I am going to say this once. It will irritate many people on both sides - all sides - of the argument. So be it. I am not noted for wishing to please....necessarily.
The blame for the current cultural kerfuffle over same sex marriage lies squarely in the lap of the Church. Oh yes it does. Somewhere in history, maybe the 14th century, the Church in the west allowed the state to take control of who could marry whom.
This is the tragedy. As a Christian Libertarian, it is repugnant to me that the Church, any church, would allow the state to control any covenental cultural institution - especially one as important as marriage. If we, as Christians, strive for anything in the political arena regarding the same sex marriage issue, it should be the revocation of state control and licensing of marriage. The state should have NO PART in saying who can marry and who cannot marry. They should not be allowed to license it. Marriage is a covenant between two people in the eyes of God (or whatever they worship, be it themselves or some false god) and their respective families. It is none of the state's business!!!
Some will raise hands pawing the air, "...but Ghog, how would divorce be handled then?". First, as a Christian, let me advise that God hates divorce, so you really should rethink any contemplation of that act. Beyond that, I am a realist and I know divorce is always a possibility, mostly due to the hardness of people's hearts, but there is an answer here.
Marriage is convenental....contractual if you will, and I know many believe there is a difference, but not in the eyes of the state. So if divorce becomes necessary, the state must treat those divorcing as contractors and sort out how the contract should be ended. If the state does not control or license marriage, I would imagine that prenuptial contracts would become very popular for the protection of everyone involved. I do not care. As long as the state is out of the mix, I do not care.
My Christian brethren will say, "but Ghog, how will that help? It will not stop gay marriage."
To which I say, that is correct. It will not stop same sex marriage. It is not for us to say whether they can or cannot marry if they are not Christian and not a part of our church. Again, as with the case of the state, it is none of the church's business....unless these people are part of the church.
Same sex attracted people live in difficult times. If they are part of the church, they must walk a fine line of chastity and purity to remain within the correct definitions of God's will. If they are not part of the church, they can do as they please and face the same Judge we all will face on the great and terrible Day of the Lord. Either way, dependence on God's grace will be required. My view is that resistance to the urge is necessary. Sex is always a choice whether you are married, straight or gay or something in between like Bruce Jenner.
As a single man, I can tell you that you will not die if you do not have sex. I'm 57 and have avoided it since I was 23 years old. It was a rough ride, but it can be done.
All that aside, for us Christians, marriage is a sacred thing and it should be treated as such. Others have different views. If they are not a part of the faith, then we must let them live as they wish until such time that they receive a call by God and are convicted of their disobedience.
One more thing. The state should not subsidize marriage or the production of children. They need to stay out of our families as much as possible. No one should be penalized or rewarded for marrying or reproducing. No more tax rewards for people that can't control themselves....(that last bit was me having a joke at the expense of all you breeders out there).
So there you have it. Do with it what you like. I will always opt to keep out the state. They should have as little control in these personal issues as possible in my view.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Yes, I know. I've written nothing today. Sorry. I have industrial engineers in the office from corporate and I need to appear productive or they will advise HR to externally redeploy me. Thanks for understanding.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Did Jesus Have Fun?
As I read the New Testament and particularly the gospels, I find myself wondering if Jesus had a sense of humor, and did He like to have fun? It's a worthy question, but any kind of answer is buried, I think, in the nature of inspiration and how the Word of God was delivered to men.
To be sure, there are books in the Bible, and particularly the Old Testament, that are fraught with emotion. Jeremiah the prophet was a man given to sorrow and it comes through strongly in his prophecies, but one has to wonder if he is merely relaying the sorrow of God Himself over the behavior of His people.
The momentary illicit passions of David in a difficult time is portrayed masterfully in 2 Samuel and God's response via the prophet, Nathan, is superbly illustrated.
But with Jesus, the gospel writers seem to be very matter of fact and almost emotionless as they relay the events of Christ's life to us. To be sure, Jesus was a man of many sorrows. He bore the burden of the world on His shoulders even as He tried to bring hope to a people hopelessly lost in their sins. There is so much about Him in the gospels and most of it seems to be very serious and pointed toward making people see that they need to come back to God and realize the desperateness of their situation. And that is as it should be.
But if you look closely....if you try to read His life in first century eyes...you can find humor, irony, sarcasm and even satire in His life and most especially the Stories that He tells.
One of event comes to mind. In Matthew 14:27-33, the disciples are on the sea of Galilee on a boat when it suddenly gets very windy. It is so bad that there lives are in peril. Jesus, who was not with them, walked out onto the wind tossed lake to bring them hope. Peter sees him and asks to join Him on the water. And for me, this is where hilarity ensues. Peter is always all full of himself, especially when others are watching. Jesus knows this and He also knows that Peter is perceived as a leader in the group, so Jesus accedes to Peter's request and invites him to step out of the boat. You all know the result. My personal amplification of the Matthew passage goes something like this...
Jesus: "Guys, chill out. Everything will be fine. It's Me. I'm here."
Peter: "Lord, It's you? Can I walk out there with you? Let me try"
Jesus: Big smile on his face. Almost laughing. " Really? That might be fun. Step on out. Take a walk with Me"
Peter: "Wow...amazing. My feet are barely touching the water. I feel lighter than air"
Jesus: Now laughing. "Dude, quit lookin at the water. Keep your eyes on Me or you will go down. I'm tellin ya..
But it was too late. He was already sinking, but Jesus...He did what He always does...He saved Simon Peter. Then, with a smile on His face and an arm around a wet, embarrassed Simon Peter Jesus says, "you doubted Me. Where is your faith man? You've seen what I can do. Why didn't you trust Me? It's OK. You've come a long ways. I know there was a day when you wouldn't have even gotten out of the boat! I am so proud of you. Next time, you will know what to do. I love you."
That's the way it plays out in my mind when I read it. Jesus does have a personality. He has a sense of humor and a deep sense of empathy for us as men and women. He feels our joys, our sorrows, our pain and He allows us to cling to him when we are sinking in life's turmoils. He is there for us. We are His little brothers and sisters and He takes much pleasure in teaching us and yes, I'm sure He laughs at us from time to time.
To be sure, there are books in the Bible, and particularly the Old Testament, that are fraught with emotion. Jeremiah the prophet was a man given to sorrow and it comes through strongly in his prophecies, but one has to wonder if he is merely relaying the sorrow of God Himself over the behavior of His people.
The momentary illicit passions of David in a difficult time is portrayed masterfully in 2 Samuel and God's response via the prophet, Nathan, is superbly illustrated.
But with Jesus, the gospel writers seem to be very matter of fact and almost emotionless as they relay the events of Christ's life to us. To be sure, Jesus was a man of many sorrows. He bore the burden of the world on His shoulders even as He tried to bring hope to a people hopelessly lost in their sins. There is so much about Him in the gospels and most of it seems to be very serious and pointed toward making people see that they need to come back to God and realize the desperateness of their situation. And that is as it should be.
But if you look closely....if you try to read His life in first century eyes...you can find humor, irony, sarcasm and even satire in His life and most especially the Stories that He tells.
One of event comes to mind. In Matthew 14:27-33, the disciples are on the sea of Galilee on a boat when it suddenly gets very windy. It is so bad that there lives are in peril. Jesus, who was not with them, walked out onto the wind tossed lake to bring them hope. Peter sees him and asks to join Him on the water. And for me, this is where hilarity ensues. Peter is always all full of himself, especially when others are watching. Jesus knows this and He also knows that Peter is perceived as a leader in the group, so Jesus accedes to Peter's request and invites him to step out of the boat. You all know the result. My personal amplification of the Matthew passage goes something like this...
Jesus: "Guys, chill out. Everything will be fine. It's Me. I'm here."
Peter: "Lord, It's you? Can I walk out there with you? Let me try"
Jesus: Big smile on his face. Almost laughing. " Really? That might be fun. Step on out. Take a walk with Me"
Peter: "Wow...amazing. My feet are barely touching the water. I feel lighter than air"
Jesus: Now laughing. "Dude, quit lookin at the water. Keep your eyes on Me or you will go down. I'm tellin ya..
But it was too late. He was already sinking, but Jesus...He did what He always does...He saved Simon Peter. Then, with a smile on His face and an arm around a wet, embarrassed Simon Peter Jesus says, "you doubted Me. Where is your faith man? You've seen what I can do. Why didn't you trust Me? It's OK. You've come a long ways. I know there was a day when you wouldn't have even gotten out of the boat! I am so proud of you. Next time, you will know what to do. I love you."
That's the way it plays out in my mind when I read it. Jesus does have a personality. He has a sense of humor and a deep sense of empathy for us as men and women. He feels our joys, our sorrows, our pain and He allows us to cling to him when we are sinking in life's turmoils. He is there for us. We are His little brothers and sisters and He takes much pleasure in teaching us and yes, I'm sure He laughs at us from time to time.
Monday, April 27, 2015
What is Truth?
In conversation with Pontius Pilate (John 18:37, 18), Jesus said, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” Pilates' answer to this was, "What is truth?" I don't know if he was being sarcastic or serious, but it is a fair question.
What is Truth? Is there absolute truth? Are there many truths? Is what is not true for one, the absolute truth for someone else?
Well, yes and no. We go through our lives learning things, experiencing events and behaving in various ways and this process teaches us what things are true and good and useful and what is not. There are other things that seem to be hard wired into us and which we feel we have little control over. It is what it is. All of these things point us to and develop our sense of what truth is and so, in that sense, truth can be a relative thing to the experiencer (if that's a word).
The reality of all this...the truth if you will...is that no matter what we experience here in this life and no matter how much we believe that we are hard wired to behave in certain ways, there is only one absolute truth and that truth is God.
So how do we know the truth of God? There is only one way in our day and that is through revelation from Him. That revelation is His inspired, written Word delivered through various prophets, scribes and apostles and collected through divine providence as one unit known as the Bible. God's truth resides in these pages, delivered for all time. It is in the Bible that we learn of the sinful state of humanity. We learn how it all happened and we also learn the remedy. And that remedy is Jesus Christ. His teaching and His personal sacrifice make it possible for us to remove the barriers between God and ourselves. All we have to do is believe the TRUTH.
Jesus is the Christ - the Messiah - the Son of the Living God! He offered Himself in sacrifice for our sins and after His death, he rose from the grave victorious over both sin and death.
If you believe that, then you do well, because it is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man.
God is a number of things, but it all starts with His Truth. If you accept His truth, then you have faith. If you have faith in Him, then you learn to love Him and eventually others. Faith and love produce trust - trust in God and in your fellow believers. And that trust creates unity within the family of God and a general sense of joy begins to pervade the individual as well as the whole body of Christ which is His Church. All these things are bound together in obedience to God's commands and as Jesus said, "my commands are not burdensome".
The whole process of learning to live and love within God's Truth is an amazing journey and it has been a long one for me. I am still struggling with a few things, but I know this:
Jesus Christ is my savior and the knowledge of His Father's Truth resides in me. I am saved by His grace through faith and that....is The Truth (Ephesians 2:8)
Why not join us in the Truth...? Jesus said,
Matthew 11:28, 29
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
There is still time to learn the absolute truth, the flesh not withstanding. Pick up a Bible. Read the gospel of John. Read the book of Acts. Find out for yourself why, after 2000 years, the idea is still alive and then join us.
I think this is in Isaiah...."The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God will stand forever."
God keeps His promises to those that believe and love Him.
He's waiting.
What is Truth? Is there absolute truth? Are there many truths? Is what is not true for one, the absolute truth for someone else?
Well, yes and no. We go through our lives learning things, experiencing events and behaving in various ways and this process teaches us what things are true and good and useful and what is not. There are other things that seem to be hard wired into us and which we feel we have little control over. It is what it is. All of these things point us to and develop our sense of what truth is and so, in that sense, truth can be a relative thing to the experiencer (if that's a word).
The reality of all this...the truth if you will...is that no matter what we experience here in this life and no matter how much we believe that we are hard wired to behave in certain ways, there is only one absolute truth and that truth is God.
So how do we know the truth of God? There is only one way in our day and that is through revelation from Him. That revelation is His inspired, written Word delivered through various prophets, scribes and apostles and collected through divine providence as one unit known as the Bible. God's truth resides in these pages, delivered for all time. It is in the Bible that we learn of the sinful state of humanity. We learn how it all happened and we also learn the remedy. And that remedy is Jesus Christ. His teaching and His personal sacrifice make it possible for us to remove the barriers between God and ourselves. All we have to do is believe the TRUTH.
Jesus is the Christ - the Messiah - the Son of the Living God! He offered Himself in sacrifice for our sins and after His death, he rose from the grave victorious over both sin and death.
If you believe that, then you do well, because it is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man.
God is a number of things, but it all starts with His Truth. If you accept His truth, then you have faith. If you have faith in Him, then you learn to love Him and eventually others. Faith and love produce trust - trust in God and in your fellow believers. And that trust creates unity within the family of God and a general sense of joy begins to pervade the individual as well as the whole body of Christ which is His Church. All these things are bound together in obedience to God's commands and as Jesus said, "my commands are not burdensome".
The whole process of learning to live and love within God's Truth is an amazing journey and it has been a long one for me. I am still struggling with a few things, but I know this:
Jesus Christ is my savior and the knowledge of His Father's Truth resides in me. I am saved by His grace through faith and that....is The Truth (Ephesians 2:8)
Why not join us in the Truth...? Jesus said,
Matthew 11:28, 29
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
There is still time to learn the absolute truth, the flesh not withstanding. Pick up a Bible. Read the gospel of John. Read the book of Acts. Find out for yourself why, after 2000 years, the idea is still alive and then join us.
I think this is in Isaiah...."The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God will stand forever."
God keeps His promises to those that believe and love Him.
He's waiting.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Who Is Reading TDGH You Ask???
I find this fascinating. I do not know how they get here or what they are searching for that brings them here, but it's nice to have them visit. I have been viewed throughout Europe and Russia this week as well as the United States. Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by.
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Friday, April 24, 2015
Oh Bruce, We Hardly Knew Ye..
From The Daily Caller
"After months of speculation that he was transitioning into a woman, Bruce Jenner confirmed the news in an interview with Diane Sawyer that aired on ABC Friday night, clarifying that he is also a Republican and a Christian."

Nothing is set in stone. Not even one's gender apparently. I know they've been doing gender reassignment surgery since the 70's at least, but there is something special about this one. It's more annoying, particularly for men that idolized Miss Jenner when they were teens. Nothing is safe. Not even testosterone.
She says she's a woman now. Really? Is that all it takes for a man to become a woman? Take some hormones. Grow some head hair. Grow some breasts. Have some electrolysis. Find the right doctor to lop off your 3 piece set. Poof you're a woman?
I don't think so. Women are born, not made.
Eunuchs, on the other hand, are made. I think that's what Ms Jenner really is. A eunuch.
Women have ovaries, a uterus and a vagina among other anatomical items. Bruce, you will never have these organs.
A woman can reproduce human beings. They can make breast milk. All Bruce can do is feel pretty and feminine.
He has mutilated his body so he can feel better about himself.
I do not understand and really...well never mind.
Bruce, you will never be a woman. And now you will never again be a man either. I feel badly for you. I do not think you will be happy. It remains to be seen.
I wonder...as a female, will he be a lesbian or a heterosexual? There are so many issues. You could make a TV show out of it...oh wait...he is.
My very favorite part though is that she claims to be a Republican. Now there's some justice. I wonder if he supports Ted Cruz. That would be sweet. I can hear it now..."Get your Tranny on with Bruce...vote Republican in 2016"
I am so funny...
As for the Christian part...well, God's grace goes a long way. Jesus Christ will be his/her judge; not me. I wish him/her the best on judgement day. There are worse things. You could be a genocidal maniac like Hitler and Obama and the Bushs.
Ms Jenner should probably steer clear of the Muslims though...they would probably do something nasty to him/her.
What was that song that the Kinks did back in the 70's? Lola?
"After months of speculation that he was transitioning into a woman, Bruce Jenner confirmed the news in an interview with Diane Sawyer that aired on ABC Friday night, clarifying that he is also a Republican and a Christian."
Nothing is set in stone. Not even one's gender apparently. I know they've been doing gender reassignment surgery since the 70's at least, but there is something special about this one. It's more annoying, particularly for men that idolized Miss Jenner when they were teens. Nothing is safe. Not even testosterone.
She says she's a woman now. Really? Is that all it takes for a man to become a woman? Take some hormones. Grow some head hair. Grow some breasts. Have some electrolysis. Find the right doctor to lop off your 3 piece set. Poof you're a woman?
I don't think so. Women are born, not made.
Eunuchs, on the other hand, are made. I think that's what Ms Jenner really is. A eunuch.
Women have ovaries, a uterus and a vagina among other anatomical items. Bruce, you will never have these organs.
A woman can reproduce human beings. They can make breast milk. All Bruce can do is feel pretty and feminine.
He has mutilated his body so he can feel better about himself.
I do not understand and really...well never mind.
Bruce, you will never be a woman. And now you will never again be a man either. I feel badly for you. I do not think you will be happy. It remains to be seen.
I wonder...as a female, will he be a lesbian or a heterosexual? There are so many issues. You could make a TV show out of it...oh wait...he is.
My very favorite part though is that she claims to be a Republican. Now there's some justice. I wonder if he supports Ted Cruz. That would be sweet. I can hear it now..."Get your Tranny on with Bruce...vote Republican in 2016"
I am so funny...
As for the Christian part...well, God's grace goes a long way. Jesus Christ will be his/her judge; not me. I wish him/her the best on judgement day. There are worse things. You could be a genocidal maniac like Hitler and Obama and the Bushs.
Ms Jenner should probably steer clear of the Muslims though...they would probably do something nasty to him/her.
What was that song that the Kinks did back in the 70's? Lola?
1000 Leaks
If a ship has 1000 leaks and the crew cannot not patch the leaks quickly enough or keep the incoming water baled, then they need to go to Plan B. The obligation to the passengers and to the crew members should be to save as many lives as possible. This should become the first priority. There are any number of reasons why the ship might be leaking. The boat might be old or poorly maintained or someone may have sabotaged it. Whatever the case, if hull integrity cannot be maintained, then the crew and passengers must abandon ship and save what is savable. It is not a time to become obsessed with the leak problem to the point that you go down with the sinking ship. Save yourself. Save others. Get in the life boats and move away before you die.
Makes sense does it not?
The American Christian Church is in such a boat. For centuries it has been in lockstep and love with the American Idea. Our culture was Christian. Even people that did not believe in our country would still hold fast to Christian morality and Christian principles.
This is no longer the case. Yet we remain in this boat trying to fix the leaks as it slowly sinks into the sea.
Brethren, the leaks are not our problem. We know why the ship is leaking, but many of the crew and passengers do not care and we cannot fix it alone. It is time to abandon the American ship and take as many with us as possible before she goes down. We have to untie our Christian faith from America and let it drift and sink. We can rescue the "floaters" as we find them and then go ashore a build a new ship.
Yes, this is what it's coming to. We need to separate ourselves from them and let them die or grab one of the life preservers that we throw out. America is dying. It has been a slow suicide attempt, but we are unable to stop its success. We have to cut our losses and move forward. The dream of a Christian America is dead. It failed and frankly, it is in good part our fault. We spent so much time fighting with each other and fighting with the world that no one outside our churches wanted to be part of the faith and they saw no need to bend the knee to a God they could not see. The faith should be attractive. It should be covered in God's grace and love and it should be presented that way. It should never be yielded as a weapon except in spiritual battle with the Adversary. God's love was missing from our approach. We will need to remember that when we get ashore and build the new boat.
We also need to prepare. Even if we separate from them, they will not be happy with that solution as we continue to take their people for the Lord. They will be coming for us. They will blame us for their sunken boat and persecution will begin.
We need to sharpen our survivalist skills. We need to form networks that work beyond the scope of the prying eyes of corrupt governments and the evil social organizations within the world. We probably just need to get off the grid. This will be hard. I love the Internet, but as governments assume more and more control over it, it becomes dangerous to be there. I love electricity and indoor plumbing. I have used an outhouse. It's pretty awful. I like a hot shower everyday.
Maybe I will be dead before the new boat is ready to go. Who knows.
Whatever the case, we need to rethink our plans. We should not go down with this ship. Yes, we have loved America. Many men and women of faith have given their lives for this nation. But it is no longer ours. It is time to move forward and beyond America and prepare the way for Christ. When He returns, the nations will no longer rage and His justice will prevail, but for now, we must prepare for that Day.
Makes sense does it not?
The American Christian Church is in such a boat. For centuries it has been in lockstep and love with the American Idea. Our culture was Christian. Even people that did not believe in our country would still hold fast to Christian morality and Christian principles.
This is no longer the case. Yet we remain in this boat trying to fix the leaks as it slowly sinks into the sea.
Brethren, the leaks are not our problem. We know why the ship is leaking, but many of the crew and passengers do not care and we cannot fix it alone. It is time to abandon the American ship and take as many with us as possible before she goes down. We have to untie our Christian faith from America and let it drift and sink. We can rescue the "floaters" as we find them and then go ashore a build a new ship.
Yes, this is what it's coming to. We need to separate ourselves from them and let them die or grab one of the life preservers that we throw out. America is dying. It has been a slow suicide attempt, but we are unable to stop its success. We have to cut our losses and move forward. The dream of a Christian America is dead. It failed and frankly, it is in good part our fault. We spent so much time fighting with each other and fighting with the world that no one outside our churches wanted to be part of the faith and they saw no need to bend the knee to a God they could not see. The faith should be attractive. It should be covered in God's grace and love and it should be presented that way. It should never be yielded as a weapon except in spiritual battle with the Adversary. God's love was missing from our approach. We will need to remember that when we get ashore and build the new boat.
We also need to prepare. Even if we separate from them, they will not be happy with that solution as we continue to take their people for the Lord. They will be coming for us. They will blame us for their sunken boat and persecution will begin.
We need to sharpen our survivalist skills. We need to form networks that work beyond the scope of the prying eyes of corrupt governments and the evil social organizations within the world. We probably just need to get off the grid. This will be hard. I love the Internet, but as governments assume more and more control over it, it becomes dangerous to be there. I love electricity and indoor plumbing. I have used an outhouse. It's pretty awful. I like a hot shower everyday.
Maybe I will be dead before the new boat is ready to go. Who knows.
Whatever the case, we need to rethink our plans. We should not go down with this ship. Yes, we have loved America. Many men and women of faith have given their lives for this nation. But it is no longer ours. It is time to move forward and beyond America and prepare the way for Christ. When He returns, the nations will no longer rage and His justice will prevail, but for now, we must prepare for that Day.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Romans 13 and Speaking Truth to Power
Many Christians will fold up and go all quiet at the specter of the hand of government. Others will stand firm on what they call the Judeo-Christian moral principles found in scriptures. Both groups fail to grok the full meaning of Romans 13.
Romans 13:1-7
Put simply, we are to obey our governments, pay our taxes and to honor the political leadership of our nation. This is so regardless of who is in power or whether they honor Yahweh, Allah or Vishnu or even only themselves. This is difficult for me as an American. We tend to dislike the political leadership, regardless of what party they are in. We do not like to be told what to do and what to approve and not to approve. It is the same on the right and on the left. We all have things we wish the government would do or leave alone and stay out of. Much of today's issues based politics is centered around these things.
But the fact is that we, as Christians, have to obey, we have to submit and we have to pay if we wish to honor God.
In the Church Age, God is not about changing nations and cultures and governments. God is about changing men and women one person at a time through faith in Jesus Christ and then saving them for eternal life. God can make this happen in a power vacuum or in a totalitarian regime or even a place like Rome in the 1st century. A Christian culture is not necessary and we should not be trying to make one. Our goal should be merely to make more Christians and let God sort out the other stuff.
The only time that it is acceptable for us Christians to disobey the governing authorities is when, they demand that we stop preaching in the name of Jesus or when they demand that we repudiate our faith. When this happens, all bets are off. Disobedience to the governing authorities is demanded and required. This can be dangerous and even deadly. Peter and Paul both felt the cold, dead hand of the state's power as did John after them. The day may come when we have to die for the cause of Christ.
That day is not today.
Today we need to spend our time preaching and teaching the love that Jesus Christ has for everyone. We need to put aside all the moral issues of our time and present unbelievers with the risen Christ. Let them deal with Jesus and let Jesus deal with them. We are not to be an unbeliever's judge. Who are we to judge another man's servant?
If we spent money spreading the gospel instead of creating an environment of hate by demanding that non-Christians obey our moral code, the Church in America might begin to grow exponentially.
Christian organizations that spend our money lobbying government authorities are wasting God's money and their time. This is not what God wants. The government and the culture is what it is. It will only change when people have a reason to make that happen. Only Christ can give them that reason. Preach the gospel. Leave hate and the anger with the devil where it started.
Romans 13:1-7
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For
rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do
wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do
what is right and you will be commended. 4 For
the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do
wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They
are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the
wrongdoer. 5 Therefore,
it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of
possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.Put simply, we are to obey our governments, pay our taxes and to honor the political leadership of our nation. This is so regardless of who is in power or whether they honor Yahweh, Allah or Vishnu or even only themselves. This is difficult for me as an American. We tend to dislike the political leadership, regardless of what party they are in. We do not like to be told what to do and what to approve and not to approve. It is the same on the right and on the left. We all have things we wish the government would do or leave alone and stay out of. Much of today's issues based politics is centered around these things.
But the fact is that we, as Christians, have to obey, we have to submit and we have to pay if we wish to honor God.
In the Church Age, God is not about changing nations and cultures and governments. God is about changing men and women one person at a time through faith in Jesus Christ and then saving them for eternal life. God can make this happen in a power vacuum or in a totalitarian regime or even a place like Rome in the 1st century. A Christian culture is not necessary and we should not be trying to make one. Our goal should be merely to make more Christians and let God sort out the other stuff.
The only time that it is acceptable for us Christians to disobey the governing authorities is when, they demand that we stop preaching in the name of Jesus or when they demand that we repudiate our faith. When this happens, all bets are off. Disobedience to the governing authorities is demanded and required. This can be dangerous and even deadly. Peter and Paul both felt the cold, dead hand of the state's power as did John after them. The day may come when we have to die for the cause of Christ.
That day is not today.
Today we need to spend our time preaching and teaching the love that Jesus Christ has for everyone. We need to put aside all the moral issues of our time and present unbelievers with the risen Christ. Let them deal with Jesus and let Jesus deal with them. We are not to be an unbeliever's judge. Who are we to judge another man's servant?
If we spent money spreading the gospel instead of creating an environment of hate by demanding that non-Christians obey our moral code, the Church in America might begin to grow exponentially.
Christian organizations that spend our money lobbying government authorities are wasting God's money and their time. This is not what God wants. The government and the culture is what it is. It will only change when people have a reason to make that happen. Only Christ can give them that reason. Preach the gospel. Leave hate and the anger with the devil where it started.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Evil Empire
Ronald Reagan said it was the USSR. Today, Putin says it's the USA. George Lucas said it was in a galaxy far, far away, and each time there was truth in it. But are governments really what makes this world an evil place?
To my mind, governments are merely a reflection of the character of the people that are governed. As people become more self seeking and security minded, they also become more totalitarian in their outlook and true freedom begins to die. This is happening throughout the world today and I have my own theories as to why this has happened. In the US, it goes back to Oklahoma City and 9/11. I have reason to believe that both of these events were false flags - staged events designed to make people demand what has become the national security state. Whether these events were by design or actual events plotted by devious terrorists, the result has been nothing short of a complete surveillance of all communication and human activity worldwide. If you use a cell phone, computer, tablet, car, etc, you are being watched. I am being watched. People know our secrets now. The day of personal information has ended. There is no such thing. We are being monitored.
My thought is that this has nothing to do with terrorism. It has everything to do with continuity of power and control of anyone that might stand in opposition, peaceful or otherwise, to those that are driving our surveillance age.
Those with the greatest ownership of the national security state are not what you might think of as the usual suspects. Normally, we think NSA or CIA or FBI or military intelligence when we think of national security concerns. In our age, the real culprits are corporations. Without their cooperation, no government on earth would be able to do the things they do in the name of national security.
Corporations like Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Hewlett Packard, Samsung, and most importantly, Google have created an information gathering capability unmatched in human history. A company like Google knows everything about anyone that regularly uses a computer. In our age, that is about everyone that is not in a nursing home.
My point is that nations are no longer the evil empires. The corporations and banks that control these governments are the real evil empires. And they are genuine multinational empires. Who is there that can stand against them? They have a true strangle hold on everything. They can make you an unperson more quickly than any government because of the information they possess about you.
Some will say they have nothing to hide. Doesn't matter. Companies like Google can collect information about you and then change it to suit whatever purpose they have in mind. It's like collection of our DNA by the government. Once they have it, they can plant it anywhere they need it to prove whatever they want to prove. Not good.
So as I sit here typing my subversive thoughts into Blogger, a Google platform, my words are being stored in a server somewhere for all time. Then Google will allow the government to scan that server at will at any time they so desire. When all the trigger terms I have used in this post are then viewed by the government computers, I will become a "person of interest". I will be watched.
It may already have been happening for awhile. Who knows? I do not.
It used to be that only God knew all our secrets. Now we got Google.
Google is the new evil empire,
“We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?”
“Google policy is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it. I would argue that implanting things in your brain is beyond the creepy line … at least for the moment until the technology gets better.”
– Google Chairman Eric Schmidt
Old Eric said this stuff publicly several years ago. You have to wonder what they can do now.
To my mind, governments are merely a reflection of the character of the people that are governed. As people become more self seeking and security minded, they also become more totalitarian in their outlook and true freedom begins to die. This is happening throughout the world today and I have my own theories as to why this has happened. In the US, it goes back to Oklahoma City and 9/11. I have reason to believe that both of these events were false flags - staged events designed to make people demand what has become the national security state. Whether these events were by design or actual events plotted by devious terrorists, the result has been nothing short of a complete surveillance of all communication and human activity worldwide. If you use a cell phone, computer, tablet, car, etc, you are being watched. I am being watched. People know our secrets now. The day of personal information has ended. There is no such thing. We are being monitored.
My thought is that this has nothing to do with terrorism. It has everything to do with continuity of power and control of anyone that might stand in opposition, peaceful or otherwise, to those that are driving our surveillance age.
Those with the greatest ownership of the national security state are not what you might think of as the usual suspects. Normally, we think NSA or CIA or FBI or military intelligence when we think of national security concerns. In our age, the real culprits are corporations. Without their cooperation, no government on earth would be able to do the things they do in the name of national security.
Corporations like Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Hewlett Packard, Samsung, and most importantly, Google have created an information gathering capability unmatched in human history. A company like Google knows everything about anyone that regularly uses a computer. In our age, that is about everyone that is not in a nursing home.
My point is that nations are no longer the evil empires. The corporations and banks that control these governments are the real evil empires. And they are genuine multinational empires. Who is there that can stand against them? They have a true strangle hold on everything. They can make you an unperson more quickly than any government because of the information they possess about you.
Some will say they have nothing to hide. Doesn't matter. Companies like Google can collect information about you and then change it to suit whatever purpose they have in mind. It's like collection of our DNA by the government. Once they have it, they can plant it anywhere they need it to prove whatever they want to prove. Not good.
So as I sit here typing my subversive thoughts into Blogger, a Google platform, my words are being stored in a server somewhere for all time. Then Google will allow the government to scan that server at will at any time they so desire. When all the trigger terms I have used in this post are then viewed by the government computers, I will become a "person of interest". I will be watched.
It may already have been happening for awhile. Who knows? I do not.
It used to be that only God knew all our secrets. Now we got Google.
Google is the new evil empire,
“We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?”
“Google policy is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it. I would argue that implanting things in your brain is beyond the creepy line … at least for the moment until the technology gets better.”
– Google Chairman Eric Schmidt
Old Eric said this stuff publicly several years ago. You have to wonder what they can do now.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Mc Donalds
When I was in high school, I remember there were a lot of teenagers that worked at Mc Donalds restaurants throughout the city. Usually the only adult in the place was the manager or assistant manager and more often then not, they would be struggling college students. It was that way in many local businesses and grocery stores.
Today the picture is very different. If you walk into a Mc Donalds today, what you see is adults behind the counter. Some of them are very old...like me. Some are housewives. Some are immigrants; yes immigrants that can barely speak English. There are also embittered middle aged white men that most likely lost good jobs elsewhere because their former employer outsourced their work to China, India or Mexico.
Whatever the case, the Mc Donalds demographic has changed. This is not a good sign for our country in my opinion. The youth that get driven out of jobs like these end up on the street and that invariably leads to trouble. The adults that have no other options but to work there are poorer and still most likely on some kind of public assistance. And...quite frankly...the food is terrible...not good for you either. I do like me some sausage and egg Mc Muffin, but that's about the extent of it.
I guess my point is that this is a sign of the beginning of the end. I'm not talking biblical here, but nations do come and go and I think America is beginning to "go" if you know what I'm saying. I do not think we will be 3rd worlders for a while, but I sense the downward slide. Odd that it's all happening in the last part of my life. Somehow I feel at least partially responsible. What could I or anyone else have done differently that would have stopped this? I'm not sure. It might just be a case of having the wrong people in charge from the beginning.
Whatever happens, the vacuum that we leave on the world stage will have to be filled. Who do we give the keys to? I don't have that answer either. The Chinese and the Russians worry me and the Arabs are A1 nut jobs. Everyone else is way too backward and poor or both.
The future will be interesting. 'Interesting' is not good. Boring is good. Boring is the absence of trouble. Trouble is coming. I hope it waits for 30 years to hatch, but I don't have a good feeling about that.
Today the picture is very different. If you walk into a Mc Donalds today, what you see is adults behind the counter. Some of them are very old...like me. Some are housewives. Some are immigrants; yes immigrants that can barely speak English. There are also embittered middle aged white men that most likely lost good jobs elsewhere because their former employer outsourced their work to China, India or Mexico.
Whatever the case, the Mc Donalds demographic has changed. This is not a good sign for our country in my opinion. The youth that get driven out of jobs like these end up on the street and that invariably leads to trouble. The adults that have no other options but to work there are poorer and still most likely on some kind of public assistance. And...quite frankly...the food is terrible...not good for you either. I do like me some sausage and egg Mc Muffin, but that's about the extent of it.
I guess my point is that this is a sign of the beginning of the end. I'm not talking biblical here, but nations do come and go and I think America is beginning to "go" if you know what I'm saying. I do not think we will be 3rd worlders for a while, but I sense the downward slide. Odd that it's all happening in the last part of my life. Somehow I feel at least partially responsible. What could I or anyone else have done differently that would have stopped this? I'm not sure. It might just be a case of having the wrong people in charge from the beginning.
Whatever happens, the vacuum that we leave on the world stage will have to be filled. Who do we give the keys to? I don't have that answer either. The Chinese and the Russians worry me and the Arabs are A1 nut jobs. Everyone else is way too backward and poor or both.
The future will be interesting. 'Interesting' is not good. Boring is good. Boring is the absence of trouble. Trouble is coming. I hope it waits for 30 years to hatch, but I don't have a good feeling about that.
Monday, April 20, 2015
White People
This is not going to be a racist rant. I do not believe myself to be a bigot, but I am a Caucasian of European extraction and that is enough in many minds to qualify me as a hater and a bigot. Let me add to your suspicions. I am also a Christian, a Libertarian and a strict constructionist with regard to the constitution of the United States. Even so, I do not believe I am a racist, sexist, homophobe.
I am however, a very discriminating person. I have certain standards. This does not mean I would discriminate against you and whatever you are or that I believe you are less a human being in God's eyes or my own. We are all sinners. Some of us are sinners saved by His grace. Others are just sinners and I'm not sure what you "just sinners" are waiting for, but come on - get some salvation now while it's still available.
But that's not what I came here to talk about.
I think white folks are disappearing. We are not just turning into a minority due to immigration or birth control or abortion, though these things are not helping. No, we are disappearing. There is a reason for this. We are one subspecies among Homo Sapiens Sapiens that is difficult for those in power to be able to control.
Genuine biologists (not the PC, science is what you say it is types) will tell you there are differences genetically and right down to the DNA between the different types of humans that live on the planet. The most intelligent subspecies of the human species are the Caucasians and the Mongols. Between those two, the most fiercely independent and individualist are the Caucasians.
This is not environmental. It seems to be by design in my opinion, but even if you are an evolutionist, it is really strange how us white folks have managed to dominate the planet over the past 1000 years. Even the Romans before us lasted about that long.
Us western white boys are an enigma. We have been the most creative, free thinking peoples in the history of the planet, but we have also been the most destructive. Those among us that have managed to rise to the top in terms of planetary control, seem to have decided that the rest of us whites are a threat to their power. They are determined to wipe out - exterminate - white people as a individual race, regardless of what it takes. The chief weapons against us seem to be poverty, sexual freedom, inbreeding of the races, birth control, immigration and abortion. Destruction of white culture in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand is not helping. The world is about to become an essentially gray race whose aspirations to greatness will be crushed by a mongrelized gene pool.
The distinctness of the races was one of the beautiful things about humanity. It will soon be gone.
What will also be gone is individual thinking, individual liberty and personal control. When the "whiteness" of the human race is gone from a genetic and DNA point of view, the drive for human greatness and resistance to slavery will also die.
It is, after all, about control. To be sure, there will still be white people, but they will be from among the very worst stock. Those that survive the great intermingling will form a breakaway civilization that lives in victory over what remains of mongrelized humanity. They are already moving. It may already be to late to resist. Time will tell. My peeps are disappearing.
Bubba, pass me a brewsky....:^))))
I am however, a very discriminating person. I have certain standards. This does not mean I would discriminate against you and whatever you are or that I believe you are less a human being in God's eyes or my own. We are all sinners. Some of us are sinners saved by His grace. Others are just sinners and I'm not sure what you "just sinners" are waiting for, but come on - get some salvation now while it's still available.
But that's not what I came here to talk about.
I think white folks are disappearing. We are not just turning into a minority due to immigration or birth control or abortion, though these things are not helping. No, we are disappearing. There is a reason for this. We are one subspecies among Homo Sapiens Sapiens that is difficult for those in power to be able to control.
Genuine biologists (not the PC, science is what you say it is types) will tell you there are differences genetically and right down to the DNA between the different types of humans that live on the planet. The most intelligent subspecies of the human species are the Caucasians and the Mongols. Between those two, the most fiercely independent and individualist are the Caucasians.
This is not environmental. It seems to be by design in my opinion, but even if you are an evolutionist, it is really strange how us white folks have managed to dominate the planet over the past 1000 years. Even the Romans before us lasted about that long.
Us western white boys are an enigma. We have been the most creative, free thinking peoples in the history of the planet, but we have also been the most destructive. Those among us that have managed to rise to the top in terms of planetary control, seem to have decided that the rest of us whites are a threat to their power. They are determined to wipe out - exterminate - white people as a individual race, regardless of what it takes. The chief weapons against us seem to be poverty, sexual freedom, inbreeding of the races, birth control, immigration and abortion. Destruction of white culture in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand is not helping. The world is about to become an essentially gray race whose aspirations to greatness will be crushed by a mongrelized gene pool.
The distinctness of the races was one of the beautiful things about humanity. It will soon be gone.
What will also be gone is individual thinking, individual liberty and personal control. When the "whiteness" of the human race is gone from a genetic and DNA point of view, the drive for human greatness and resistance to slavery will also die.
It is, after all, about control. To be sure, there will still be white people, but they will be from among the very worst stock. Those that survive the great intermingling will form a breakaway civilization that lives in victory over what remains of mongrelized humanity. They are already moving. It may already be to late to resist. Time will tell. My peeps are disappearing.
Bubba, pass me a brewsky....:^))))
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Love Drives Out Fear
1 John 4:16b-18
...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made prefect in love.
There are many people that walk around always fearful about one thing or another. Sometimes the fear makes sense. If you live in a place noted for the presence of rattle snakes, a little fear will keep you on the look out for the poisonous serpents. Other times we find that we fear things that are nothing at all like an ISIS attack at Wal-mart or a sinkhole opening up and swallowing the house we live in. Neither are likely, but the news media would have us live in fear at all times of these things.
The fact is that if we are really believers, we have nothing to fear because we are loved by God. As Paul said in Romans 8:38, 39:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So Christian, are you living in love? Are you living in and enjoying the love of God? Or are you always fearful of the world or your life situation or what will happen tomorrow? Or maybe you are afraid that you just won't measure up when God's judgement curtain falls?
If you are living in that kind of fear, then I am concerned. It means that you do not understand the love that God has for you as His child.
My friend, you have been forgiven by your Creator. You are covered by His grace and love. Rest secure in that knowledge and know that He will bring you Home in the Great and Terrible Day. You are His and He is in you. Take joy in knowing that whatever life may bring, He is with you always. You were not baptized into vinegar, but into His Spirit. You have nothing to fear. He has conquered fear with His love. The only one that has lost anything or will lose anything is the Devil and we no longer serve him. He stands condemned. We do not. We have been saved from judgement.
So the next time you are feeling a bit fearful or dread washes over you as you go out into the world, think about what God has done for you and think about the eternal security that you have in Him. You are going to live forever. The grave will not contain what you have in you. You are sons and daughters of the Living God.
...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made prefect in love.
There are many people that walk around always fearful about one thing or another. Sometimes the fear makes sense. If you live in a place noted for the presence of rattle snakes, a little fear will keep you on the look out for the poisonous serpents. Other times we find that we fear things that are nothing at all like an ISIS attack at Wal-mart or a sinkhole opening up and swallowing the house we live in. Neither are likely, but the news media would have us live in fear at all times of these things.
The fact is that if we are really believers, we have nothing to fear because we are loved by God. As Paul said in Romans 8:38, 39:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So Christian, are you living in love? Are you living in and enjoying the love of God? Or are you always fearful of the world or your life situation or what will happen tomorrow? Or maybe you are afraid that you just won't measure up when God's judgement curtain falls?
If you are living in that kind of fear, then I am concerned. It means that you do not understand the love that God has for you as His child.
My friend, you have been forgiven by your Creator. You are covered by His grace and love. Rest secure in that knowledge and know that He will bring you Home in the Great and Terrible Day. You are His and He is in you. Take joy in knowing that whatever life may bring, He is with you always. You were not baptized into vinegar, but into His Spirit. You have nothing to fear. He has conquered fear with His love. The only one that has lost anything or will lose anything is the Devil and we no longer serve him. He stands condemned. We do not. We have been saved from judgement.
So the next time you are feeling a bit fearful or dread washes over you as you go out into the world, think about what God has done for you and think about the eternal security that you have in Him. You are going to live forever. The grave will not contain what you have in you. You are sons and daughters of the Living God.
I've Been Away
Sorry. Things were all backed up at work. I had to get employee evaluations ready. Had to get the taxes in by the 15th. The grounds keepers showed up this week. It's like it's spring or something. Anyway, I will try to make up for lost time over the weekend and into Monday. Stormy skies moving in. Probably won't spend much time outside today.
Also, it's Dad's birthday. He is 79 today. Doesn't look a day over 85....(;^)))) He got a new coffee maker for his present. I grew tired of his old one leaking all over the counter.
I think I am going to get a drone...with a camera. I have wanted one for awhile. If nothing else, I can tease the dog with it. Should be fun out in the yard. For some reason I keep thinking about flying it around in the auditorium at church ...during a service...without permission. The fact that I think about doing things like that without permission says much about my character and why I need to attend church regularly. Sometimes it's easier to seek forgiveness than it is to seek permission. My standard MO. Grace is a wonderful thing.
Also, it's Dad's birthday. He is 79 today. Doesn't look a day over 85....(;^)))) He got a new coffee maker for his present. I grew tired of his old one leaking all over the counter.
I think I am going to get a drone...with a camera. I have wanted one for awhile. If nothing else, I can tease the dog with it. Should be fun out in the yard. For some reason I keep thinking about flying it around in the auditorium at church ...during a service...without permission. The fact that I think about doing things like that without permission says much about my character and why I need to attend church regularly. Sometimes it's easier to seek forgiveness than it is to seek permission. My standard MO. Grace is a wonderful thing.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Days of Patriarchy
I still hear complaints from time to time about how our society is, even after all these years of reform and education, a patriarchal society. I would concede that men still run most everything and own the overwhelming majority of the property on the planet. This is probably more true on a worldwide scale than it is in western Europe and the US. There are two very powerful institutions in the west that are overseen by women; The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States and the IMF. You can call these women tokens if you like, but they head two of the most powerful financial institutions on earth.
I think that people who see patriarchy in western society do not realize what life was like in the bad old days when women and children were property along with the livestock and land. I was reading from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament of the Bible yesterday when I ran across what follows here. This is what passed for women's rights in ancient Israel. It was serious business back in the day, but it's kind of funny now in the age of egalitarianism. Women, you do not appreciate how good you have it.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10
5 If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her. 6 The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.
7 However, if a man does not want to marry his brother’s wife, she shall go to the elders at the town gate and say, “My husband’s brother refuses to carry on his brother’s name in Israel. He will not fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to me.” 8 Then the elders of his town shall summon him and talk to him. If he persists in saying, “I do not want to marry her,” 9 his brother’s widow shall go up to him in the presence of the elders, take off one of his sandals, spit in his face and say, “This is what is done to the man who will not build up his brother’s family line.” 10 That man’s line shall be known in Israel as The Family of the Unsandaled.
It's interesting where the family responsibility falls here. If a man dies without producing a male heir, it is first the duty of the man's brother, to make sure his brother's widow gives birth to a male child. Refusing this duty was an option, but an option in which the brother is publicly humiliated by his sister in law. Fascinating. This is also a case where polygamy is commanded by God. Again...fascinating. The male heir was an insurance policy for the woman. It was the eldest male heir that would shoulder the responsibility of caring for his parents in their old age and if the mother was already a widow, a young son could work the family land and support what was left to him by the deceased father.
It was all geared to maintain male control of the property involved, but the woman held the upper hand in public. It was considered a shameful thing for a man to allow his dead brother's family languish in poverty, while he and his own continued to live normal lives. Woe to you if you are of the Family of the Uunsandaled.
So you see ladies, it could be worse :^) At least in these days you are not dependent on your brother in law.
I think that people who see patriarchy in western society do not realize what life was like in the bad old days when women and children were property along with the livestock and land. I was reading from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament of the Bible yesterday when I ran across what follows here. This is what passed for women's rights in ancient Israel. It was serious business back in the day, but it's kind of funny now in the age of egalitarianism. Women, you do not appreciate how good you have it.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10
5 If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her. 6 The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.
7 However, if a man does not want to marry his brother’s wife, she shall go to the elders at the town gate and say, “My husband’s brother refuses to carry on his brother’s name in Israel. He will not fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to me.” 8 Then the elders of his town shall summon him and talk to him. If he persists in saying, “I do not want to marry her,” 9 his brother’s widow shall go up to him in the presence of the elders, take off one of his sandals, spit in his face and say, “This is what is done to the man who will not build up his brother’s family line.” 10 That man’s line shall be known in Israel as The Family of the Unsandaled.
It's interesting where the family responsibility falls here. If a man dies without producing a male heir, it is first the duty of the man's brother, to make sure his brother's widow gives birth to a male child. Refusing this duty was an option, but an option in which the brother is publicly humiliated by his sister in law. Fascinating. This is also a case where polygamy is commanded by God. Again...fascinating. The male heir was an insurance policy for the woman. It was the eldest male heir that would shoulder the responsibility of caring for his parents in their old age and if the mother was already a widow, a young son could work the family land and support what was left to him by the deceased father.
It was all geared to maintain male control of the property involved, but the woman held the upper hand in public. It was considered a shameful thing for a man to allow his dead brother's family languish in poverty, while he and his own continued to live normal lives. Woe to you if you are of the Family of the Uunsandaled.
So you see ladies, it could be worse :^) At least in these days you are not dependent on your brother in law.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Love - 1 John 3:18-22
18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 19 This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: 20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 22 and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.
Does your heart condemn you? Is the heart a good barometer of who we are? Yes and no. It is perhaps a good measure of who we are, but it is not a good indicator of who we aspire to become. It is the heart that reveals the sinful nature of the flesh. It is where hate and anger are stored up. It is the place of lust and desire for things not your own. It is the home of envy and jealousy.
Jeremiah said,
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
Jesus said,
16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person;
A man's heart reveals the brokenness of the flesh that he rides in. Only the love of Christ can heal these things. There will be scars. You will need Him for the rest of your life. You will not be able to live alone. And if you truly encounter His love, you will not want to live without Him.
I have tried living alone, without Him, with only my pride to support me. I cannot not do it. The things that are in my heart almost daily condemn me. I need His grace and his kindness just to get me through a single day. I also need to share that grace and kindness. I try to do that here and in real life. I'm not sure how successful I have been, but I do believe He is working in me to teach me how to share myself with others. Maybe by the time I get to the nursing home I will finally be useful. That remains to be seen. This is why I am thankful that God is greater than my heart.
Does your heart condemn you? Is the heart a good barometer of who we are? Yes and no. It is perhaps a good measure of who we are, but it is not a good indicator of who we aspire to become. It is the heart that reveals the sinful nature of the flesh. It is where hate and anger are stored up. It is the place of lust and desire for things not your own. It is the home of envy and jealousy.
Jeremiah said,
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
Jesus said,
16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person;
A man's heart reveals the brokenness of the flesh that he rides in. Only the love of Christ can heal these things. There will be scars. You will need Him for the rest of your life. You will not be able to live alone. And if you truly encounter His love, you will not want to live without Him.
I have tried living alone, without Him, with only my pride to support me. I cannot not do it. The things that are in my heart almost daily condemn me. I need His grace and his kindness just to get me through a single day. I also need to share that grace and kindness. I try to do that here and in real life. I'm not sure how successful I have been, but I do believe He is working in me to teach me how to share myself with others. Maybe by the time I get to the nursing home I will finally be useful. That remains to be seen. This is why I am thankful that God is greater than my heart.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Romans 3
We are enjoying a sermon series at church on Paul's letter to the Romans . It is probably Paul's most important letter, because it explains the brokenness of humanity, how that brokenness separated us from God, and what it takes to bring healing to that relationship. It also explains many of the technical aspects of the salvation process and lays the ground work the thousands of theology text books that followed.
To say that what Paul wrote was abundantly clear, would be easy, but it might also be incorrect. Over the last two thousand years there has been much disagreement. There was the battle between Augustine and Pelagius and later between the theologies of John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius. There are many, many more.
Most of my life, I have come down between the two major arguments of these men, seeing truth in the writings of all these men. However, as study expands my outlook, I have come to believe that Pelagius was indeed a heretic. He posited that it was possible for a man to always choose not to sin; that a perfect life was within the realm of possibility.The fact that no one besides Jesus had ever done it, did not phase him. The perfect man would never need Jesus. The sinful one does need Him.
Pelagius is clearly wrong. I do not believe it is possible for humans to live in this world and not sin. It is impossible. We cannot not sin.
This is not to say that I agree with Calvin or Augustine before him. I am much closer these days to Jacobus Arminius.
Let's just say that we inherit a propensity to sin from our ancestors and that , in spite of a will to do something else, we will still eventually sin. Adam and Eve made their fateful choice in full knowledge of what God's perfect will was and this resulted in the bending of the spiritual and physical gene pool of humanity until the end of time. We are not totally depraved as Calvin would have it, but we are partially depraved, being able to respond to the truth when it is presented to us. This does not mean that the response will always be positive. It is possible to resist in disbelief and choose to do so. Indeed, it is possible for us to walk away from the Spirit working through the Word of God when it is presented. In other instances it may not have any effect at first or it may be a slow eroding process in which the spirit of the hearer is slowly broken or convinced, but be assured that when conversion happens, it is entirely the choice of the hearer. God would not have it any other way. He wants us to choose Him of our own free will. He could have made automatons to serve Him, but He did not. He made us. All of our choices, both good and not so good (bad), bind us to Him. Now, when we fail as His children, we can go to Him without fear.
When the process of conversion is complete, God's Spirit dwells in us. We have been regenerated and made more able to resist sin, but we have also been justified before God. We also enjoy an immediate sanctification and we take on His righteousness because of our faith. There is also a long term sanctification process that begins. This will take a lifetime. We are slowly remade in His Image and in His likeness as we submit and conform to His Word and His Spirit within us. We do become better people, but the only reason we might become perfect is because of the righteousness He imputes to us for our faith. We will never be without sin in this life. I do not say this to discourage you. It is just a fact. As long as we live in these bodies bent by sin, we will always be weak. On the day the new body is received, all of that will change. Perfection will be in our grasp. But until that time we will continue to be dependent on God's grace. We are still sinners, but sinners saved by His grace.
Romans 3:11,12
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”[b]
Romans 3:21-26
21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
We are saved by grace through faith, There is no other way.
So did God create us as flawed beings from the beginning? Were we bound to fail? When given a choice, do we always choose our own short term interests over God's will? Possibly. We will never know the answer to these things in this life.
What we do know is this. God has always loved us. His interest was always to have a people that choose to serve Him voluntarily out of love for Him and faith in Him. This has not changed. The law showed us His standard which no one has achieved except Christ Himself. The gospel shows us His grace that is available to all that believe in Him. His grace is waiting. Come to Him now.
To say that what Paul wrote was abundantly clear, would be easy, but it might also be incorrect. Over the last two thousand years there has been much disagreement. There was the battle between Augustine and Pelagius and later between the theologies of John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius. There are many, many more.
Most of my life, I have come down between the two major arguments of these men, seeing truth in the writings of all these men. However, as study expands my outlook, I have come to believe that Pelagius was indeed a heretic. He posited that it was possible for a man to always choose not to sin; that a perfect life was within the realm of possibility.The fact that no one besides Jesus had ever done it, did not phase him. The perfect man would never need Jesus. The sinful one does need Him.
Pelagius is clearly wrong. I do not believe it is possible for humans to live in this world and not sin. It is impossible. We cannot not sin.
This is not to say that I agree with Calvin or Augustine before him. I am much closer these days to Jacobus Arminius.
Let's just say that we inherit a propensity to sin from our ancestors and that , in spite of a will to do something else, we will still eventually sin. Adam and Eve made their fateful choice in full knowledge of what God's perfect will was and this resulted in the bending of the spiritual and physical gene pool of humanity until the end of time. We are not totally depraved as Calvin would have it, but we are partially depraved, being able to respond to the truth when it is presented to us. This does not mean that the response will always be positive. It is possible to resist in disbelief and choose to do so. Indeed, it is possible for us to walk away from the Spirit working through the Word of God when it is presented. In other instances it may not have any effect at first or it may be a slow eroding process in which the spirit of the hearer is slowly broken or convinced, but be assured that when conversion happens, it is entirely the choice of the hearer. God would not have it any other way. He wants us to choose Him of our own free will. He could have made automatons to serve Him, but He did not. He made us. All of our choices, both good and not so good (bad), bind us to Him. Now, when we fail as His children, we can go to Him without fear.
When the process of conversion is complete, God's Spirit dwells in us. We have been regenerated and made more able to resist sin, but we have also been justified before God. We also enjoy an immediate sanctification and we take on His righteousness because of our faith. There is also a long term sanctification process that begins. This will take a lifetime. We are slowly remade in His Image and in His likeness as we submit and conform to His Word and His Spirit within us. We do become better people, but the only reason we might become perfect is because of the righteousness He imputes to us for our faith. We will never be without sin in this life. I do not say this to discourage you. It is just a fact. As long as we live in these bodies bent by sin, we will always be weak. On the day the new body is received, all of that will change. Perfection will be in our grasp. But until that time we will continue to be dependent on God's grace. We are still sinners, but sinners saved by His grace.
Romans 3:11,12
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”[b]
Romans 3:21-26
21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
We are saved by grace through faith, There is no other way.
So did God create us as flawed beings from the beginning? Were we bound to fail? When given a choice, do we always choose our own short term interests over God's will? Possibly. We will never know the answer to these things in this life.
What we do know is this. God has always loved us. His interest was always to have a people that choose to serve Him voluntarily out of love for Him and faith in Him. This has not changed. The law showed us His standard which no one has achieved except Christ Himself. The gospel shows us His grace that is available to all that believe in Him. His grace is waiting. Come to Him now.
Friday, April 10, 2015
I have had 99 blog hits since my previous two posts concerning the 'religion of peace' (just over an hour ago). Odd how they happened all at once. There are certain words that command attention of unwanted readers. These were all from the United States. I would wager that if I traced them more carefully, I would come up with a location very close to Washington DC (which is another suspect word...just you watch the hits just keep on comin). It is so annoying. All you have to do is express an opinion and the thought police are on it. It's true that I do not know which thought police at this point, but it does not matter. They are all the same fascists. My opinion again.
UPDATE...make that 113 hits
UPDATE...make that 113 hits
Dreaming of Jesus In the Lands of Muhammad
There is apparently salvation for the followers of Islam through Jesus Christ. The odd part is that this is not happening through missionary efforts. Reports reveal that Muslims all over the world are having dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Because of the dreams, they are compelled to investigate the claims of Christ and the veracity of the Bible and many, many are converting.
God's grace and love knows know bounds, but it does make sense. These misguided Muslims are the sons of Abraham through the hand maiden of Sarah (whose name escapes me). Why would God not offer them redemption through Jesus?
I also admire the courage of those that convert to the One True Faith. In Muslim culture it is very dangerous to live as a Christ follower and that brings me to my last point here.
Why is this happening? It is because, we, the western church, have failed in our approach to Islam and where we failed, Jesus stepped in to make it happen. This is a powerful event that should not be ignored. Jesus is taking His own from every race and faith on earth. He will not be hindered by His followers. If we will not do the job, He will do it for us. Go here for another good article on the subject.
I have about as much grace and love for these uncivilized animals as I would for a pederast or a serial killer. None. Yet Jesus is finding the ones He wants and is taking them for Himself. That is as much a warning to me as it is a blessing to them. Who am I to judge another man's servant?
God's grace and love knows know bounds, but it does make sense. These misguided Muslims are the sons of Abraham through the hand maiden of Sarah (whose name escapes me). Why would God not offer them redemption through Jesus?
I also admire the courage of those that convert to the One True Faith. In Muslim culture it is very dangerous to live as a Christ follower and that brings me to my last point here.
Why is this happening? It is because, we, the western church, have failed in our approach to Islam and where we failed, Jesus stepped in to make it happen. This is a powerful event that should not be ignored. Jesus is taking His own from every race and faith on earth. He will not be hindered by His followers. If we will not do the job, He will do it for us. Go here for another good article on the subject.
I have about as much grace and love for these uncivilized animals as I would for a pederast or a serial killer. None. Yet Jesus is finding the ones He wants and is taking them for Himself. That is as much a warning to me as it is a blessing to them. Who am I to judge another man's servant?
Islam Adapts as the World Changes....ya right
There is an interesting story on the World Net Daily website about recent fatwas issued by the religious authorities in Turkey and also the Grand Mufti in Saudi Arabia. For those unfamiliar, a fatwas is a religious edict put forward by high ranking Imams within Islam to settle religious questions. Most of them concern what is permissible behavior and what is not. Here are some excerpts.
"In Turkey, the top religious authority, known as the Directorate of Religious Affairs or Divanet, proclaimed that though water is the preferred method of cleansing oneself after using the toilet, paper is now an acceptable alternative if a water source is unavailable, reports the nation’s Hurriyet Daily News.
“If water cannot be found for cleansing, other cleaning materials can be used,” the Divanet statement said. “Even though some sources deem paper to be unsuitable as a cleaning material, as it is an apparatus for writing, there is no problem in using toilet paper.”"
And this one is my favorite....
'Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia the grand mufti has reportedly found a new definition of halal – determining that, in the event of extreme hunger, it is acceptable in Islam for a man to chop up his wife and eat her – or one of them as the case may be.
The edict has been attributed to Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, though it is yet to be officially confirmed.
The rationale, according to multiple local reports, is that the husband and his wife’s body will “fuse together after the husband eats his wife.” The husband would be permitted to eat “parts of her body” in such cases."
Islam. The religion of peace and civilized behavior. I wonder what wine you would serve with leg of wife...or perhaps he is a "breast man".
These people are animals. How we can regard them as allies is beyond me. If this makes me intolerant, then so be it.
Lord, if they cannot be saved, then please bring down your judgement on such people. Crush them with your righteous hand and send them to the Abyss along with the demon they worship.
"In Turkey, the top religious authority, known as the Directorate of Religious Affairs or Divanet, proclaimed that though water is the preferred method of cleansing oneself after using the toilet, paper is now an acceptable alternative if a water source is unavailable, reports the nation’s Hurriyet Daily News.
“If water cannot be found for cleansing, other cleaning materials can be used,” the Divanet statement said. “Even though some sources deem paper to be unsuitable as a cleaning material, as it is an apparatus for writing, there is no problem in using toilet paper.”"
And this one is my favorite....
'Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia the grand mufti has reportedly found a new definition of halal – determining that, in the event of extreme hunger, it is acceptable in Islam for a man to chop up his wife and eat her – or one of them as the case may be.
The edict has been attributed to Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, though it is yet to be officially confirmed.
The rationale, according to multiple local reports, is that the husband and his wife’s body will “fuse together after the husband eats his wife.” The husband would be permitted to eat “parts of her body” in such cases."
Islam. The religion of peace and civilized behavior. I wonder what wine you would serve with leg of wife...or perhaps he is a "breast man".
These people are animals. How we can regard them as allies is beyond me. If this makes me intolerant, then so be it.
Lord, if they cannot be saved, then please bring down your judgement on such people. Crush them with your righteous hand and send them to the Abyss along with the demon they worship.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
The Flathead Beacon Police Blotter
I'm not sure why I enjoy reading this so much. It's kind of like Mayberry in the 21st Century I guess. Anyway, her you go...
7:57 a.m. Someone called 911 regarding a Shetland pony that was standing on the side of Highway 2 West.
9:50 a.m. A woman on Whalebone Drive reported that a mechanic stole the stereo system out of her car.
10:06 a.m. Someone in Kalispell found someone’s W2, an iPod and seeds in their drop box.
1:32 p.m. A county inmate fell off of his chair yesterday.
3:49 p.m. A lost and lonely beagle was rescued from its aimless journey down Highway 93 South.
4:45 p.m. A new transient camp was discovered behind the old Walmart.
5:08 p.m. A resident on Ezy Drive reported that a few of her chickens have gone missing. She suspects that the neighbor’s dog may be involved.
6:32 p.m. A complaint was made about a guy on a street bike who was “showing off” by standing on his seat and such.
9:37 p.m. A local man called 911 to report that a man who looked like he “had been on meth for thirty years” approached him and his girlfriend at a gas station and made a very uncomfortable proposition.
10:01 p.m. A resident on Ridgewood Drive in Whitefish reported that his roommate found a “husky” man in their laundry room.
9:50 a.m. A woman on Whalebone Drive reported that a mechanic stole the stereo system out of her car.
10:06 a.m. Someone in Kalispell found someone’s W2, an iPod and seeds in their drop box.
1:32 p.m. A county inmate fell off of his chair yesterday.
3:49 p.m. A lost and lonely beagle was rescued from its aimless journey down Highway 93 South.
4:45 p.m. A new transient camp was discovered behind the old Walmart.
5:08 p.m. A resident on Ezy Drive reported that a few of her chickens have gone missing. She suspects that the neighbor’s dog may be involved.
6:32 p.m. A complaint was made about a guy on a street bike who was “showing off” by standing on his seat and such.
9:37 p.m. A local man called 911 to report that a man who looked like he “had been on meth for thirty years” approached him and his girlfriend at a gas station and made a very uncomfortable proposition.
10:01 p.m. A resident on Ridgewood Drive in Whitefish reported that his roommate found a “husky” man in their laundry room.
A Prayer
Lord, sometimes my concentration is not the best. My mind wanders. So I write.
I do want to be sure and thank you for the important things - things that make the rest of life possible. Thanks Lord for food, clothing and shelter - the necessities. Having those things available makes other things easier.
Thanks for the time I've had with the parents and the grandparents in the past years. Thanks for putting the grace in their heart to welcome me back after my time away.
And thank you Lord for welcoming me back into your family. Thanks for your patience, kindness, forgiveness and compassion. You give me hope. I know I tend to sit back in the corner and watch. It may be better that way for both of us. :^))
Thanks for church, work and Sunday school. Those things are the best part of my week.
Lord, please forgive me when I fail you. I know sometimes I don't even see it. Please help me to see it so someone does not have to tell me about it. Sometimes I just look right through people like they are not even there. I know it's not right. Please give me the strength and the desire Lord to just smile and say 'Hi'. Help me to see with your eyes instead of the eyes of my cold, hard heart. You showed me mercy and grace. Help me to return the favor with others.
Please take care of my Dad today while I am absent. Help him to focus, to think, to pay attention and to remember. Keep him safe and do not let him hurt himself in some way. Give him the where with all to call me if he is in need.
Please bring healing to my friend Nina. I have known her and Phil for a good portion of my life. Raise her up and help her move forward Lord. Make your presence known to her as you have done for me. And ask her if she has planned my trip to New Zealand yet. (:^))).
Lord, please place your hand on the staff and leadership of our church. Help them to find the direction in which we should go and so take us there.
Lord, please bless our efforts at work today. Please bring resolution to the current difficulties and help us move forward. Please help me to lead them and show them the way. Inspire me Lord. I need some inspiration.
Finally lord please bless and bring faith to all those that I have known and befriended in the past. I was not carrying or torch for you back then and I was probably not the best example for them. We did have fun Lord, but it was a bit self centered and hedonistic.
It's good to have you in my life. We can really talk because you already know me inside and out. I can't hide from you so why bother. Thanks for the opportunity to know you again. Thanks for the love. I love you too. I know I ask for way too much, but there are some things that only you can provide.
In Jesus Name I pray these things.
I do want to be sure and thank you for the important things - things that make the rest of life possible. Thanks Lord for food, clothing and shelter - the necessities. Having those things available makes other things easier.
Thanks for the time I've had with the parents and the grandparents in the past years. Thanks for putting the grace in their heart to welcome me back after my time away.
And thank you Lord for welcoming me back into your family. Thanks for your patience, kindness, forgiveness and compassion. You give me hope. I know I tend to sit back in the corner and watch. It may be better that way for both of us. :^))
Thanks for church, work and Sunday school. Those things are the best part of my week.
Lord, please forgive me when I fail you. I know sometimes I don't even see it. Please help me to see it so someone does not have to tell me about it. Sometimes I just look right through people like they are not even there. I know it's not right. Please give me the strength and the desire Lord to just smile and say 'Hi'. Help me to see with your eyes instead of the eyes of my cold, hard heart. You showed me mercy and grace. Help me to return the favor with others.
Please take care of my Dad today while I am absent. Help him to focus, to think, to pay attention and to remember. Keep him safe and do not let him hurt himself in some way. Give him the where with all to call me if he is in need.
Please bring healing to my friend Nina. I have known her and Phil for a good portion of my life. Raise her up and help her move forward Lord. Make your presence known to her as you have done for me. And ask her if she has planned my trip to New Zealand yet. (:^))).
Lord, please place your hand on the staff and leadership of our church. Help them to find the direction in which we should go and so take us there.
Lord, please bless our efforts at work today. Please bring resolution to the current difficulties and help us move forward. Please help me to lead them and show them the way. Inspire me Lord. I need some inspiration.
Finally lord please bless and bring faith to all those that I have known and befriended in the past. I was not carrying or torch for you back then and I was probably not the best example for them. We did have fun Lord, but it was a bit self centered and hedonistic.
It's good to have you in my life. We can really talk because you already know me inside and out. I can't hide from you so why bother. Thanks for the opportunity to know you again. Thanks for the love. I love you too. I know I ask for way too much, but there are some things that only you can provide.
In Jesus Name I pray these things.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Russia - UPDATED
I had 19 blog hits from Russia today. What is up with that???
UPDATE....19 more hits today...I heard Obama got hacked by the Russians yesterday too. What are they up to?
2nd UPDATE...as you can see, I did not write anything new today...not because of the Russians...having a bit of psychomotor brain fog...if I start having de ja vu, there will be trouble...I have to give it a rest.
UPDATE....19 more hits today...I heard Obama got hacked by the Russians yesterday too. What are they up to?
2nd UPDATE...as you can see, I did not write anything new today...not because of the Russians...having a bit of psychomotor brain fog...if I start having de ja vu, there will be trouble...I have to give it a rest.
The Cost of Leaving the United States
I'm not talking about going on a vacation abroad. I am talking about leaving the United States and making another country somewhere in the world my new home. Have you ever considered that? Renunciation of US citizenship is a big step. Most folks that go cite tax reasons or dissatisfaction with the political direction of the US or the cost of living in the US. And it's true that your US dollar will go farther in some other countries, at least right now.
So I was wondering how much it would cost to leave. I was just curious, so I did about 40 seconds of research and came up with an article in Forbes magazine about it.
"Over the last two years, the U.S. has had a spike in expatriations. It isn’t exactly Ellis Island in reverse, but it’s more than a dribble. With global tax reporting and FATCA, the list of the individuals who renounced is up. For 2013, there was a 221% increase, with record numbers of Americans renouncing. The Treasury Department is required to publish a quarterly list, but these numbers are under-stated, some say considerably."
Apparently we are leaving in record numbers. Soon they will have to build walls to keep us in.
"To leave America, you generally must prove 5 years of U.S. tax compliance. If you have a net worth greater than $2 million or average annual net income tax for the 5 previous years of $157,000 or more for 2014 (that’s tax, not income), you pay an exit tax. It is a capital gain tax as if you sold your property when you left. At least there’s an exemption of $680,000 for 2014. Long-term residents giving up a Green Card can be required to pay the tax too.
Now, the State Department interim rule just raised the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship to $2,350 from $450. Critics note that it’s more than twenty times the average level in other high-income countries. The State Department says it’s about demand on their services and all the extra workload they have to process people who are on their way out."
So there is a fee of $2,350.00 just to renounce and if you are rich or close to it, there is an exit tax.
It seems to me that someone is trying to keep us from leaving and that makes me want to go before it becomes impossible. On the other hand, do I want to be an immigrant in another culture? Even a legal immigrant? Well maybe if they spoke English in my new country and there was a Walmart and a Hy Vee. What are the odds? I guess I could immigrate to Kansas, but that would defeat my purpose of getting away...unless Kansas secedes from the Union. Is there any hope of that?
I did hear that there is a danger of secession in California, New Mexico and Arizona and it's because of the huge number of immigrants there. Spanish is becoming the first language in those states and I suppose there is some poetic justice in Mexico maybe getting back what it lost back in the 1840's.
Whatever the case, it would seem that the manifest destiny of the white man is just about at an end. Europe is falling to immigration from the middle east. Muslims are taking over what was once Christian territory and why not? Christianity is all but dead there. They are almost post post Christian. Europe will soon change forever unless the nationalists there can get their immigration problem fixed. They better hurry. There are not a lot of white folks left.
Western Caucasians have had a death wish for most of the last century and into the 21st. The convenience of birth control and abortion along with the need for two income families has shrunk the size of white households considerably and even below replacement levels. Governments have been forced to open the flood gates to hordes of immigrants that are not melding into the once white culture of the west. Socialism requires taxes. Taxes come from workers. If workers are not produced in sufficient numbers, then they must be imported to support the social welfare system. The reality though is that increases in immigration into the host countries also increases the size of it's welfare rolls. It is a burden that could bring down the entire west and fracture the nation status of the US and EU. I do believe that day is not far off.
ISIS is a minor threat by comparison.
And that is why I'm thinking about a place to escape to. I do not want to be here when the feces hit the oscillating wind device.
Can they build a wall around Kansas? Probably not. We are all doomed. What is a groundhog to do?
So I was wondering how much it would cost to leave. I was just curious, so I did about 40 seconds of research and came up with an article in Forbes magazine about it.
"Over the last two years, the U.S. has had a spike in expatriations. It isn’t exactly Ellis Island in reverse, but it’s more than a dribble. With global tax reporting and FATCA, the list of the individuals who renounced is up. For 2013, there was a 221% increase, with record numbers of Americans renouncing. The Treasury Department is required to publish a quarterly list, but these numbers are under-stated, some say considerably."
Apparently we are leaving in record numbers. Soon they will have to build walls to keep us in.
"To leave America, you generally must prove 5 years of U.S. tax compliance. If you have a net worth greater than $2 million or average annual net income tax for the 5 previous years of $157,000 or more for 2014 (that’s tax, not income), you pay an exit tax. It is a capital gain tax as if you sold your property when you left. At least there’s an exemption of $680,000 for 2014. Long-term residents giving up a Green Card can be required to pay the tax too.
Now, the State Department interim rule just raised the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship to $2,350 from $450. Critics note that it’s more than twenty times the average level in other high-income countries. The State Department says it’s about demand on their services and all the extra workload they have to process people who are on their way out."
So there is a fee of $2,350.00 just to renounce and if you are rich or close to it, there is an exit tax.
It seems to me that someone is trying to keep us from leaving and that makes me want to go before it becomes impossible. On the other hand, do I want to be an immigrant in another culture? Even a legal immigrant? Well maybe if they spoke English in my new country and there was a Walmart and a Hy Vee. What are the odds? I guess I could immigrate to Kansas, but that would defeat my purpose of getting away...unless Kansas secedes from the Union. Is there any hope of that?
I did hear that there is a danger of secession in California, New Mexico and Arizona and it's because of the huge number of immigrants there. Spanish is becoming the first language in those states and I suppose there is some poetic justice in Mexico maybe getting back what it lost back in the 1840's.
Whatever the case, it would seem that the manifest destiny of the white man is just about at an end. Europe is falling to immigration from the middle east. Muslims are taking over what was once Christian territory and why not? Christianity is all but dead there. They are almost post post Christian. Europe will soon change forever unless the nationalists there can get their immigration problem fixed. They better hurry. There are not a lot of white folks left.
Western Caucasians have had a death wish for most of the last century and into the 21st. The convenience of birth control and abortion along with the need for two income families has shrunk the size of white households considerably and even below replacement levels. Governments have been forced to open the flood gates to hordes of immigrants that are not melding into the once white culture of the west. Socialism requires taxes. Taxes come from workers. If workers are not produced in sufficient numbers, then they must be imported to support the social welfare system. The reality though is that increases in immigration into the host countries also increases the size of it's welfare rolls. It is a burden that could bring down the entire west and fracture the nation status of the US and EU. I do believe that day is not far off.
ISIS is a minor threat by comparison.
And that is why I'm thinking about a place to escape to. I do not want to be here when the feces hit the oscillating wind device.
Can they build a wall around Kansas? Probably not. We are all doomed. What is a groundhog to do?
Monday, April 6, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
....and on The First Day of The Week
It was a new day. It was early Sunday morning. Pilate slept. The high priests slumbered. Judas was dead. The Devil was in Hell and those in his prison had been released (1 Peter 3:19, 20). God's Chosen One, once again, walked the earth. He was ALIVE!
John 20:1-18
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. 5 He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. 6 Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, 7 as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. 8 Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. 9 (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.) 10 Then the disciples went back to where they were staying.
11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?”
“They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.
15 He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”
Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).
17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.
He defeated death and the power of sin. He can do the same for you. There is still time. He is waiting.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Bad Moon Rising
Actually, it will be setting here in Iowa. There will be a total lunar eclipse at around 5:30 AM on the western horizon just before moon set in the morning. The actual eclipse will happen quickly, and will probably not last for more than 5 minutes. The shadow of the earth will cover the moon, blocking the rising sun's light and making the moon appear blood red, hence the name "blood moon". There are many religious types, among them the fundie Christians and orthodox Jews, that are seeing this as some kind of sign from the Almighty since this is happening on Easter/Passover weekend. It is being interpreted as a sign of impending judgement or some other gloom or doom. For me, it's just a natural phenomenon and a thing of beauty. Somehow, I think if God wanted to tell us something, there would be frogs and locusts or maybe the death of the first born. God does not mess around with moon shadows when there is serious judging to be done. Enjoy the light show.
The Day Love Died
Mark 15:25-41
25 It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. 26 The written notice of the charge against him read: the king of the jews.
27 They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. [28] [a] 29 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, 30 come down from the cross and save yourself!” 31 In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! 32 Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.
33 At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[b]
35 When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.”
36 Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said.
37 With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.
38 The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. 39 And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died,[c] he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”
40 Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joseph,[d] and Salome. 41 In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.
It was not a Good Friday for Jesus, but it is what He was born to do. He became the lamb of God. He took on our sin and then became our sacrifice. He stood in our place, taking our punishment, suffering the worst form of execution devised by the hand of man - crucifixion. The hope of the whole world rested on His act of selflessness. His death became our gain. He made it possible for us to stand before God without fear, forgiven of sin as children of the living God.
But it was not over. Sunday was coming and the hope that He gave in His death would translate to victory and life eternal on the first day of the new week. Sunday was coming...
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Good Company To Be In
I can relate to this...
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
I am no Paul, but I understand this. My situation is not the same, but the thorn I have is every bit as perplexing and it certainly proves to me daily that I have nothing to be conceited about. I am not sure I am to the point of delighting in weakness, but I may be getting there.
Paul, thanks for sharing. Someday I hope to tell you so in person.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
I am no Paul, but I understand this. My situation is not the same, but the thorn I have is every bit as perplexing and it certainly proves to me daily that I have nothing to be conceited about. I am not sure I am to the point of delighting in weakness, but I may be getting there.
Paul, thanks for sharing. Someday I hope to tell you so in person.
My Anger
From the age of about 14 to 19, I was a legalist. I subscribed to the Christian faith, but I was all about making others live in fear of losing their salvation if they did not do things the way I saw them in scripture. I was skilled from an early age at negatively motivating people and holding their feet to the doctrinal fire. It was also a very good way to keep people from looking at my life and holding me to the same standard. No one wants to challenge their inquisitor.
I also had a smoldering anger with God. I felt like He had set me up to fail because of certain issues in my personal life which I hoped I would grow out of as time went on. One of them I did grow out of, but the other one remained....to this day. I still take it to God with no result except maybe the will to resist. But getting back to my legalist persona...
The problem with living like this is that no one could live up to the standards I set....including myself. Like everyone else, I had character flaws as mentioned above. Like everyone else, my flesh was bent, and I had some pretty serious bends. I was setting up a conflict within myself that was going to make me lash out at God in anger and send me to the desert for 18 years.
I went to Bible college when I was 17 ready to receive my tassels so I could sit in the seat of judgement with the other Pharisees. This is not a good motivation for going to Bible college. I learned quickly that most of the Christians there were not like me. They were submitted people that realized they were sinners saved by grace and they wanted to help other people get there. That was not me.
Anyway, I took many classes, most of them from the Old Testament and I sharpened my rhetorical skills. In my personal life however, I undertook a study of Romans in the New Testament and this...this became the source of my irritation and anger with God. There were things in there that were completely out of line with my personal interpretation of the scriptures. At the same time, I was searching for answers regarding my personal spiritual issues that I could not harmonize with God's Word.
I was in conflict. I had determined that God was unfair and unjust for many reasons. Then I got to Romans 9. Adding to what was God's utter rebuke to my approach to the faith, He sent me a very strange room mate. He was a Catholic charismatic from Cleveland. Looking back, I think God did that on purpose. Kind of rude Lord. Anyhow...
Being 18 years old (by that time), I was completely frustrated by the time I read this:
Romans 9:14-21
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
These words, to my mind, were completely unfair. Who could stand against a God that treats His creations this way? Why would I want to submit to this?
It turns out that submission was part of the problem. To that point in my life I had not submitted to much of anything. When you're right, you don't have to submit to anyone? So it became my will against God's Will. All of my personal standards that I had spent so much time developing fell to the ground like a shattered pane of glass. I was going to Hell because I could no longer justify myself, the junk in my personal life or the way I was living. On top of this, I had a Catholic Charismatic room mate that was trying to get me to lighten up, be more tolerant and enjoy my faith.
I was a walking tragedy. I gave up. I quit praying, left the school I was in and moved to Texas to pursue a liberal arts degree in political science. I went to a Christian college there, but I did not participate in the Christian life. I found a group of nere-do-wells and spent a lot of time doing drugs and drinking. I also fell in lust with someone that I had a relationship with for about 9 months. It was a strange and completely different life. I found that I liked these people. They seemed more normal and in touch with themselves than any Christians I knew. They were real. They were open and honest about their pain and their pleasures. They were not afraid to be who they were.
Having never lived that way, I found it refreshing and fun. I really pushed the envelope. It is a wonder I did not end up in jail. I did get suspended from school for a couple of weeks, but my grades were good and my life was uncomplicated by excessive rule keeping.
The problem with living like that is that it can shorten your life. It can also inhibit your ability to support yourself in the real world where what you do really matters. So at some point after graduation, I had to get my life back together, at least enough to work. I managed to do that. I have worked for a number for reputable companies without ever quitting my job. Lots of buyouts and mergers kept me employed.
I never did get back to the church in those early years. From age 24 to 37, I was unchurched and I did not really miss it. I found I did not like Christians all that much; even the 'cool' ones. So I worked and did little else except go fishing and go home once and a while.
Home was a problem for me. I found that every time I went home, I would get depressed. I missed home, my parents, my grandparents and...yes...even the church I grew up in. It set up a longing in me to go home that did not stop until I actually got here. It was this longing for home that put me in touch with God again. I wanted to go home so badly that I prayed. It was like He was waiting by the phone. It all happened very quickly. I ended up back in the church after a time and I have not really looked back since that time.
I know the Lord in a different way now. The lens through which I view Romans 9 has been refocused. In my anger, I had completely missed the most important part of that passage in verse 16.
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.
It is by God's mercy and grace that we are saved. There is nothing I can do to earn it. I have nothing of value to offer in exchange for it. I can only accept it when He gives it. I am pleased to say I have accepted.
I still slip into Pharisee mode occasionally. I usually receive reminders when I do. As for my personal issues with God - we still discuss them. There may be some lingering anger, but I love Him too much to hold the bentness of my own flesh against Him. I still wish He would have fixed them, but I would have missed so many other learning experiences if He had done so.
Looking back, my own failure to submit my life to Him is what has been the real issue. I still cling to some things that I should not. I need to let them die. I think there is time for that to happen. I may be looking pretty good when I get to the Pearly Gates.
What a long, strange trip its been
I also had a smoldering anger with God. I felt like He had set me up to fail because of certain issues in my personal life which I hoped I would grow out of as time went on. One of them I did grow out of, but the other one remained....to this day. I still take it to God with no result except maybe the will to resist. But getting back to my legalist persona...
The problem with living like this is that no one could live up to the standards I set....including myself. Like everyone else, I had character flaws as mentioned above. Like everyone else, my flesh was bent, and I had some pretty serious bends. I was setting up a conflict within myself that was going to make me lash out at God in anger and send me to the desert for 18 years.
I went to Bible college when I was 17 ready to receive my tassels so I could sit in the seat of judgement with the other Pharisees. This is not a good motivation for going to Bible college. I learned quickly that most of the Christians there were not like me. They were submitted people that realized they were sinners saved by grace and they wanted to help other people get there. That was not me.
Anyway, I took many classes, most of them from the Old Testament and I sharpened my rhetorical skills. In my personal life however, I undertook a study of Romans in the New Testament and this...this became the source of my irritation and anger with God. There were things in there that were completely out of line with my personal interpretation of the scriptures. At the same time, I was searching for answers regarding my personal spiritual issues that I could not harmonize with God's Word.
I was in conflict. I had determined that God was unfair and unjust for many reasons. Then I got to Romans 9. Adding to what was God's utter rebuke to my approach to the faith, He sent me a very strange room mate. He was a Catholic charismatic from Cleveland. Looking back, I think God did that on purpose. Kind of rude Lord. Anyhow...
Being 18 years old (by that time), I was completely frustrated by the time I read this:
Romans 9:14-21
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For
Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that
I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in
all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does
not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some
pottery for special purposes and some for common use?These words, to my mind, were completely unfair. Who could stand against a God that treats His creations this way? Why would I want to submit to this?
It turns out that submission was part of the problem. To that point in my life I had not submitted to much of anything. When you're right, you don't have to submit to anyone? So it became my will against God's Will. All of my personal standards that I had spent so much time developing fell to the ground like a shattered pane of glass. I was going to Hell because I could no longer justify myself, the junk in my personal life or the way I was living. On top of this, I had a Catholic Charismatic room mate that was trying to get me to lighten up, be more tolerant and enjoy my faith.
I was a walking tragedy. I gave up. I quit praying, left the school I was in and moved to Texas to pursue a liberal arts degree in political science. I went to a Christian college there, but I did not participate in the Christian life. I found a group of nere-do-wells and spent a lot of time doing drugs and drinking. I also fell in lust with someone that I had a relationship with for about 9 months. It was a strange and completely different life. I found that I liked these people. They seemed more normal and in touch with themselves than any Christians I knew. They were real. They were open and honest about their pain and their pleasures. They were not afraid to be who they were.
Having never lived that way, I found it refreshing and fun. I really pushed the envelope. It is a wonder I did not end up in jail. I did get suspended from school for a couple of weeks, but my grades were good and my life was uncomplicated by excessive rule keeping.
The problem with living like that is that it can shorten your life. It can also inhibit your ability to support yourself in the real world where what you do really matters. So at some point after graduation, I had to get my life back together, at least enough to work. I managed to do that. I have worked for a number for reputable companies without ever quitting my job. Lots of buyouts and mergers kept me employed.
I never did get back to the church in those early years. From age 24 to 37, I was unchurched and I did not really miss it. I found I did not like Christians all that much; even the 'cool' ones. So I worked and did little else except go fishing and go home once and a while.
Home was a problem for me. I found that every time I went home, I would get depressed. I missed home, my parents, my grandparents and...yes...even the church I grew up in. It set up a longing in me to go home that did not stop until I actually got here. It was this longing for home that put me in touch with God again. I wanted to go home so badly that I prayed. It was like He was waiting by the phone. It all happened very quickly. I ended up back in the church after a time and I have not really looked back since that time.
I know the Lord in a different way now. The lens through which I view Romans 9 has been refocused. In my anger, I had completely missed the most important part of that passage in verse 16.
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.
It is by God's mercy and grace that we are saved. There is nothing I can do to earn it. I have nothing of value to offer in exchange for it. I can only accept it when He gives it. I am pleased to say I have accepted.
I still slip into Pharisee mode occasionally. I usually receive reminders when I do. As for my personal issues with God - we still discuss them. There may be some lingering anger, but I love Him too much to hold the bentness of my own flesh against Him. I still wish He would have fixed them, but I would have missed so many other learning experiences if He had done so.
Looking back, my own failure to submit my life to Him is what has been the real issue. I still cling to some things that I should not. I need to let them die. I think there is time for that to happen. I may be looking pretty good when I get to the Pearly Gates.
What a long, strange trip its been
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