Monday, March 12, 2012

Well, This Was Hilarious

There seems to be a new shoe style for women. According to the Orange News:
A German designer has created a bizarre new range of shoes - from dead animal parts.
Iris Schieferstein, 45, spends months creating high heel horse hooves, stilettos from snake skins and sandals sculpted from doves.
Ms Schieferstein, who designed a pair of horse hooves for Lady Gaga, sells the shoes for up to £3,900.
She collects the dead animals from her local butcher in Berlin, then spends a week stripping out the meat and bones from the animal's feet before the skin is sent to a tanner to be preserved.
The sculptor then sets the skin - complete with fur still in place - around a shoe model before doing any needlework to add insoles and lining.
She said: "I love horses and I love shoes so I thought this would be perfect. Horses have a beautiful walk and I wanted to recreate that with my footwear.
Ladies, would you wear a pair of these? It's a strange statement coming from someone that claims to love horses. I'm partial to cow parts, but I don't believe I'd wear a fillet Mignon. I guess I do wear leather though, so to each his own. Even so, I suppose accessorizing these would be a challenge. Ever wonder what happened to Mr. Ed?

I wonder how she'd do chicken feet?
Probably something like this...
Foghorn Leghorn

Harbingers of Spring

It's beginning. There's no stopping it. It's my favorite time of year...

 Brave Sir Robin comes to the window.

The crocus are putting on a show

The snowdrops are doing their thing...there's also some sedum pushing through in that first snowdrop picture. Look closely.

And let's hope this is over...

It might just be time for a little of this...

Springtime is God's reminder to us that He always brings life from death. The beauty of His creation and the ability to enjoy it are among His greatest gifts to humanity. I'm baffled that anyone could look at these living things and not see an intelligent design and the hand of a Creator.
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
 Romans 1:20

Lord, we are thankful for a mild winter, but an early spring would be great.