Thursday, February 4, 2016

Was Donald Trump's "Emergency Landing" A Final Warning to Exit the Race?

Y'all know how I love a good conspiracy. You also know that I believe at some point this spring, Donald Trump will pull out of the race for the Republican nomination. Now I have found someone that agrees with me.

Aaron Dykes over at Truthstream Media believes that the recent engine trouble on The Donald's 757 may have been a warning from TPTB to pull out of the race. I do not disagree. Aaron cites similar veiled threats to Ron Paul and Ross Perot who were also non-establishment candidates in their times.

Aaron's conclusion is that once Trump is out, Jeb Bush will rise to the occasion. As you are aware, I have chosen Marco Rubio for that role. Seriously though, they are both establishment golden boys and Rubio is firmly in the Bush pocket if Jeb does not pull through, so it's 6 of 1, half dozen of the other. Jeb, the joyful tortoise, could be it, but I still think not. We will see. Bernie or Hilly would get pounded by either one.

The more serious issue here is the alleged threat to Trump. If this is true, the Republic is long dead, voting means nothing, and the machinery is permanently broken. As you are also aware, I have thought this to be true for a very long time. I also think Iowa proved this. There was enough stink in both parties at the caucuses to cause scrutiny of the results and yet no one wants to lift that rock and shine the light of truth on what's beneath. It's an archaic method of choosing the parties delegates anyway, full of slipshod procedure that could be bent to the will of whoever is the real vote counter. The Iowa system is prone to abuse and the more people that show up, the more problems there seem to be. I never agree with the Des Moines Register, but today even they said something smelled. Their concern was on the Democrat side.

I will close with this. Donald, be careful. I will not be voting for you, but I do not want to be denied the potential choice. Bernie, watch yourself. There are many that would like to see you go away before November too. You know, both of you could throw everything open right now just by announcing 3rd party candidacies. A four way race in November would slap TPTB in the face and it might even force a run off in December. I love a mess that brings the power of government and money into question. This kind of chaos would just make my day. I say let them feel the fear. Speak truth to power boys. The people need a wake up call.    

This Might Be One Reason that The KC Chiefs lost the First Superbowl

I do not know who number 16 was, but there you have it. It's the way things used to be. People smoked and you had to deal with it....everywhere.

Notice also he is drinking a was, no doubt, sweetened with cyclamates. Do you remember cyclamates? They were the best artificial sweetener available so naturally they got banned. I always thought the sugar industry was behind it. Whatever. I thought the pic was funny. Thanks to Bev S for sending it.

What If Bernie Is The Nominee?

I don't generally waste much time on Democrat politics, but this campaign season has been interesting. The Democrat race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has been particularly interesting. When Bernie first reared his ancient head as a potential candidate, I did not think he stood a snow ball's chance of getting any traction. He is not even an official Democrat. He is an independent Socialist that votes with the Democrats in the Senate. Now he is running on the Democrat label. He came within a delegate fraction of taking Iowa earlier this week and who knows? Maybe he did. Irregularities are being claimed on all sides. Now he is going to New Hampshire and he continues to gain ground in polls there. I wonder if the Democrats have considered that he may win the nomination?

Bernie Sanders is the logical next step up from Barrack Obama in the Marxist gradualism of the Democrat Party. Maybe he is the One...or next One as the case may be? Hillary is just too 'late 20th century' for today's progressives and Democrats. She represents what once was, but is no more. Never mind her criminal past, she is just old news. She is uncomfortable in her own skin and uncomfortable with the skin of others. She hates men...I wonder why?... and she hates other Democrats. The nursing home awaits her.

Either one of these will be inconsequential against the establishment favorite...Marco Rubio. Yes, I am still sticking with my prediction. Marco is the one. Whether he will win the big dance in November remains to be seen, but I think he will. Marco was not my candidate, but I still believe he is the real 'One'. Can you say 'President Rubio'?   

Finnish TV Releases Unintetionally Hilarious PSA on How to Protect Yourself From Rape

Apparently rape can be prevented in Finland by wearing huge oven mitts and swinging a 'bowling bag size' purse at the perpetrator. I had no idea it was that easy. Apparently American and European women have been doing it all wrong. Leave it to Finnish innovation to find the answer.

A Weird Week

Work has been strange this week. I knew my boss was coming up from St Louis, but then the feces struck the oscillating wind device. Just as my boss arrived yesterday, two managers from human resources arrived, accompanied by an area security manager.  This does not happen on any regular basis and the combination of these departments seldom bodes well for the operation. When you get HR and security together, someone usually gets fired on Friday. It will be interesting to see what develops.

We have two operations in my building. My boss oversees both of them. We are are what's called a cohab. Two different divisions of the company sharing the same digs is not unusual. Yesterday, the manager of the other operation was placed on vacation while an investigation was completed. I do not know what is being investigated. No one is me. I do know that this man's operation is a money making machine and if there was any way possible, the company would do well to find a way to exonerate him or at least take disciplinary action short of termination.

It's true that he is not always politically correct and sometimes he will cut corners to get the job done. I know he has offended many people in our organization with his directness about what he thinks regarding the company and his employees, but he is very, very good at what he does. He could squeeze a dime out of his last quarter.

It would be a mistake to fire him in my opinion. I guess if my opinion mattered though or I knew what HR and Security knows, I might feel different, but right know I am firmly in his court. I know full well how things can happen based on circumstantial evidence and poor investigatory skills of those that pursue such matters. I have been on the receiving end of such witch hunts and I know they will tie you to the pyre with little proof unless you take action to defend yourself.

The company I work for is big. I mean really big. They regularly eat people for lunch. There is always a steady stream of employees being turned into ex-employees worldwide. There is also a corporate bureaucracy that can only be compared to the US government. The company employs too many people whose job it is to look for trouble where there is none and then make a big deal of it to justify their cushy jobs. My company could create a fortune overnight by putting these people on the street to find honest work. I'm thinking though that work is not what they want to do. They would rather fire productive people and replace them with politically correct rule keepers that produce nothing besides good feelings.

As you can see, I have my own opinions. I would also like to say that if any one from work is reading this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Brian, if you are reading, and I KNOW you have before, this is my opinion. This is my space to share it. You would do well to leave it alone. I have not named the company or anyone involved in what's happening, so back away from your keyboard and keep your cool.

For the record, this may well be a righteous, well intended investigation involving serious charges that have to be answered. If so, let justice be done. I just have problems with the competence of one of the investigators. This person is more interested in closing cases than seeking truth. My experience with this person is that this person is incompetent. It's unfortunate that incompetent people rise to positions where they have power over the lives of others, but it happens all too frequently. Washington DC is an example of that.

If justice is done in this case, I will retract the things I have said here. I suspect I will not have to retract anything.