Monday, February 2, 2015

Six of One And A Half Dozen Of the Other In 2016

Is this really going to be the offering in 2016? We get either the Whore of Babylon or the Bush Baby?

I'm sorry, but I can't. I just can't. We do not live in a hereditary monarchy. The Houses of Clinton and Bush need to go. The entire middle east is in flames because of the policies of these families. I cannot bear it any longer. If this is my choice, I will not tick a presidential candidate on my ballot.

It's time to consider adding "none of the above" to the ballot.

I might be able to pull the trigger for Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, but I cannot think of anyone else that would entice me into voting for a presidential candidate. And even these two would continue the Empirical reorganization of the middle east.

These are not good days for Christian Libertarians.

That Great Gettin' Up Morning


 It's been a busy day and it's only 9 AM. Popped out of the hole this morning and there it shadow in all it's glory. It seemed bigger than last year.

I know I know....everything will be all right. Spring, she is a coming albeit a bit later than we may have hoped, but it will come nevertheless!

Anyhow, the annual ceremony this morning made me think about something else. It kind of made me tear up with happiness. It seems that happiness always makes my face leak, but here it is. Here is what I thought about....
1 John 3:2-3
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
There will come a day, a great and glorious day, when the Son of the Lord God will appear in the eastern sky. His glory and brilliance will outshine the sun and the days of shadow and darkness will be no more. The dead will live again and those of us that are His will rise to meet Him in the air.

All the world will see Him and those of us that are His will be remade, we will be like him, becoming eternal beings with new bodies and pure minds, prepared for eternal service in His everlasting kingdom. The Peace that Passes All Understanding will be upon us and we will share with Him in His eternal inheritance. 

All the spring times in my life here will not compare to the final Spring that is coming. I long for the Day.


So bring it on Lord. 

Lord, Thanks for the promise. Thanks for setting in motion the final reunion. It will be good to be with you both in Spirit and in Person.

Lord, it's time now to resume the daily grind, to get back to the matters of the world that really do not matter all that much. But I wanted you to know when I saw the sun this morning, it made me think of you. You light up life when I am surrounded by darkness and I know you are going to get me through to the Day we all look forward to.

Please watch over me today. Let me reflect your glory. Take care of Dad today while I'm gone. Please keep him upright and safe.

Please bless my workplace, my church and my home. Drive the evil one from our presence. Assign him to the abyss. Strengthen me for the time that is coming.

I love you.

In Your Name I pray these thing....Amen and Amen