanting to disarm the American people for several decades now. This treaty which is due for signature on July 27th is an international attempt to deny the people of the world the right to defend themselves and their families. It has nothing to do with preventing crime because everyone knows that criminals will always be able to get there hands on guns and ordinance. Rather, it has more to do with putting the law abiding majority at the mercy of a government that wants them dependent for protection and unable to defend themselves against tyranny. Gun ownership is generally the last door that gets closed before martial law begins.

If Aurora had been a conceal carry city, this incident would not have happened or would have been much smaller in scope. Someone would have taken him out. There would be no trial for James Holmes because he would be in the morgue instead of isolation in the Aurora jail.

Just another Ground Hog Opinion...think about it while you watch the Olympics next week. That could be interesting too. There are 17,000 British troops in London for the event with missile batteries and roof tops dotted with anti aircraft weaponry. What do you think they are expecting? The Luftwaffe?? Something more than James Holmes or Jared Loughner I suppose.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ads You Will Never See Again

Please forgive my absence. I've been derelict in my duty. I found these while I was trolling the internet for the latest conspiracies. They are not conspiratorial, but they are funny. The ads below come from a simpler time when men were men, women were housewives, gay meant happy and things that are vices were virtues, or at least useful and not evil. Please enjoy them in the spirit intended.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Bad Joke Friday

Two Greeks met in California. One started to greet the other in the language of their mother country.
The other motioned for him to stop and said, “We’re in America now. Speak Spanish!”

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5,
Ryan 3.
The boys began to argue over who would get the
first pancake.
Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral
“If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my
brother have the first pancake, I can wait.’”
Kevin turned to his younger brother and said,
“Ryan, you be Jesus!”

A grizzled old man was eating in a truck stop when three Hell’s Angels bikers walked in.
The first walked up to the old man and pushed his cigarette into the old man’s pie, and then took a seat at the counter.
The second walked up to the old man and spit into the old man’s milk, and then he took a seat at the counter.
The third walked up to the old man and turned over the old man’s plate, and then he took a seat at the counter.
Without a word of protest, the old man quietly left the diner. Shortly thereafter, one of the bikers said to the waitress, “Humph, not much of a man, was he?”
The waitress replied, “Not much of a truck driver either. He just backed over three motorcycles.”

A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of the animal one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park. As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway.
The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the kitty out and headed home. Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat!
The man kept taking the cat farther and farther and the cat would always beat him home. At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right until he reached what he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat out there.
Hours later, the man calls home to his wife: “Jen, is the cat there?”
“Yes,” the wife answers, “why do you ask?”
Frustrated, the man answered, “Put him on the phone, I’m lost and need directions.”

A man walks into a Silicon Valley pet store looking to buy a monkey. The store owner points towards three identical looking monkeys in politically-correct, animal-friendly natural mini-habitats.
“The one on the left costs $500,” says the store owner.
“Why so much?” asks the customer.
“Because it can program in C,” answers the store owner.
The customer inquires about the next monkey and is told, “That one costs $1,500, because it knows Visual C++ and Object-Relational technology.”
The startled man then asks about the third monkey. “That one costs $3,000,” answers the store owner.
“3,000 dollars!!” exclaims the man. “What can that one do?”
To which the owner replies, “To be honest, I’ve never seen it do a single thing, but it calls itself a consultant.”