Thursday, May 14, 2015

Some Things to Think About....

What if I told you that the majority of daily events that you see or hear about in the news every day are not real. By 'not real', I mean they were created and directed as if they were for entertainment purposes, intended to generate an underlying emotion like fear or envy or sexual desire or hunger or complacency or something else.

I am serious here. Think about events like the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, the London subway bombings (was that 7/07?). Or how about on a smaller scale like Sandy Hook or the drought in California or the earthquakes in Fukishima and Katmandu?

These were all real events in that people died and much property was destroyed, but could they have been deliberately caused to generate fear, political backlash and control where it did not exist before?

Governments, corporations and multi-national banks have considerable power in our world. To maintain that power they must attempt to control the will of the populace. That is best done by creating environments of need - for security or for relief or for financial help. The primary motivators for humans rise from our emotional state. Fear of death is a primary motivator. It also helps if we are ignorant and uniformed or more importantly disinformed. This makes us easily manipulated.

Example: How do we prevent another 9/11? Pass laws eliminating our civil rights so we will be able to after the bad guys. (Patriot Act)

Example: How do we prevent another Sandy Hook? Ban all guns.

Example: How do we eliminate financial insecurity? Eliminate cash. Charge people for their deposits.

I could go on. The fact is that we are being manipulated daily by the news media monopoly, politicians and bad advertising. I also believe we are also being manipulated by planned disasters and tragedies. And yes, I think that everything I mentioned above were planned events - false flags if you will - designed to manipulate us all.

Someone might ask how you can plan an earthquake. It can be done. On a small scale, simple fracking for oil can cause minor earthquakes. Larger, more deadly quakes can be created with the use of ultra low frequency radio waves bounced off the ionosphere. These have been used already in undeclared wars that have been going on for decades. They have also been used to punish governments that do not tow the line for the Empire. Properly placed atomic weapons can also induce major quakes. Used under water or deep under ground the actual explosions would seem to be part of the tectonic shift and would go unnoticed for the most part along with the radiation.

I also have come to the conclusion that we are being sprayed from the air. I don't know what it is, but attempts to analyze it show high counts of barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fiber. This may merely be attempts to control and manipulate the weather, but you have to wonder, whatever the purpose is, what is it doing to us? Have you noticed the great quantities of contrails in the air? How they some times criss-cross the sky like checker boards? And the hang time of these contrails is incredible. When I was a kid I would see contrails in the sky and they would quickly dissipate. Today they hang in the air and turn the whole sky a milky white...usually followed by storms of some sort the next day. How long has it been since you've seen a truly blue sky? I remember them fondly, but I have not seen one in awhile...maybe January.  

Every time I ask "WHY", the only answer that I come up with is control. It's also what Common Core is about and I have not even touched that yet. Google it if you want to get really frustrated. And there is vaccines (that don't work or kill) and GMO's and and get my drift.

I know by now 90% of you are thinking I need a dose of lithium and one of those white jackets with the weird sleeves. I understand. Ya'll can go back to sleep and let the new world order sweep over you. The dreams should be good and better than the reality.

I am not going to have to live in this new world, at least not for long, but the rest of you better buckle your seat belt. I'm thinking they are only getting started. Trouble is afoot on a grand scale. They are practicing for the final lock down now. The US population is the only real variable. There are still some among us that think like the freedmen or our ancestor's day. How will the Empire deal with a local uprising in their own back yard? Check out Jade Helm 15 for at least a partial answer to that.

Freedom is not free people and soon it will be unavailable to everyone, but don't you worry. You will still be able to get you big mac, you recreational pot and your abortion. If you want to die, no one will stand in your way.

But if you want to live...well, that might be a problem. Back to work slave...that is what you are you know. You are either a wage slave or you are living off of a wage slave. Ever think about that?

Ya, even if you're probably collect social security right? See what I mean. And I suspect there will come a day where we will all be expected as an act of good citizenship to expire by the time we are 75 years old. That could even be accomplished without you knowing it with aerosols sprayed from a high altitude, with nanites in your flu shot or with an implant in your new knee that the government (us) paid for.

Well, I'm going to bed now. It would be interesting if, when I woke up, I was 23 again and all of this last 34 years had been a dream. It would be like taking the blue pill. I'm beginning to wish I had. Sleep tight America. Your time is about up.       

More Very Talented Evian Babies

If I had known babies could do stuff like this, I might have made one. Who knew?

Evian Commercial

I've obviously not been watching enough TV. These Evian commercials are hilarious. Someone from my Sunday school class sent me this one. Babies are funny, but these babies just make you happy.

Kefir and Almond Milk

I am not what you would call health food nut.  I am not vegan or vegetarian (and I am told there is a difference). I do not spend my spare time sprouting seeds and worrying about whether a food source is organic, though it may eventually come to that. Having said that, when they make it easy for me to eat healthy, I do participate. I just like it when healthy food is as convenient as a Egg McMuffin if you know what I mean...and I do like me some that kind of stuff.  

There are many healthy choices on today's grocery store shelves if you just look. Many organic items and many stores with strictly healthy food sections. Hy Vee here in Iowa is an example of this. Hy Vee is wonderful, though kind of expensive. In Altoona Iowa, the Hy Vee has a sushi bar....yes, a sushi bar. Those farmers line up for their sushi. I think maybe it's an excuse to buy a bottle of sa'ke to wash down the raw fish, but I digress. I do not yet eat sushi, but I do not rule it out either.

What I wanted to talk about were two healthy items that are also convenient. The first one is Kefir. Kefir is an interesting item - a dairy product that is also good for you. It's basically fermented cows milk. If that puts you off, I am sorry. I know you are probably thinking of sour milk, but really, it's more like a liquid yogurt that you can drink and it comes in flavors or can be used to make fruit smoothies which are delicious. I personally am a yogurt lover so I transitioned quickly to Kefir. I like the red raspberry flavor produced by Lifeway. It is delicious.

 Image result for kefir

The nutritional thing about Kefir is that it is packed with probiotic bacteria and calcium and protein, but it has no more than 10% of the lactose of regular whole milk products and it's low in fat. I think it's delicious and it's full of stuff that us senior citizens may be lacking in our diets. Pick up jug today and try it. Be sure to give the bottle a good shake each and every time before opening.

The other item I wanted to discuss is almond milk. This product fascinates me. I bought a half gallon jug of it at Hy Vee (it's in the regular dairy case). It was the chocolate almond milk and I could not tell that it was not a dairy product. It tasted just like the chocolate milk I am accustomed to, but here is the healthy kicker. Almond milk contains no fat, no cholesterol and no lactose. And while it does not have as much calcium as cows milk, it is still loaded with vital vitamins and minerals. The only drawback that I see is that it contains Carrageenan which is a controversial food additive that is illegal in some countries. I will let you make the determination about that. I can tell you that it's most likely in your diet anyway.

Couldn't hurt to try some.

Image result for almond milk nutrition facts
A third thing that I would like to give honorable mention to is something that I just love - unroasted nuts and dried fruit. This can be an expensive habit, but it is also very good for you. I buy unroasted, unsalted cashews, almonds, and shelled pistachios and mix them with dried cherries and cranberries. The mix is delicious. They make for a great snack that is high in protein and EFA's (essential fatty acids) that are undisturbed by the roasting process. Very heart healthy, anti inflamatory and I find, memory enhancing.