There are days when I feel really good about the world and mankind in general, and then there are days like today. Reading the news is not a good way to find hope for the race. It certainly explains why most philosophies and world religions have to find a way to explain the way we are and how to change that way. I have to say, after reading about the latest health trend in South Korea, the change is not happening fast enough.
What impulse would compel someone to come up with the idea to dehydrate dead humans, mostly infants, and put them in gelatin capsules to sell to people as medication? What kind of bent, unregenerate, sick, twisted soul could do such a thing? Hitler, Stalin and Mao did not do such things. The Spanish Inquisition did not do such things. The Romans did not do such things. Why would anyone in the 21st century think this was a good idea? Is it merely greed or is it just plain evil?
According to Mary Simon at CNN:
South Korean customs officials said they are cracking down on an operation that is smuggling in pills from China made from the flesh of dead babies, according to Korean media reports.Twenty-nine smugglers of "human-flesh capsules" have been arrested after trying to smuggle 11,000 pills into South Korea from China while disguised as tourists, according to The Korea Times.“Some put herbs together in the capsules so that customs agents cannot distinguish the unique smell and color of the human-flesh capsules," a Korea Customs Service official told the newspaper. "Others put the capsules in medicine containers to deceive inspectors."The pills, which are taken by people who believe they may help increase stamina, for rejuvenation or by terminal cancer patients, are made of powder made from dried fetuses or dead babies, the customs office told the Korea Times.More than 35 cases and more than 17,000 pills have been found by customs authorities since August of last year, the South Korean website Dong-A Ilbo reported.
South Korea is not exactly a back water country. They are solidly members of the first world. They are an educated, wealth producing and highly disciplined society. How can this be happening there in the 21st century? The health risks alone should be enough to deter people from this, but this would also be in opposition to the tenets of every major far eastern philosophy or religion.
I am not picking on South Korea here. They just happen to be providing the most glaring example today. There are others in other places more egregious and I could go on, but I won't.
What will we not try? Is there anything? I do not believe there is. We are doomed. Never mind climate change and nuclear proliferation. We are doomed because we will not stop even at eating our own young. It's over people. I'm sorry. It's just over.
Could you turn this:
into this:
and then sell it, buy it or swallow it? Some have been doing just that and now I fully understand why there is a hell. There needs to be. It's only just and right.
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