Lord, I love you. Yes, I am sucking up just a bit. That's beside the point. I know you get that all the time. Even so, I pray.
Lord, I thank you for another day of life. I will be forever grateful for everything you have given me. Thanks for the necessities...for food, water, shelter, clothing, transportation, a job, a pay check. All the stuff that gets me thru the day, the week, the life that you have given me. Basic survival is important.
Lord, I thank you also for the time I have had over the past two decades with the parents and the grandparents. Three of those four are gone now, but you brought me home so that I could enjoy them a little longer. I thank you and praise your name for that. I also thank you for the time I've had with Dad. The last 4 years have been tough for both of us, but we have been getting to know each other again and many issues are resolving themselves because of your grace and forethought in these matters.
I would also offer thanksgiving for church, work and my Sunday School class and for the relationships and friendships that have grown from these places. They all have helped to bring meaning to an otherwise meaningless life and it's because you insinuate yourself into all these places that I frequent that I find some peace and satisfaction in continuing to move through Your creation.
Lord, it was good to have Eric in my life when he was here. I fear that I have somehow ruined what was once a very valuable friendship and a gift from You. He should know me well enough by now to know that sometimes my mouth engages before my brain edits the noise. I miss him. Please send him back.
Thanks for Oliver. He's only a Wheaton Terrier, but he is company and a comfort to Dad and another faithful friend.
Thanks for the beauty of your creation and my continuing ability to enjoy it.
And thanks for time off...hope to have some soon...goin fishin don't you know!
Thanks Lord for your love, your grace your kindness to me; for the compassion and the forgiveness. I'm not sure why you put up with me, but you do and I LOVE YOU ALL THE MORE FOR IT.
Please forgive me when I sin against you by word or deed or even failure to act. Rehabilitate me as best you can and bring me home on the Day...it ain't far off now...not that I'm counting.
Please bring some spiritual healing; at least enough to get me through the rest of my life here Lord and do your best to keep me healthy at least long enough to see Dad home to you.
I appreciate those things you do for me, for hearing my prayers and for taking care of those I pray for. You are so kind to me.
Please watch over Dad for me today. Keep him safe. I can't be there all the time. Please keep watch on my church...your church...help us to get to know each other better...you know what I'm talking about.
Lord, even I have had a few friends in my life. I don't know where they all are exactly, but I would pray that you take care of them and watch over them. If they need faith, please help them to find it and please help them to forgive me if I ever mislead them...probably did at least a couple of times.
I need to think about going to work now, but first I have lunch with my former boss Dirk...I pray that will go well Lord. It will be good to renew and old friendship.
Thanks for being my Lord
In Your Name I Pray These Things