I have discovered a blog you might want to visit. It's called Your Other Brothers. I would issue one caveat. If you think I "overshare" here sometimes, then you may not want to go there. The guys are very frank about their lives as same sex attracted Christians. they discuss everything. I mean everything. They even managed to embarrass me. Even so, I found myself both laughing and crying and sympathizing and agonizing with them.
There are 14 of them in total and they all have their own stories as well as interesting blog posts. They all seem to be between 20 and 30 years old. Some are married...to women... that know who they are and I believe some have children.
I am so happy for them that they have built this place where they can be honest and open about their struggles and help the rest of us at the same time. It's some good stuff.
Here is an excerpt from "Elliot's Story Chapter One"
"But the most significant memory from this period of my life
occurred when I was riding my tricycle around the parking lot watching
David play basketball with some of the other kids from the trailer park.
The sun was setting and the sky was a vibrant orange.
One of the boys was not wearing a shirt, and it mesmerized me.
His name was Brad, and he was very tan. The warm setting summer sun
glistened off his maturing body as he jumped for the basketball hoop. My
trance was broken when my brother yelled at me for being in the way, so
I rode home.
That was the first time I remember being physically attracted to
another guy. I remember fantasizing about that boy for years afterward.
To this day, he is just as vivid in my memory. I find it odd that a
three-year-old would have such a strong physical, almost sexual
attraction at all — let alone to another boy. That makes me question if
there are some other memories that may have been suppressed and lost in
the dark hallways of that trailer."
It's all high quality stuff. The writing is great. The stories are great. The topics are diverse. Take a look. I would like to write for them, but they seem to be well in advance of me in their skills. They are a courageous bunch.
Unwanted Visitor
11:28 a.m. A Kila woman reported that employees of the Internal Revenue Service were at her house harassing her for money.
12:21 p.m. A black lab in Evergreen jumped a tall fence and ran behind the Town Pump.
2:43 p.m. Someone from a Kalispell business complained that customers keep driving over their rock displays.
3:02 p.m. A Whitefish resident claimed that her neighbor was in his driveway shooting at old appliances with his shotgun. The caller worried about passers by and wayward bird shot.
6:01 p.m. A Whitefish woman reported that a shepherd wearing a bandana frequently visits her at home and she’s tired of it.
7:04 p.m. A man with brown hair ran a stop sign on Lion Mountain Road.
Having shepherds visit is daunting enough. When they have headgear, it's intimidating. And what are the sheep doing while this guy is at her house? Are they in the yard? Hard to say. Shepherding can be lonely business, but I'm sure they explained that at the job interview.