Monday, April 20, 2015

White People

This is not going to be a racist rant. I do not believe myself to be a bigot, but I am a Caucasian of European extraction and that is enough in many minds to qualify me as a hater and a bigot. Let me add to your suspicions. I am also a Christian, a Libertarian and a strict constructionist with regard to the constitution of the United States. Even so, I do not believe I am a racist, sexist, homophobe.

I am however, a very discriminating person. I have certain standards. This does not mean I would discriminate against you and whatever you are or that I believe you are less a human being in God's eyes or my own. We are all sinners. Some of us are sinners saved by His grace. Others are just sinners and I'm not sure what you "just sinners" are waiting for, but come on - get some salvation now while it's still available.

But that's not what I came here to talk about.

I think white folks are disappearing. We are not just turning into a minority due to immigration or birth control or abortion, though these things are not helping. No, we are disappearing. There is a reason for this. We are one subspecies among Homo Sapiens Sapiens that is difficult for those in power to be able to control.

Genuine biologists (not the PC, science is what you say it is types) will tell you there are differences genetically and right down to the DNA between the different types of humans that live on the planet. The most intelligent subspecies of the human species are the Caucasians and the Mongols. Between those two, the most fiercely independent and individualist are the Caucasians.

This is not environmental. It seems to be by design in my opinion, but even if you are an evolutionist, it is really strange how us white folks have managed to dominate the planet over the past 1000 years. Even the Romans before us lasted about that long.

Us western white boys are an enigma. We have been the most creative, free thinking peoples in the history of the planet, but we have also been the most destructive. Those among us that have managed to rise to the top in terms of planetary control, seem to have decided that the rest of us whites are a threat to their power. They are determined to wipe out - exterminate - white people as a individual race, regardless of what it takes. The chief weapons against us seem to be poverty, sexual freedom, inbreeding of the races, birth control, immigration and abortion. Destruction of white culture in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand is not helping. The world is about to become an essentially gray race whose aspirations to greatness will be crushed by a mongrelized gene pool.

The distinctness of the races was one of the beautiful things about humanity. It will soon be gone.

What will also be gone is individual thinking, individual liberty and personal control. When the "whiteness" of the human race is gone from a genetic and DNA point of view, the drive for human greatness and resistance to slavery will also die.

It is, after all, about control. To be sure, there will still be white people, but they will be from among the very worst stock. Those that survive the great intermingling will form a breakaway civilization that lives in victory over what remains of mongrelized humanity. They are already moving. It may already be to late to resist. Time will tell. My peeps are disappearing.

Bubba, pass me a brewsky....:^))))