Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The Sun, The Moon and the Spring
On March 20th, Northern Europe will enjoy a three way celestial event that has not happened in 100,000 years, which to my mind means, it has never happened before. There will be a total eclipse, a super moon and the vernal equinox all on the same day. It should be a spectacular day astronomically speaking.
I'm sure that there will be crowds of would be Druids at Stonehenge and other pagan sites and in other places there will be dispensationalist and premillennial Christians hunkered down in anticipation of the parousia.
Me? I will be at work. I don't think anything other than a spectacular light show will be underway and since I am in North America, I won't get to see the eclipse, except on TV. Hope to sleep through the super moon too.
It's common thought among many Christians that these are signs in the heavens that portend God's coming judgement or some other major historical event. While I'm good with that if it's what you want to believe, there is nothing I can do about the cosmic activities of God except wait. Since waiting is unproductive, I think I'll work or sleep or eat or something. If He makes an appearance, I will be ready and if He does not, I will talk to Him the next morning.
The older I get, the more useless I think the study of eschatology is. It is very interesting, but so is the study of UFO's. My philosophy at present is that I am saved, I am ready, let 'er rip if you like. Otherwise, I think I'll go fishing. It's gonna be Spring ya know.
Lord, I hope what I just wrote does not offend you. I just like the element of surprise. Personally, I can't wait to see your smiling face, but it's going to be a terrible day for many people and I would just as soon you give them every chance possible to come to you in faith. I can wait. Death is not that far off for me. I can wait. Lord, it's good to be in Your family even when you're away. See you soon. Love you.