Friday, August 7, 2015

Which Countries Are Most Likely to Default on Their Debts

Here's a nifty "default" map supplied by Tyler Durden over at Zero Hedge via The Bank of America. I find stuff like this fascinating. We've been hearing a lot about Greece lately, but it looks like Venezuela has out paced them by several orders of magnitude and yet we've heard little about their economic troubles. I was also surprised by the placements of the US, Russia and China. Apparently, even though the US has maxed out the credit cards, we still have a very valuable line of credit available from somewhere. We are the 4th least likely to default. This means that someone somewhere believes that we will at least keep up with the interest payments. We are apparently good slaves. Only Germany, Switzerland and Sweden have better rankings. Meanwhile, Russia is the 7th most likely to default. China is firmly toward the middle of the list.

I Would Like To....UPDATED

It's the perfect day for it. It's Friday. It's summertime. My boss is in town. I really feel like quitting. Unfortunately, I have nothing in place to allow that sequence of events without some kind of disaster befalling me in the process. I need to to get my ducks in a row and make it happen. I am fed up.

I feel better now. I have vented.

Looking forward to the weekend; to getting my lesson ready for my Sunday school class. I enjoy the process. I almost wish I could do it everyday. It's like my escape mechanism from the troubles of my present life. I hold up on the lower level of the house, pool what I already know, expound on it in writing, look up the connections in scripture (my favorite part) and prepare to present. Then Sunday, I will ask the relevant questions to the Wise that gather in my 8 AM group and we will discuss and fellowship over the promises of the Lord our God. It's a short lived, but invigorating event.

That's the way I feel about it anyway. They may be board to death and have nothing better to do at 0800. Whatever the case, I am glad they come.

I'm going to work now. Pray that I don't do something stupid! (;^))))    

UPDATE - I made through the day without quitting. My boss went home before I got to work. Made it easier to resist the urge. I do need to do something though. I hate feeling like this every Monday and Friday.