Do you remember Jared Loughner? He's the one that shot the congresswoman in Arizona. Does seeing his photo alongside James Holmes' pic, the alleged Dark Knight shooter from Aurora, CO, give you a creepy sense of dejavu?
It's the smile. It's not right in either case. Derangement is not out of the question. That's a lot to draw from two photos, but neither one looks quite right. Schizophrenia of maybe bipolar disorder?? What do you think? I also get a sense of their smug and self satisfied attitude. They seem quite pleased with themselves.
Back during the 1960's and early 70's, the CIA had programs where they would create mind controlled individuals for intelligence purposes; i.e., assassinations and general spying. The programs went by the names of MK Ultra and Project Monarch. Please do not take my word for it. Google them and also Google "the Church Committee" which exposed all of this and other nefarious activities by the CIA.
My question is this. In order to get public approval for signature of the UN Small Arms Treaty which would effectively repeal the 2nd amendment of our constitution, would the more secretive elements of our government stage a false flag event with a mind controlled individual in a gun controlled city like Aurora, CO? You all probably know by now that I am cynical enough about the state of our government to say yes to that question.
Our government has been wanting to disarm the American people for several decades now. This treaty which is due for signature on July 27th is an international attempt to deny the people of the world the right to defend themselves and their families. It has nothing to do with preventing crime because everyone knows that criminals will always be able to get there hands on guns and ordinance. Rather, it has more to do with putting the law abiding majority at the mercy of a government that wants them dependent for protection and unable to defend themselves against tyranny. Gun ownership is generally the last door that gets closed before martial law begins.
If Aurora had been a conceal carry city, this incident would not have happened or would have been much smaller in scope. Someone would have taken him out. There would be no trial for James Holmes because he would be in the morgue instead of isolation in the Aurora jail.
Just another Ground Hog Opinion...think about it while you watch the Olympics next week. That could be interesting too. There are 17,000 British troops in London for the event with missile batteries and roof tops dotted with anti aircraft weaponry. What do you think they are expecting? The Luftwaffe?? Something more than James Holmes or Jared Loughner I suppose.
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