Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thanks Lord

Yesterday at work was good. Lord, you gave me and everyone else at work a peaceful day. I hope Lord, that this will continue. Please make it so. Thanks so much for that and all the other things you do in a day for me and others. Dad seemed happy when I left today too. There's currently peace and contentment all 'round. Thanks and amen to all that Lord.

I know it will not always be this way at work or at home, but I will take whatever you give Lord with joy in my heart! Thanks again.

Now Lord, I would pray that you would prepare my mind and spirit for what is coming in the near future. You know what I am talking about. Some final sign of your approval would be good Lord. I am not demanding a sign in an evil way as the Pharisees did, but it is important to me to know that this is what you want. Also, as the time approaches, please prepare the others. They will need Your peace with this as well. Guide us all with Your Spirit to come to understanding, agreement and maybe some ideas of a plan to move forward. If these things are not your will Lord, then please help me to let the whole thing go and continue to function in my regular capacity for you. I am fond of saying there is a time and a place for everything. Maybe there is not such a thing for this matter in your Church. I will accept whatever outcome. Thanks so much Lord.

Lord, we have customers coming into to work today for a 'meet and greet'. I know it seems like a petty thing, but it's important that this goes well for the future of our local organization and the employees. I will not be there much longer, but the others will be. Please watch over us today. Thanks.

As always, please take care of my church. Guide the leadership and staff. Help them to see where you want us to go on our journey for you.

Please lift the countenance of my friend who is in Minnesota today. Help him to find what he is looking for and please do not let him fall out of the tree. And please do not let him forget to bring back the bacon.

Please bless my friend to the south. Give him wisdom regarding his future with You Lord. He is your good servant and he has helped many. I pray that in whatever way You direct him, he will continue as your servant in this powerful way.

Finally, I pray that you would open the minds and the hearts of your church around the world. There are many that still need to hear and come alongside you in relationship. Help us to answer that need Lord. If we can each do our part in our own back yards, in our own nations, the impact would be tremendous. Please invigorate us with Your Spirit to offer your love and grace wherever we go.

In Your Name I pray these things.
