Monday, August 6, 2012

Another Weekend..Another Lone Nut Shoots Up a Sikh Temple...or was it 4 lone nuts?

So what's the story? A witness at the scene says there were 4 white gunmen dressed in black that entered the Sikh temple and started shooting. The mainstream media reports 1 lone veteran, neo Nazi gunman.

Come to think of it, there was a witness in Aurora that offered an alternative version of events from the one that eventually congealed in the media and became official. As I recall, he said that before the theater shooting, a man in front stood, took a cell phone call and then went to the exit. Not long after that "someone else" came in the exit. Outgasing tear gas canisters appeared in 4 equidistant points of the theater and than the shooting began.

I sense a false flag event in both cases. Right now there is more evidence in the Aurora shooting, but they are both shaping up to be controlled events. (For more interesting perspectives, look up James Holmes' father - Up to his neck in the Libor Banking scandal. There's a creep.) Both shootings stink of Monarch mind programming.

Why would your government do these things to you? So you will beg the government to protect you and surrender your rights. Watch the witness interview below. It's short. Is he wrong? He was there. Just sayin'.

The Symbolism Behind the Opening Olympic "Ritual" Ceremony