Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Great Conspiracies Of Our Time...The Devil Is in the Details

As it's Lincoln's birthday today, I though it might be interesting to look at some comparisons between the Lincoln assassination and the JFK assassination. I found these at White Out Press.

Lincoln-Kennedy Similarities and Coincidences
- Lincoln's name has 7 letters
- Kennedy's name has 7 letters

- In Lincoln's & Kennedy's names the vowels & consonants fall in exactly the same place; in the order c, v, c, c, v, c, c

- Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846
- Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

- Lincoln was elected president in 1860
- Kennedy was elected president in 1960

- Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln

- War was thrust upon Lincoln almost immediately after inauguration
- War was thrust upon Kennedy almost immediately after inauguration

- Lincoln ordered the Treasury to print its own money
- Kennedy ordered the Treasury to print its own money

- International bankers may have arranged the assassinations of both Lincoln and Kennedy

- Lincoln gave black Americans freedom and legalized equality
- Kennedy enforced equality for black Americans

- Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863
- Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963

- Lincoln was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson
- Kennedy was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson

- Andrew Johnson was born in 1808
- Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908

- Andrew Johnson's name has 13 letters
- Lyndon Johnson's name has 13 letters

- Andrew Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair
- Lyndon Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair

- Lincoln was sitting beside his wife when he was shot
- Kennedy was sitting beside his wife when he was shot

- Rathbone, who was with Lincoln when he was shot, was injured (by being stabbed)
- Connally, who was with Kennedy when he was shot, was injured (by being shot)

- Rathbone's name has 8 letters
- Connally's name has 8 letters

- Lincoln's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot
- Kennedy's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot

- Lincoln was shot on a Friday
- Kennedy was shot on a Friday

- Lincoln was shot in a theater named Ford
- Kennedy was shot in a car named Ford
- Kennedy was shot in a car also named Lincoln

- Lincoln's bodyguard was away from his post at the door of the President's box at the theater
- Kennedy's bodyguards were away from their posts on the running-boards of the President's car

- Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran to a warehouse
- JFK was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran to a theater

- Lincoln's assassin had a three-word name, John Wilkes Booth
- Kennedy's assassin had a three-word name, Lee Harvey Oswald

- John Wilkes Booth has 15 letters
- Lee Harvey Oswald has 15 letters

- John Wilkes Boothe was born in 1839 (s/b 1838)
- Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939

- Lincoln didn't die immediately after being shot
- Kennedy didn't die immediately after being shot

- Lincoln and Kennedy died in places beginning with the initials P and H
- Lincoln died in Petersen's house
- Kennedy died in Parkland Hospital

- Booth was shot and killed in police custody before going to trial
- Oswald was shot and killed in police custody before going to trial

- Kennedy's funeral was modeled on Lincoln's funeral

- Andrew Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behavior
- Lyndon Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behavior

- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Lincoln's assassination
- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Kennedy's assassination

- Days before it happened Lincoln told his wife and friends about a dream he'd had of being shot by an assassin
- Hours before it happened Kennedy told his wife and friends it would be easy for an assassin to shoot him from a crowd

- Shortly after Lincoln was shot the telegraph system went down
- Shortly after Kennedy was shot the telephone system went down

- Kennedy's father had been the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James
- Lincoln's son became the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James

Odd how these things work. Only involvement of a supernatural power could bring together such a mass of coincidences between two events separated by 98 years. It's just weird.

It's Not What You Do; It's Who You Know

Have you ever heard that expression? How many times have you gotten the job or the opportunity to do whatever because of who you knew?

That is many times the way it is. It helps even more if the person you know has influence in what ever it is you are trying to do.

Jesus told a story recorded in Luke 15 about a father with two sons. The youngest one decided he would take his inheritance early and left home. Lacking the wisdom and probably the desire to restrain himself, he burnt through his inheritance quickly and found himself in poverty in a foreign country. He had to take jobs that were beneath someone of his social class to support himself and it was not a good situation. He was eating at the animal trough with the pigs he was taking care of.

Experience is a great teacher. It will make you think and the situation this young man was in made him remember his home and how even his father's servants lived better than he was currently living.

With this in mind, he decided he would go home. He knew what he would say to his father.

18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.

What happens next is the crux of the story for me.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

You see, even before the son could make his apologies and put forward his repentance, he was embraced by his father and welcomed home.

The father knew the son. The son knew his father. And because of this, a second chance was forth coming.

You probably know the rest of the story, but if you don't, go to Luke 15:11-31 and read it.

The Lord knows all His children; the ones at home and the ones far away from Him. If you are ready to come home, He is waiting to welcome you. If you get to know Him, you will find Him to be gentle and meek. 

I can tell you as one of His servants, that you will be treated well. He will always be there to hear you and He is a great listener. He also forgives when forgiveness is required. You will never be alone again. He is always with you.

Consider getting to know Him. He is waiting.  

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