Saturday, July 4, 2015

One Tin Soldier (1971) - Joni Mitchell

Listen children to a story that was written long ago

'bout a kingdom on a mountain and the valley folk below

on the mountain was a treasure buried deep beneath a stone

and the valley people swore they'd have it for their very own

CHORUS: go ahead and hate your neighbor

go ahead and cheat a friend

do it in the name of heaven

justify it in the end

There won't be any trumpets blowing

come the judgment day

on the bloody morning after

One tin soldier rides away

So the people of the valley sent a message up the hill,

asking for the buried treasure, tons of gold for which they'd kill.

Came an answer from the kingdom "with our brothers we will share.

All the secrets of our mountain, all the riches buried there."

Now the valley cried with anger,"mount your horses, draw your swords"

And they killed the mountain people, so they won their just reward.

Now they stood beside the treasure, on the mountain dark and red.

Turned the stone and looked beneath it; PEACE ON EARTH was all it said.

CHORUS: go ahead and hate your neighbor

go ahead and cheat a friend

do it in the name of heaven

justify it in the end

There won't be any trumpets blowing

come the judgment day

on the bloody morning after

One tin soldier rides away

So Who Needs a Haircut? Apparently the Greeks.

From the Financial Times:

"Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse, bankers and businesspeople with knowledge of the measures said on Friday.
The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000, sketch out an increasingly likely scenario for at least one bank, the sources said.

A Greek bail-in could resemble the rescue plan agreed by Cyprus in 2013, when customers’ funds were seized to shore up the banks, with a haircut imposed on uninsured deposits over €100,000.
It would be implemented as part of a recapitalisation of Greek banks that would be agreed with the country’s creditors — the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank.
“It [the haircut] would take place in the context of an overall restructuring of the bank sector once Greece is back in a bailout programme,” said one person following the issue. “This is not something that is going to happen immediately.”"

It happened in Cyprus and now they are talking about it in Greece. When your economy teeters on the edge of bankruptcy and the nation can no longer pay its creditors, the bankers simply help themselves to your bank deposits. This is legal in almost every country of the world now in case you were wondering - yes, even here in the good old US of A. In Cyprus, they only hit deposits of 100,000 EUR or more. For Greece, they are talking about taking it down to 8,000 EUR.

I think the Greeks need to consider taking the route that Iceland chose. Simply default. Reboot the economy, prosecute the criminal banker and political class and go back to a metal based currency. And what ever else...they need to get out of the EU. This is where their troubles started.

So do you think this cannot happen here? Do not get overly optimistic about our financial future. The debt of the US government is deep and heavy. Should the right dominoes fall on a given day, both the bond and stock markets could collapse. Cash would be King for a bit, followed by wholesale dollar printing, followed by staggering inflation. The bankers will endeavor to recover their largess by giving you a haircut long before that last bit happens. There will be nothing you can do about it. They will simply help themselves to what is yours because they view your deposits as unsecured loans to them. Actually, I believe they think it's their money that they let us use.

Anyway, as this nightmare scenario proceeds, a barter economy is inevitable unless the people will be willing to take control, by force if necessary, of the reigns of government and finance. There are states in the current US union that are making preparation for this possibility. Texas come to mind. I believe that North Dakota is also prepared economic dooms day.

Some will say that their money is invested at brokerage houses or investment firms and is therefore safe. Let me tell you, when the feces hit the oscillating wind device, those with power will take what they want to save their sorry hides no matter where it is stashed. I look for them to pass the Mattress Seizure Act to be sure to get everything. There will be no place that is economically safe.

Gold and silver will not save you in the long term either. In the great and terrible day, I think we will be swapping bottled water and cans of Campbell's cream of tomato soup. People need to eat. You can't eat gold. Just my thought. It would be nice if I was wrong.

So what should you take from all this? Greece and Cyprus are rehearsals for the real deal. The bankers and politicians want to see what works and what does not work. They failed in Iceland.

We need to tell them now, that if it happens here, a giant Iceland will be their fate. They need to back off or they will have more trouble then they ever bargained for.

Jade Helm 15 is practice for the government handling of such a crisis. It is taking place in late summer and early fall in many states of the southwest. Some say it's merely a military drill. 9/11 happened during a military drill. Oklahoma City happened during a military drill. The subway bombings in London happened during a military drill. It could well be that there is a plan in place to artificially collapse the economy during this period to avoid a natural catastrophic melt down. Jade Helm 15 may be the way they intend to take control of an unruly populace. If this is the plan, look for it by September 23.

Here is to hoping none of that happens and that the Greek thing is localized and does not spread. That would be preferable to other scenarios. But just in case...lay in some bottled water and Campbell's tomato soup. I kind of like the chicken noodle too.             

Thursday, July 2, 2015


It's been going on for centuries. It recent times in the west it has not had the legal stamp of the state, but there are still men in various places that keep more than one partner at home. Men with multiple wives have been part of every culture from the dawn of creation.

Much of the last 2000 years has been dominated by Christian doctrine and morality in regard to marriage. Orthodox Christianity - the mainline groups - will tell you that God had a plan and polygamy was not it. I agree with this, but history tells us another story. The reality is that even though God intended one man one woman marriages, people, even His own people Israel, did not abide by His wishes.

Many of God's intentions for humanity fell by the wayside when humanity chose their own will over God's will. Then when the curse was applied to humanity. Everything changed. Women were subordinated to men and men began treating them like property - a cow that can do laundry and have sex. In the Torah, we see women who could not bear children or did not bear sons offering their hand maids as surrogates. Other men just took more than one wife. One has to ask, would their have ever been an Israel if Jacob had been allowed only Rachel. She was not exactly a "fertile Myrtle" if you know what I mean. Even in the days of the Law, men took multiple wives. Moses himself had two...yes he did ...look again.

And then there is the whole leverite marriage thing in Deuteronomy. I think it's chapter 25:5-10. If your brother died without producing a son, you were supposed to marry his widow and produce an heir for his widow's future care and for the continuation of your brother's family. You could refuse this duty, but it was always at considerable embarrassment to your own family. If you refused, your widowed sister in law could take you before the judges. If, after that, you still refused, she would remove a sandal and throw it at you, spit in your face and call you and yours the family of the unsandaled because of your refusal. Public humiliation was a big deal in ancient times. Of course, if you had a hot sister in law, I suppose it would not have been so bad. The point here though is that even under God's law, there was in place a mechanism for polygamy.

When Jesus came, all this changed. Jesus demanded again what God had set forth in the beginning. One man one woman marriage - no divorce except in the case of adultery and maybe not then if the offending party can be forgiven. This has, since that time, been the Christian standard for marriage. There have been Christian sects like the Mormons in the US that have at one time or another embraced polygamy, but even the main line cult gave it up after much persecution by the orthodox Christian majority. 

But there is, and always has been, men that balked at the notion of monogamy. They would keep both wives and girlfriends in the same house. Today and in light of the recent SCOTUS decision, there are some that are coming forward to try to gain legitimacy for their girl friend(s) along with their current wife. There is such a case right now in Montana.

"A married Montana man has taken his wife and his girlfriend to the Yellowstone County Courthouse and told the clerk: Marry us – if the Supreme Court OK’d “gay” unions, then we should be allowed to join together in holy polygamy. “It’s about marriage equality,” said Nathan Collier, who filed for a marriage application to two women, Victoria and Christine, CBS News reported. “You can’t have this without polygamy.”
Victoria is currently his legal wife. Christine is his girlfriend.

County officials at first denied the application, but then backtracked and said they’d have to consult with attorneys."

So the future and the past are coming together in a most unusual way. One has to wonder where this will stop or if it will ever stop. Should you be able to marry a door knob? What about all the other knobs you handle every day? Won't that be a problem? A door knob harem might be the answer. In this age of egalitarianism anything can happen.

Lord, any time now. Please come back and stop this foolishness. We are bad decision makers. Guess you knew that though.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I had exactly 51 page views at exactly 0700 today. How does that happen? Only information gathering software can do that. What info are they it is looking for? They could save a lot of time by just calling me I think. What's their motive? You have to wonder.

This and That

I kind of doubt I will wax philosophical this morning. I have a neck ache, a headache and a back ache. I do not know what brought it all on, but normally these are precursors to a weather change (ground hogs can predict that stuff year round). Whatever it is, I just need it to go away. I have to go in to work here in a few minutes and listen to cranky customers on the phone. I do not need to be cranking back at them. I need to go back to burrowing for a living. That's what a ground hog is supposed to do anyway. A few root vegetables wouldn't hurt either. I'm putting on a few pounds. I was up to 222 lb last night on the scale in nothing but basketball shorts. Are you all picturing a ground hog in basketball shorts? Ya, funny ha ha. Ground hogs are not noted for being svelt anyway. You will never see one with a six pack. Maybe a pony keg, but not a six pack. But I digress....

There are times when you realize how blessed you are. I had a day like that yesterday. Friends far and near reached out to me in different ways with love and support and God's grace and it made the rest of the day much better. I thank all of you for that. I need to warn all of you though, I'm like a stray dog. If you're nice to me, you will be stuck with me for the rest of my life. People move far away and they still can't get shed of me. I will hunt you down (;^)))

Here's a random thought from a friend that's sort of in line with yesterday's post about knowledge. I have known Christians that believe they should be fruit inspectors. They actually advocate this practice and are proud to be called fruit inspectors. Whenever that term comes up in Sunday school or church, I get incensed. This notion comes from some very bad reading of the New Testament in my view. The idea is that we would know people by the spiritual fruit they bear. Jesus talks about this and so does Paul. And it's true. You can tell much about someone by the way they behave and how they interact with other people and what they believe and how those beliefs guide their lives.

What drives me bonkers is when this gets used by self righteous people to inflict judgement on others. These folks want to go through your spiritual fruit basket and determine what should be there and what should not be there. Never mind the rotting apple at the bottom of their own bowl, your grapes are going over and not in a good way. Clean it up. This is what I'm talking about when I say fruit inspector. To my mind, this was the behavior of the pharisees in Christ's time. "Woe to you scribes and pharisees. You go 1000 miles to make a single convert and then make him twice the son of hell that you are"...."woe to you scribes and pharisees. you place great weights on the people and then do nothing to help them carry it". Those are paraphrases of what Christ said, but it is how I view these self appointed fruit inspectors. I KNOW YOU BY YOUR FRUIT.

How about this instead. How about we all confess our spiritual and fleshly brokeness or bentness or whatever you want to call it? How about we all love each other and trust each other enough and serve each other's spiritual and physical needs? Maybe if we did that, there would be less rotten fruit in all our bowls.

And this brings me to the thought of my friend that he shared yesterday. Why is it that the church has rotten fruit in the bowl that it overlooks, that it keeps, that it even cherishes, but other rotten fruit gets thrown out without so much as a Grace period?

The church tends to keep its gossips, it's gluttons, it's divorced, it's whatever you want to name; but there are others who, because their brokeness is so strange, we want them out of the basket? It's as if God's grace does not extend to them because even the liars and gossips cannot stand them. Why is this? Is there some unwritten code that says "it's ok if you've gossiped or your tend to eat too much or if you tend to believe your own lies, but really, if you've done any of these other things, we don't want you. Nothing personal. There are places for people like you to go to. We just can't have you here. God loves you. I love you. But could you just go away and not talk about it? I'm uncomfortable already".

Does God love like that? Did Jesus love like that? Is that what we're all about in our white middle class evangelical churches? I hope not.

You say, "but Ghog, have you ever acted this way?"

I am sorry to say that I have. I am also happy to say it's time to knock it off. Jesus loves us. Let Him be our fruit inspector while we concentrate on producing the fruit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Knowledge is a weird thing. It's supposed to enlighten us, to make us more able, to help us clarify the decision making process.

However, when we receive new knowledge about the people in our lives, sometimes it does not always go well. They tell us something new about themselves; something we did not know about them or their past or about an on going issue in their personal life. Suddenly our opinions about this person change because of the new  knowledge. Even though they continue to be the same person they were five minutes before telling us about whatever it is, we see them in a new light. Sometimes the way we treat them changes. It doesn't mean we don't like them anymore, but maybe we back off because we thought we knew them, but we didn't know "that"...whatever "that" is.

What we forget, especially in the Church, is that Christ knew them before they were born. He knew what they would be. He knew what struggles they would go through...and you know what? He still loves them and He treats them exactly the same as He always did. There is no new knowledge for Jesus.

This is an advantage that we, as non-divine human beings do not enjoy. New knowledge startles us all the time. It's part of the reason that I read as little news as possible. I cannot process it all, let alone adjust to it.

Even so, when it comes to these matters in the Church, we need to cut that person some slack. Maybe get to know them better. Find out who they really are in Christ right now with a view toward serving them. I have been very blessed in this way. I have been loved and served by my church in ways that I would never have expected when I came back to the faith. 

This is an advantage that Jesus gives all believers. We can let the past go. We can live life anew. We can get our baggage down to manageable size and He and our brothers and sisters in the church can help carry that baggage and we can help them.

But this won't work if we do not trust each other and love each other. We need to do that regardless of what new knowledge we receive about a friend or relative or brother or sister in Christ. We have to move forward in love. There may be complications with this, but whatever it is, we have to move forward in love. Fear and distrust destroys. Love overcomes. (1 Cor 13 if you need a reference).

I am not an expert at being courageous, trusting and loving. I have spent much of my life in the other camp; it's filled with distrust, fear and even anger.

I cannot live that way anymore. This means I will have to take my heart out and let people see it, see who I am and share my struggles and victories. It's the hardest thing I have ever considered doing.I don't know if I can do it. But I am going to try.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Justin Lee Speaking at New Heart Community Church

This is Justin Lee. He is the director of the Gay Christian Network (GCN). He is the most reasonable voice in the current Gay Christian (not an oxymoron) debate. Justin would not even use the word "debate" at this point in his life. I appreciate his testimony. My disagreement with him comes on the finer points of the issue.

In his discourses, he maintains that there are two major sides on this issue which the Church faces. There are those like Justin himself that believe it is both moral and scriptural for same sex people to marry, as long as they maintain a life long committed, monogamous relationship. And there are others that think that if you wish to remain within the will of Christ, same sex attracted people must remain celibate. He refers to these POV's as Side A and Side B.

I would find myself on Side B. I would also say that there are probably more than two options here, but he only explores these two.

Whatever else you might think of him, Justin's testimony is amazing. He may well be doing God's work in bringing some sense of peace on this issue to the groups he addresses. 

This is a long video. It's over a year old and some things have changed. Even so, I would urge you to block out some time to watch it. I would like to know what you think about what he says. If you don't want to share on line, drop me an email at .

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Andrew Peterson: "Come, Lord Jesus"

Acceptance and Tolerance

All of my life, I have sought acceptance within various venues and with various people. There have been groups that I wanted to be a part of and there have been people whose friendship I sought. About 80% of the time I was successful. I am not usually a group type person, but there were places like church and work and school where I wanted to belong, and in all these places I have found acceptance and even on my own terms for the most part. There have been people I have pursued as friends. Many wanted to know me better. Some did not. Some found me tolerable, but not acceptable to confide in very deeply. I am much the same way. It takes me awhile to trust as I have mentioned before.

There are others that I have found that did not want to accept me. In most cases, I was not upset with this. I shook the dust from my feet and I moved on. I will be the first to tell you that I am not everyone's cup of tea. It's OK. If you don't like me or approve of me for whatever the reason, that is fine. But you need to tolerate me, my opinions, my personality and who I am.

I do not expect that people be required by law to accept me, love me or even like me. In fact, please feel free to dislike me, hate my point of view and take me to task whenever you feel like it. However, please be tolerant of my continuing existence. I am a work in progress. You may never come to appreciate me as others do, but that's OK. Be tolerant.

That's where I was with tolerance and acceptance yesterday before the SCOTUS decision on Same sex marriage. I can tolerate it's existence. I am one that believes the state should not be involved in anyone's marriage or marriage in general. I do not believe the state should even be involved in licensing marriage.

What is galling, what is irritating,  what is hateful is when the State tells me that mere tolerance is no longer enough. I must accept by force of law that same sex people can marry.

I will not.  I will not abide by such capricious governmental overreach.

This is not to say that I hate those of the same sex who seek marriage. Fine. Get married. Just do not knock on the door of my church to do it. If you are seeking Jesus, come on in. If you are seeking salvation come on in.

But if you are seeking approval for your sinful behavior, my church is not the place to do that. There are places you can go. There are places you will receive acceptance as a gay couple. Please go there. Go with my best wishes. Know that I tolerate your right to do as you please in this regard, but you must cut me the same tolerance. I have a position too. You must make room for that position.

I have read much and studied much in regard to what the church's position should be on same sex marriage and sexual activity. I am still not convinced that this can be tolerated inside a Bible believing church. I have read many arguments from scripture right down to the original Greek. I still cannot get past the fact that our freedom from sin does not give us license to behave as we please; even when that behavior seems natural to those experiencing the desire. It is not. The flesh is bent. It must be controlled. It may seem like a big burden, but if you are a Christian, you know you have to give it up for the Man that really cares about you.

A couple of books that discuss the issue with a view toward acceptance are "Torn" by Justin Lee and "Bible, Gender and Sexuality" by James Brownson.   

Justin Lee is a very likable guy. He does a good job of presenting both sides of the same sex marriage issue in an evangelical church context. He is southern baptist. His father is a pastor. Justin has several videos on You Tube that are entertaining and informative. He also operates GCN - The Gay Christian Network. He is always fair and tolerant of other points of view. I just happen to think he is wrong. God will be our judge.

James Brownson is a professor of New Testament at the Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. He has a Reformed Church background and also a gay son. He works from the original New Testament language (Greek) to tell us that Paul did not mean what we all think he meant in Romans and the Corinthian letters. He still leaves me unconvinced. Again, God will be the judge of that.  

Bottom line...please feel free to live as you like. Please know that I wish you the best, but do not expect me to condone or accept what you are doing. You do not need my acceptance anyway right? I do not need yours either. But we can try to tolerate each other while we share the planet. God will sort it all out one way or the other. If I am wrong, you will have my profound apologies. If you are wrong....well, God will take your situation into account.    

Friday, June 26, 2015

And So It Begins....

From the Office of the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott

“The Supreme Court has abandoned its role as an impartial judicial arbiter and has become an unelected nine-member legislature. Five Justices on the Supreme Court have imposed on the entire country their personal views on an issue that the Constitution and the Court’s previous decisions reserve to the people of the States.
“Despite the Supreme Court’s rulings, Texans’ fundamental right to religious liberty remains protected. No Texan is required by the Supreme Court’s decision to act contrary to his or her religious beliefs regarding marriage.
“The Texas Constitution guarantees that ‘[n]o human authority ought, in any case whatsoever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion.’ The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion; and the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, combined with the newly enacted Pastor Protection Act, provide robust legal protections to Texans whose faith commands them to adhere to the traditional understanding of marriage.
“As I have done in the past, I will continue to defend the religious liberties of all Texans—including those whose conscience dictates that marriage is only the union of one man and one woman. Later today, I will be issuing a directive to state agencies instructing them to prioritize the protection of Texans’ religious liberties.”

This is what happens when government inserts its cold dead hand into an issue it has no business being involved in

Let me say it again for the record. The State, be they the Feds or the local yokels, should not be involved in deciding who will marry whom. The State should not license marriage. There should be no tax penalties or deductions for married people or their children.

Marriage is none of the State's business.

Furthermore, what came down today from SCOTUS is appalling. I was expecting a 6 to 3, but Roberts tricked me on this one. Even so, the narrow vote and the commentary by the minority on the court makes it clear that deep division on this issue which should be a non-issue, will continue.

The reliance by the majority on the 14th amendment was pathetic. The history and intent of the 14th amendment does not support the issue of marriage in any context. It's as if the constitution was a manipulable Word document on their tablets. There is also many questions about whether the 14th amendment was ever properly ratified since it was forced on the southern states during reconstruction after the civil war.

Freedom of association people! That's what it should be about. If you do not wish to associate with someone on the basis of ANYTHING you should not have to! It's real easy. But no...

So now here we are. Texas is pulling out the stops. I have no doubt that more states will follow. The ugliness is not over. It's only beginning. And it's all because the State thinks they have to be in everyone's business.

This is not going to end well. Mark my words.

UPDATE: I would also like to add that since SCOTUS has legislated from the bench on issues that it should not be concerned with, I must support the actions of Governor Abbott in Texas. We must not  have rule by minority in this country and we must not override freedoms of association, speech and religion simply to resolve what should be a cultural issue.

And from a Christian perspective, I can tell you that if there is an attempt by any state to force local churches to tolerate same sex marriage, there will be more than just protests. There will be rebellion.
As I said. This is not going to end well.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Please Be Upstanding for The Stars and Bars

In light of all the kerfuffle over the Confederate Flag, I thought I would take a moment to reproduce it here on the internet forever.

The Confederate flag did not cause the Charleston church shootings ok people? Got that? Guns did not cause the shooting either. Are you following me?

It was a young man abusing his prescription of anti depressants. Every major lone gunman of the last few years has had a prescription. Look it up if you don't believe me. Here's a list.

I know these meds help many people, but it has the exact opposite effect for a handful of folks, mostly young men, that drives them to harm others and themselves. The pharmaceutical companies need to figure out why.

Now  Please Be Upstanding for The Stars and Bars.

A Bad Person

Kind of in line with the previous post comes this one. It is an example of what I was talking about in regard to avoiding people to avoid getting hurt. This has happened within the last two years. I can not remember exactly when it started, but in some respects, it is still going on in my mind.

There is someone at church. He is in his early 20's. He does various things around church. Very active and involved. Seems to be a fine Christian. He tried to strike up a conversation with me one day and I walked away. This happened more than once. Each time I reacted negatively.

I get what I consider to be a bad vibe from him. Something is not right. It worries me. I will not be more specific than that.

I based my entire approach to his offer of friendship on a gut feeling. This is unfair, judgmental, and cruel. I have no way of knowing who he is because I did not try to get to know him. Again, I find myself ashamed of my behavior and embarrassed. It is not right.

Being the gutless wonder that I am, I sent him an email back in December trying to apologize. It was a poor attempt. I pointed out that while I was sorry, I did not think we would become friends.

What is wrong with me? What am I so damned afraid of? People want to be nice to me, to be my friend and I turn away because I have a bad feeling.  Ghog needs to get over his bad self.

Is it too late for me to fix this?

I hate doing my laundry in public, but the washer is broke. What do you think?.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Trust II - The Reckoning

On May 7th, 2015 I wrote this...

"Trust is the ticket to a happy Christian existence in Christ's church, so why do I feel that I cannot be completely honest with my brethren about who I am in Christ? Why do I fear the self righteous, unremitting hand of condemnation from people that are supposed to love me as God loves us? That hand is probably not even there. It may only be the fear. Fear destroys trust.

This should not be. So what do we do to develop trust?

I think we have to be willing to risk hurt feelings and bruised egos and step out in trust when others will not. We need to be honest with others in the church about where we are at in the faith and push to get the same from them. We have to let the fear die and let Christ live through us in our dealings with others, both inside and outside the Church.  Trust will not develop if we are not willing to step out and take risks to our personal well being and feel the pain of someone else or even endure our own.

Trust will cost you something if you do it right; even possibly betrayal. Jesus could tell you about that. So let's take a leaf from His page. Let our love extend to trust - for Him and for each other."

I must today confess my hypocrisy.

I obviously do not believe this or I would practice it.

I apologize to all my friends that I have treated with a lack of trust. I am ashamed. I really do want to believe what I wrote. I want it to be the way things are. I am going to do my best to practice this from this point forward. I do not know that it will make me any less annoying, but I will try to be more trustful and also more trustworthy.

I had an email conversation with a friend about the whole issue. I said that the basis of trust for me was the ability for the other party to keep confidentiality. He suggested that it was longevity of the relationship over time. He also passed on what his father said. "It takes a lifetime to build trust and second to lose it." I believe all three of these things are very true and correct.

When it comes down to it though, the reason I fail to trust is because I do not want to get hurt. I am sure it has been at the center of all the relationship problems I have ever had and it has also been the thing that prevented me from making friends with others. I have probably missed many valuable relationships because I do not practice what I preach.

The friendships that have lasted in my life have been with people that are tolerant of my eccentricities. I would like to thank all of you for that. You are kind as well as trustworthy.

I am a hard man to love. Y'all deserve some kind of an award.

More to the point, I believe my lack of trust has interfered with the relationship I have with Jesus. I am sorry to say it because if there is a Rock in my life, it has been Him. Lord, I am sorry. 

I am going to try to do better. No promises here, but I am going to try.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Joel is Down With The Bros From Islam

Lakewood Church in Houston, Tx is the largest church in America. The pastor, Joel Osteen, was recently interviewed by Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson of NPR's "Here and Now".
In the Interview they asked Joel about the church's relationship with Muslims. He said,

“I have Muslims that attend our church and my books sell a lot in Muslim countries as well. You know, I don’t know, I don’t get too deep in those kinds of things, but our ministry is about reaching out to everybody, and so I do and I do have those conversations. I had a whole group of probably about 50 Muslims here at the service about two weeks ago, sitting right on the front row. They came, and we have good, good relations. And I think it’s again, part of our ministry is, you know, our main theme is Jesus says love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself. And I don’t try to put people in a box – OK, they’re Jewish or they’re Catholic, they’re this or they’re that. I just say, ‘you know what, they’re somebody that God’s put in our path for us to love,’ and that’s our philosophy.”

Joel, I think that's great, but don't you worry just a bit about security? I mean, do you have metal detectors at the doors? I know that most members of Islam that live in the US are moderate, but they would not be likely to darken a church door either. I just have this picture in my head of ISIS types casing your building for a couple of weeks and then puttin it to the congregation during the altar call. You are brave. 

I guess that means that I do put people in a box. I'm sorry. I am all for getting the message out to our Islamic friends across the world, but if some of them walked into my church, I would have a concern. Perhaps I just watch too much news. 

Question. Did any convert? Just wondering. Ye shall know them by their fruit. Just sayin.  

Monday, June 22, 2015

New Variety of Libtard

Body Modification, Glorification, Gorification and Mutilation and The Coming Singularity

Humans have engaged in body modification for centuries. The very acts of choosing to gain or lose weight is an act of body modification. People in the public eye regularly have plastic surgery to maintain their public image. Hair transplants and changes of hair color have been common place for decades. Ear piercing has been common practice. Many tribal peoples also alter their bodies if the photographers of National Geographic are to be taken seriously.

The western, post Christian mind set seems to be taking body modification to new levels of absurdity however. Civilized people are deliberately choosing to tattoo themselves or have body parts surgically altered with piercings or implants.

Then you have the whole transgender phenomenon where physical appearance is altered through hormones, surgery and implants of another variety.

People are not happy with what God or nature provided them and so they seek to modify or manipulate or mutilate their bodies to find something more satisfying. I wonder if it's working?

Whatever is happening, this should make the movement toward trans-humanism easier. If we all become accustomed to people regularly changing their bodies - upgrading them if you will - how big a leap is a brain implant or a bionic heart? Is a 'Darth Vader' like existence really then out of the question?

Here are some pics from the recent tattoo and body modification convention in Venezuela.

If this is OK....and

 And this is acceptable, then what can possibly be wrong or unacceptable about.....

What could possibly be wrong or immoral about enhancing your body in ways that make is more useful, more intelligent or more sentient?

I suspect an agenda in all this. We are always prepared for change gradually by the powers that be. I would suggest they are preparing us to merge with technology in ways that have never been possible before. The day of the Borg is at hand and we are going to be them...

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Keith Green - Easter Song

I know it's not Easter, but this song is great. Listen to the Words. It has a sort of "classical" sound.

Baby Ghog and Family + Friends

When you watch this, be kind. The little red headed one is me. I want my innocence back. Someone has stolen it and I want it back. I also want back the joy and the love and the not caring what other people think.

My costars are family and friends. If you are new to my life, there are many here you will not recognize. If you are wondering, this is a compilation that was done by my uncle from 8 mm film taken by my Mom and Dad...mostly dad. The years here are probably 1959 to 1961. It's makin me cry a lot!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Would You Like to Kiss my Bass?

I saw this old codger catch a bass before going back to the nursing home today. He had a kindly bearlike companion with him that took pity on him and helped him back to the home. I think it was a large brown bear with glasses dressed in fishing gear. Not tall enough to be a Griz.

The poor old man seems to be getting man boobs. Hard to believe those were once pectorals. I guess bone structure isn't everything. What do you think? B cup? He's no Kaitlyn Jenner, but maybe a shot of hormones could get him to a C cup. Poor guy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It Must Be Like Riding a Bicycle

After more than four years of not doing so, I went fishing today. It was a practice session. Tomorrow I'm  going with my friend Steve, the preacher creature. I hope it's as good tomorrow as it was today. I got 5 bass that were all between 2 and 3 lb each. That almost never happens to me.

Lord it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the bass. I hope you have some ready for tomorrow, otherwise Steve and I will probably kill each other. I will leave the filet knife at home. Who eats bass anyway right? It was fun. I feel recycled. Thanks again Lord.