In an interview with David Brody of CBN News, Republican Ted Cruz said this.
“Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who
are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry
Geez. What an idiot. He is telling potential voters that they are too stupid and uniformed to make a proper decision about voting and that any one that supports Trump is experiencing an emotional brain fart of anger.
Mental dispepsia not withstanding, it is this elitist attitude that is gradually bringing down every candidate in opposition to Donald Trump. How blind can a politician be? He is so caught up in the current paradigm that he does not see it. He is completely insulated from the reality the people in the US have to deal with daily.
It's time for a new paradigm, a new plan, a new model. Or better yet, let's dust off the old one. We know it works when it's allowed to.
Ted, give it up. Glib commentary in debates seems to be your venue. Perhaps you should go back to trial lawyering. Or maybe...maybe you would make a good ambassador to say Libya. Ya. that's it. Time to pack Ted.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
The Whole Trump Thing
In reference to Joseph Stalin and the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill famously stated, "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
Churchill was siding with Stalin, the most ruthless dictator in history. Had Stalin been bombing the hell out of London, I'm sure Winston would have spoken favorably of Hitler's work. Such is the politics of our world. One man's dictator is another man's ally. It all depends on who is burning down your house.
Donald Trump is not burning down my house, but he knows who is and he speaks their names and points regularly to the guys with the torches. They are the western bankers, industrialist and politicians that seek to destroy our power by controlling the elements of the game. They have been trying to box us in with low wages, high taxes and fear for 30 years. The Donald is tired of it. Someone said he is one of them, but I don't think so. He has made and lost a lot of money because of them. He is not one of them. He has not paid his dues and joined their little club. He has rather, taken up the cause of the common man and invigorated us. His appeal crosses racial barriers. His words bring hope and a nationalist fervor not felt since VE Day. Unity of purpose may be at hand.
If he means what he says, things are gonna change.
Herein lies the debacle. The fear is now on them. For the first time since the 1960's, the established powers that be are scared shitless. They are running every possible gambit to find ways to deny the will of the people, castrate the power of the vote and install another president that will bend to their will. The moneyed power brokers of the GOP are working every possible scenario to bring Donald Trump down prior to the convention and general election. They are enlisting the help of the Democrats and established media. It's my belief that they will resort to the vilest chicanery to nullify the will of the American people.
For this reason alone, I support Donald Trump. He may turn out to be an awful president, a terrible politician that makes us all look bad and feel bad in the end, but right now in this hour, this one shining moment he is bringing fear to the empowered and entitled of the West. Let them sweat if they can.
If he wins, I hope he arrests them all, confiscates their wealth and sends them to Gitmo for their crimes of terror against the American people.
I don't know if I will get my dream of abolition of the Federal Reserve or my dream of closing all our foreign military bases or my dream of high import tariffs and re-industrialization of the United States, but I would like to see an end to the dismantling and balkanization of my country. I would like to see an end to the endless wars. I would like to see the real perpetrators of 9/11 exposed. I am so tired of this pursuit of empire. We are Americans. We should oppose empires, not build them.
The world is a mess and it's because of US foreign policy, driven by Zionist money.
Christians, my own people, are completely deluded by all this. They believe Ted Cruz is the One, an evangelical, born again boy wonder.
Really friends? He's an Ivy Leaguer. He served in the Bush administration at the FDA. He met his wife Heidi there. She now works for Goldman Sachs and he is a US Senator supported heavily by the oil industry and some help from Heidi's bosses. Jeb Bushes brother Neil is now supporting him. He's as establishment as it gets. He will sell you down the river just like all the other establishment Republicans have done. Don't be stupid.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insane. Who says a good Christian would make a good president anyway? I'm not sure I believe that.
"Ya, well who says Donald Trump would be a good president?"
Not me. But I do believe he can be the one to take this hereditary monarchy and put it back in the hands of us real folks. The gravy train administrators in Congress need to go to. Donald, you need to be campaigning against them too. Shut down the government. No one ever notices anyway accept the bureaucrats.
Let's send them all home.
Friends in Florida and Ohio, we need you to be strong and do the right thing on the 15th. Say 'no more' to them all. Vote Trump OK? Sunshine and buckeyes for everyone next Tuesday. Let's wrap this thing up.
Churchill was siding with Stalin, the most ruthless dictator in history. Had Stalin been bombing the hell out of London, I'm sure Winston would have spoken favorably of Hitler's work. Such is the politics of our world. One man's dictator is another man's ally. It all depends on who is burning down your house.
Donald Trump is not burning down my house, but he knows who is and he speaks their names and points regularly to the guys with the torches. They are the western bankers, industrialist and politicians that seek to destroy our power by controlling the elements of the game. They have been trying to box us in with low wages, high taxes and fear for 30 years. The Donald is tired of it. Someone said he is one of them, but I don't think so. He has made and lost a lot of money because of them. He is not one of them. He has not paid his dues and joined their little club. He has rather, taken up the cause of the common man and invigorated us. His appeal crosses racial barriers. His words bring hope and a nationalist fervor not felt since VE Day. Unity of purpose may be at hand.
If he means what he says, things are gonna change.
Herein lies the debacle. The fear is now on them. For the first time since the 1960's, the established powers that be are scared shitless. They are running every possible gambit to find ways to deny the will of the people, castrate the power of the vote and install another president that will bend to their will. The moneyed power brokers of the GOP are working every possible scenario to bring Donald Trump down prior to the convention and general election. They are enlisting the help of the Democrats and established media. It's my belief that they will resort to the vilest chicanery to nullify the will of the American people.
For this reason alone, I support Donald Trump. He may turn out to be an awful president, a terrible politician that makes us all look bad and feel bad in the end, but right now in this hour, this one shining moment he is bringing fear to the empowered and entitled of the West. Let them sweat if they can.
If he wins, I hope he arrests them all, confiscates their wealth and sends them to Gitmo for their crimes of terror against the American people.
I don't know if I will get my dream of abolition of the Federal Reserve or my dream of closing all our foreign military bases or my dream of high import tariffs and re-industrialization of the United States, but I would like to see an end to the dismantling and balkanization of my country. I would like to see an end to the endless wars. I would like to see the real perpetrators of 9/11 exposed. I am so tired of this pursuit of empire. We are Americans. We should oppose empires, not build them.
The world is a mess and it's because of US foreign policy, driven by Zionist money.
Christians, my own people, are completely deluded by all this. They believe Ted Cruz is the One, an evangelical, born again boy wonder.
Really friends? He's an Ivy Leaguer. He served in the Bush administration at the FDA. He met his wife Heidi there. She now works for Goldman Sachs and he is a US Senator supported heavily by the oil industry and some help from Heidi's bosses. Jeb Bushes brother Neil is now supporting him. He's as establishment as it gets. He will sell you down the river just like all the other establishment Republicans have done. Don't be stupid.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insane. Who says a good Christian would make a good president anyway? I'm not sure I believe that.
"Ya, well who says Donald Trump would be a good president?"
Not me. But I do believe he can be the one to take this hereditary monarchy and put it back in the hands of us real folks. The gravy train administrators in Congress need to go to. Donald, you need to be campaigning against them too. Shut down the government. No one ever notices anyway accept the bureaucrats.
Let's send them all home.
Friends in Florida and Ohio, we need you to be strong and do the right thing on the 15th. Say 'no more' to them all. Vote Trump OK? Sunshine and buckeyes for everyone next Tuesday. Let's wrap this thing up.
An Interesting Organism
The church is an interesting bunch. I speak in the nebulous sense of those that claim to be part of the body of Christ across all the denominational, theological and political lines. More specifically, I mean those that believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead and rules His Kingdom from His Father's side.
We are from all walks of life, from every culture, every nation and every tribe on the planet. We have one thing in common. We are all sinners saved by His grace.
Many of us live on the knife's edge. We constantly push to the very limits of what is acceptable behavior for one of Christ's subjects. Sometimes our motivations for this are good. We want to seem like an attractive bunch to those in the world that need Jesus. On other occasions, we are believers that, out of fear of eternal condemnation, attend services and perform functions in our local congregation, but behave as though we never knew Him through the week. There are still others among us that are so wrapped up in our own sense of righteousness that we cannot bear being with actual sinners that do not know Jesus.
These are only some of the "types" that exist in a "believing church". Of the three mentioned here, I think the first group is the most interesting and has the greatest potential for kingdom success.
It's true that we are not to be of the world though we live in the world. It's true that we must fear God and serve Him, but that holy fear and faith should generate sanctification that translates into consistent behavior. Finally, we should not be so wrapped up in our pursuit of righteousness, that we shun those outside our faith communities and fear contamination. We are clean because Jesus made us clean from the inside out and not because we scrubbed ourselves clean with study and prayer.
What I am trying to say is that if we want to be successful for the Kingdom, we need to push the limits of grace while maintaining the truth in love. Condemning the outward acts of sinners will not win them for Jesus. Joining them in contradiction to our calling will not do this. But joining them as friends with a conviction about mercy, truth and justice might just win a few. Showing them the peace that comes with knowing Him and the stability that comes even in dark times can make them thirsty. Showing them that you are not opposed to a little fun also goes a long way.
Jesus liked a good party. I think of the wedding feast at Cana where He made the wine. I think of Him going to the houses of Zacchaeus and Matthew without fear and in good conscience, enjoying the party and delivering the truth. I also think about what He said when some wanted to condemn His participation.
To Zacchaeus He said, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
At Matthew's house He told the Pharisees, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
We need to be out there among 'em. We need to ask them to join our party. We need to push the limits of traditional "Christian" behavior to bring people in. That might create some messiness in the local congregation. So be it.
We are from all walks of life, from every culture, every nation and every tribe on the planet. We have one thing in common. We are all sinners saved by His grace.
Many of us live on the knife's edge. We constantly push to the very limits of what is acceptable behavior for one of Christ's subjects. Sometimes our motivations for this are good. We want to seem like an attractive bunch to those in the world that need Jesus. On other occasions, we are believers that, out of fear of eternal condemnation, attend services and perform functions in our local congregation, but behave as though we never knew Him through the week. There are still others among us that are so wrapped up in our own sense of righteousness that we cannot bear being with actual sinners that do not know Jesus.
These are only some of the "types" that exist in a "believing church". Of the three mentioned here, I think the first group is the most interesting and has the greatest potential for kingdom success.
It's true that we are not to be of the world though we live in the world. It's true that we must fear God and serve Him, but that holy fear and faith should generate sanctification that translates into consistent behavior. Finally, we should not be so wrapped up in our pursuit of righteousness, that we shun those outside our faith communities and fear contamination. We are clean because Jesus made us clean from the inside out and not because we scrubbed ourselves clean with study and prayer.
What I am trying to say is that if we want to be successful for the Kingdom, we need to push the limits of grace while maintaining the truth in love. Condemning the outward acts of sinners will not win them for Jesus. Joining them in contradiction to our calling will not do this. But joining them as friends with a conviction about mercy, truth and justice might just win a few. Showing them the peace that comes with knowing Him and the stability that comes even in dark times can make them thirsty. Showing them that you are not opposed to a little fun also goes a long way.
Jesus liked a good party. I think of the wedding feast at Cana where He made the wine. I think of Him going to the houses of Zacchaeus and Matthew without fear and in good conscience, enjoying the party and delivering the truth. I also think about what He said when some wanted to condemn His participation.
To Zacchaeus He said, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
At Matthew's house He told the Pharisees, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
We need to be out there among 'em. We need to ask them to join our party. We need to push the limits of traditional "Christian" behavior to bring people in. That might create some messiness in the local congregation. So be it.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
The Only Time I Ever "Looked Gay"
I am not what you would call obvious. You would probably not know I am same sex attracted just by talking to me for a few minutes. Maybe after we got to know each other you would figure it out, but I'm thinking you'd say, "naw, that can't be".
I think the only time I ever looked kind of gay was when I was in a friend's wedding. The bride was my friend who knew of my SSA status and ask me to stand up with her and her hubby in the ceremony. I obviously could not be a bride's maid. Too much equipment. But the groom was kind enough to let me stand with the guys. We all had these white tuxes on. I was the only guy that looked gay. I was the sore thumb.
I'm all ruffly pink and white. Geeze. I think there was only one other time that came close. I bought a powder blue suit for my college graduation and it made me seem a bit...pretty. Anyway, I have been more careful since then.
I think the only time I ever looked kind of gay was when I was in a friend's wedding. The bride was my friend who knew of my SSA status and ask me to stand up with her and her hubby in the ceremony. I obviously could not be a bride's maid. Too much equipment. But the groom was kind enough to let me stand with the guys. We all had these white tuxes on. I was the only guy that looked gay. I was the sore thumb.
I'm all ruffly pink and white. Geeze. I think there was only one other time that came close. I bought a powder blue suit for my college graduation and it made me seem a bit...pretty. Anyway, I have been more careful since then.
It's Not The Same
This will not sit well with some, particularly among my Christian friends whom I love and am very glad to have in my life, but I need to say it, and you need to know it or at least consider that it might well be the truth.
Homosexuality is not like substance abuse, alcoholism, gambling addiction, greed, avarice, covetousness, malice, hate or whatever other sin that you want to name. It is hard wired into those of us that have to deal with it. We know the desire long before we ever participate in the behavior. It seems as natural as your desire is for the opposite sex. Further to the point, it is not all about the sex anymore than your marriage is. There is friendship, camaraderie and solidarity in these communities that goes beyond the mere search for a sex partner. It is a sexual desire and behavior common to many throughout the world, through history and across all cultures.
Alfred Kinsey, whatever you may think of him, had a scale of zero to six for Human sexuality.
The percentages for each category, 0 to 6, are broken out below under my last paragraph. You can choose to believe his research or not.
The source is here.
The overwhelming majority of humans are straight. There are about 4% of us that are 6's. This would be me if you are wondering. I have zero heterosexual desire. I like women. The best relationships I have had in my life have been with women. I just never wanted to have sex with one.
I guess my point here is that I never felt like I was given choice. Yes, I know behavior is a choice, but the desire that I have seems quite natural and at the risk of setting your teeth on edge, quite normal.
Back in 1977 and 1978 I had some fairly intense counseling that was designed to create a passion for the opposite sex. It involved hypnosis and something called 'visual imagery'. During hypnosis sessions I would rest the ring and middle fingers of my left hand on a biofeedback device that measured galvanic skin response (GSR). I would be asked to concentrate on the buzzing sound the device made and reduce it through relaxation. I was very good at this. I could get very relaxed very quickly. During these periods I would would be asked to visualize heterosexual coitus while the counselor described it. I have to say that even though I was about as relaxed as a man could get without being asleep, I do not think I was ever in a hypnotic state. There was also the fact that the entire process kind of put me off. I did not trust my counselor (he was weird) and he was talking about things that, frankly, were kind of gross to me. Suffice it to say, it did not work.
I quit counseling in 1978. It was also in 1978 that I met Robert. We lasted about a year and a half. In 1979 I graduated and Robert and I went our separate ways. I should tell you all about Robert some time I suppose. Or maybe not. Some of you could not deal with it. Whatever. He was my first and my last. Ya, I know. I'm not dead yet, but I am just too tired so there will be no man but Jesus in my future. I really want to see Him.
Kinsey summarized his findings (Kinsey et al., 1948:650-51) on the incidence of homosexual behavior among white males in the U.S. population in these words:
Homosexuality is not like substance abuse, alcoholism, gambling addiction, greed, avarice, covetousness, malice, hate or whatever other sin that you want to name. It is hard wired into those of us that have to deal with it. We know the desire long before we ever participate in the behavior. It seems as natural as your desire is for the opposite sex. Further to the point, it is not all about the sex anymore than your marriage is. There is friendship, camaraderie and solidarity in these communities that goes beyond the mere search for a sex partner. It is a sexual desire and behavior common to many throughout the world, through history and across all cultures.
Alfred Kinsey, whatever you may think of him, had a scale of zero to six for Human sexuality.
0. | Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual |
1. | Predominantly heterosexual, only incidental homosexual |
2. | Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual |
3. | Equally heterosexual and homosexual |
4. | Predominantly homosexual but more than incidentally heterosexual |
5. | Predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual |
6. | Exclusively homosexual. |
The source is here.
The overwhelming majority of humans are straight. There are about 4% of us that are 6's. This would be me if you are wondering. I have zero heterosexual desire. I like women. The best relationships I have had in my life have been with women. I just never wanted to have sex with one.
I guess my point here is that I never felt like I was given choice. Yes, I know behavior is a choice, but the desire that I have seems quite natural and at the risk of setting your teeth on edge, quite normal.
Back in 1977 and 1978 I had some fairly intense counseling that was designed to create a passion for the opposite sex. It involved hypnosis and something called 'visual imagery'. During hypnosis sessions I would rest the ring and middle fingers of my left hand on a biofeedback device that measured galvanic skin response (GSR). I would be asked to concentrate on the buzzing sound the device made and reduce it through relaxation. I was very good at this. I could get very relaxed very quickly. During these periods I would would be asked to visualize heterosexual coitus while the counselor described it. I have to say that even though I was about as relaxed as a man could get without being asleep, I do not think I was ever in a hypnotic state. There was also the fact that the entire process kind of put me off. I did not trust my counselor (he was weird) and he was talking about things that, frankly, were kind of gross to me. Suffice it to say, it did not work.
I quit counseling in 1978. It was also in 1978 that I met Robert. We lasted about a year and a half. In 1979 I graduated and Robert and I went our separate ways. I should tell you all about Robert some time I suppose. Or maybe not. Some of you could not deal with it. Whatever. He was my first and my last. Ya, I know. I'm not dead yet, but I am just too tired so there will be no man but Jesus in my future. I really want to see Him.
Kinsey summarized his findings (Kinsey et al., 1948:650-51) on the incidence of homosexual behavior among white males in the U.S. population in these words:
"37 per cent of the total male population has
at least some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm between
adolescence and old age. This accounts for nearly 2 males out of every 5 that
one may meet.
"50 per cent of the males who remain
single until age 35 have had overt homosexual experience to the point of
orgasm, since the onset of adolescence.
"58 per cent of the males who belong to
the group that goes into high school but not beyond, 50 per cent of
the grade school level, and 47 per cent of the college
level have had homosexual experience to the point of orgasm if they remain
single to the age of 35.
"63 per cent of all males never have
overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm after the onset of
"50 per cent of all males (approximately) have
neither overt nor psychic experience in the homosexual after the onset of
"13 per cent of the males (approximately) react
erotically to other males without having overt homosexual contacts after
the onset of adolescence.
"30 per cent of all males have at least
incidental homosexual experience or reactions (i.e., rate 1-6) over at
least a three-year period between the ages of 16 and 55. This accounts for one male out of every three
in the population who is past the early years of adolescence.
"25 per cent of the male population has
more than incidental homosexual experience or reaction (i.e., rates 2-6)
for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55. In terms of averages, one male out of
approximately every four has had or will have such distinct and continued
homosexual experience.
"18 per cent of the males have at least
as much of the homosexual as the heterosexual in their histories (i.e. rate
3-6) for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55. This is more than
one in six of the white male population.
"13 per cent of the population has more
of the homosexual than the heterosexual (i.e., rates 4-6) for at least
three years between the ages of 16 and 55. This is one in eight of the white male population.
"10 per cent of the males are more or
less exclusively homosexual (i.e., rate 5 or 6) for at least three years
between the ages of 16 and 55. This is
one male in ten in the white population.
"8 per cent of the males are exclusively
homosexual (i.e. rate a 6) for at least three years between the ages of 16
and 55. This is one male in every 13.
"4 per cent of the white males are exclusively
homosexual throughout their lives, after the onset of adolescence."
Monday, March 7, 2016
God's Grace and His Truth
Yesterday in Sunday school we were talking about what I believed was the inevitable tension that exists between God's grace and His truth and how, if we allow that tension to become love, then the whole process is considerably less 'tense'.
Someone pointed out that grace and truth are not mutually exclusive in that God's grace is an integral part of His truth. This is brilliant as far as it goes, but when we allow one to define the other, we run the risk of moving toward total grace or total truth. Total grace allows all things, even things that fly in the face of virtue or compassion. Total truth is rigid, strictly defining what must be and excluding and condemning all things that oppose it.
So do we allow graciousness to over ride important truths about what God requires of us, what He expects from those that love Him? Are there in fact limits to God's Grace and compassion? If truth exists, then are we not compelled to say yes to that question?
This is a puzzlement. It is the tension. You can gloss it all over with love, but it is still very tense.
What then shall we say?
We have to find balance. Instead of searching for the limits of God's grace and how far out of the way we can push the limits of His truth, maybe we should just obey and bask in His glory.
There may well be limits to God's grace, but only He can define that and if these limits exist He never tells us about it in scripture. We are instead told about how much He loves us and what can happen to those that fail to observe the precepts of His truth. Those that persist in living in certain ways will not inherit eternal life. Jesus said this. Paul and Peter wrote about it. At the same time they all also spoke of God's preference for mercy and compassion and repentance.
At the root of this matter is God's sovereignty. He will do what He wants. He is God. He knows the hearts and minds of humanity and those that claim to be His possessions. He will take into account all things as He pursues us and we pursue Him.
We cannot sin all the more that grace may abound and we cannot go "full pharisee" with His Word.
Children will test the limitations their parents place on them and their parents will apply the appropriate amounts of grace and truth as they see fit. So it is with our heavenly Father. Life's lessons can be difficult or easy. It all depends on our degree of submission to His will.
When Jesus was in conversation with Nicodemus as recorded in John 3, Jesus makes clear how God's grace, truth and love work together to save us who are willing.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
So what are you saying Ghog? All I have to do is believe and I will enjoy God's grace and salvation and live in His truth?
Well yes, but that belief, that faith has to translate to walking in the light and avoiding the evil deeds of the darkness. If your belief is the real deal, this will happen. Grace will cover the learning process.
Someone pointed out that grace and truth are not mutually exclusive in that God's grace is an integral part of His truth. This is brilliant as far as it goes, but when we allow one to define the other, we run the risk of moving toward total grace or total truth. Total grace allows all things, even things that fly in the face of virtue or compassion. Total truth is rigid, strictly defining what must be and excluding and condemning all things that oppose it.
So do we allow graciousness to over ride important truths about what God requires of us, what He expects from those that love Him? Are there in fact limits to God's Grace and compassion? If truth exists, then are we not compelled to say yes to that question?
This is a puzzlement. It is the tension. You can gloss it all over with love, but it is still very tense.
What then shall we say?
We have to find balance. Instead of searching for the limits of God's grace and how far out of the way we can push the limits of His truth, maybe we should just obey and bask in His glory.
There may well be limits to God's grace, but only He can define that and if these limits exist He never tells us about it in scripture. We are instead told about how much He loves us and what can happen to those that fail to observe the precepts of His truth. Those that persist in living in certain ways will not inherit eternal life. Jesus said this. Paul and Peter wrote about it. At the same time they all also spoke of God's preference for mercy and compassion and repentance.
At the root of this matter is God's sovereignty. He will do what He wants. He is God. He knows the hearts and minds of humanity and those that claim to be His possessions. He will take into account all things as He pursues us and we pursue Him.
We cannot sin all the more that grace may abound and we cannot go "full pharisee" with His Word.
Children will test the limitations their parents place on them and their parents will apply the appropriate amounts of grace and truth as they see fit. So it is with our heavenly Father. Life's lessons can be difficult or easy. It all depends on our degree of submission to His will.
When Jesus was in conversation with Nicodemus as recorded in John 3, Jesus makes clear how God's grace, truth and love work together to save us who are willing.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
So what are you saying Ghog? All I have to do is believe and I will enjoy God's grace and salvation and live in His truth?
Well yes, but that belief, that faith has to translate to walking in the light and avoiding the evil deeds of the darkness. If your belief is the real deal, this will happen. Grace will cover the learning process.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Marco Is Done...Stick a Fork In Him
Well, someone has dropped a dime on Marco Rubio. I thought sure he was going to be the next establishment darling in the race for the GOP nomination for president, but apparently he was someone else's least twice. Marco we hardly knew ye.
GotNews is saying they have ID'd a couple of mistresses that Marco has mounted despite his marriage and family man image.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has carried on at least two extramarital affairs since he entered politics. can confirm through lobbyist sources in DC and Tallahassee that at least one DC-based lobbyist has had an extra marital affair with the first term U.S. Senator. Still another Florida-based lobbyist has been IDed as carrying on an affair.
The first woman was Amber Stoner, a 36-year-old woman who worked for Rubio when he was head of the Florida Republican Party....
The second woman is Dana Hudson, a blonde lobbyist based in the Beltway.
According to two lobbyists in DC in the national security space Hudson has been bragging about having had sex with the senator to other lobbyists.
Hudson lobbies on Homeland Security issues and is personal friends with the very same corrupt David Rivera who once partied with Rubio....
Rubio’s wife reportedly knows about Marco Rubio’s extra marital affairs and doesn’t mind them — so long as she and her children are provided for.
One high placed GOP establishment source from Florida who actually backs Rubio over Trump and Cruz expressed shock that Rubio was still carrying on with women while he was running for president. “It smacks of Jon Edwards,” he texted.
Wow. I guess my only surprise is that they were both women. I kind of thought Marco was in the closet, but it turns out he's in there with at least two women that are not his wife. I'm thinking Marco's political career may be over. He's not as slick as William Jefferson. He will not get away with it.
As to who dropped the dime, it could be anyone. The party may have asked him to step aside to give Cruz a chance at Trump and he refused. Trump's operatives may have done it out of revenge. Or some sore loser like Christie may have done it out of spite. Cruz may have done it to increase his odds in Florida. Whoever did it, it's better that everyone find out now.
I'm sure damage control will begin in earnest tomorrow, but it will probably be short lived. If these allegations are true, he will be done by the end of the week.
Marco, just zip it OK?
GotNews is saying they have ID'd a couple of mistresses that Marco has mounted despite his marriage and family man image.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has carried on at least two extramarital affairs since he entered politics. can confirm through lobbyist sources in DC and Tallahassee that at least one DC-based lobbyist has had an extra marital affair with the first term U.S. Senator. Still another Florida-based lobbyist has been IDed as carrying on an affair.
The first woman was Amber Stoner, a 36-year-old woman who worked for Rubio when he was head of the Florida Republican Party....
The second woman is Dana Hudson, a blonde lobbyist based in the Beltway.
According to two lobbyists in DC in the national security space Hudson has been bragging about having had sex with the senator to other lobbyists.
Hudson lobbies on Homeland Security issues and is personal friends with the very same corrupt David Rivera who once partied with Rubio....
Rubio’s wife reportedly knows about Marco Rubio’s extra marital affairs and doesn’t mind them — so long as she and her children are provided for.
One high placed GOP establishment source from Florida who actually backs Rubio over Trump and Cruz expressed shock that Rubio was still carrying on with women while he was running for president. “It smacks of Jon Edwards,” he texted.
Wow. I guess my only surprise is that they were both women. I kind of thought Marco was in the closet, but it turns out he's in there with at least two women that are not his wife. I'm thinking Marco's political career may be over. He's not as slick as William Jefferson. He will not get away with it.
As to who dropped the dime, it could be anyone. The party may have asked him to step aside to give Cruz a chance at Trump and he refused. Trump's operatives may have done it out of revenge. Or some sore loser like Christie may have done it out of spite. Cruz may have done it to increase his odds in Florida. Whoever did it, it's better that everyone find out now.
I'm sure damage control will begin in earnest tomorrow, but it will probably be short lived. If these allegations are true, he will be done by the end of the week.
Marco, just zip it OK?
It's That time of Year...
We started the spring quarter in Sunday school today at church. I had to work a double shift and it looks like this will continue until June. I am finally teaching Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach. It seemed to go well. Between my two classes I had 38 people. I know this will change. People seem to test drive teachers and their subject matter. A subtle shift will occur in the coming weeks. 38 this week may translate to 45 next week or twelve. Actually, I doubt that last number will happen. There are Groundhog loyalists in my 0800 class that amount to more than that. I had 5 elders in my 1030 class with their wives. I would like to say thanks for your support. The subject matter can be touchy and I appreciate all the participation. I would also like to add a special thanks to Mandy for coming. You seem to be a wise woman. I hope you will continue to occupy a place in the front row.
It got up to 70 degrees here today. It was enough push me to the service desk at Hy Vee to get my 2016 fishing license. I immediately broke it in. I put on my new hat hook and went fishing. I didn't catch anything, but the water looked promising even though it was still very cold. As the spring rains begin to warm the water, I'm sure I will find a bass with my name on it. I hope to be going again soon. Sunday afternoons are perfect for me and this activity. It gives me occasion to sort out the events from the day's worship and also look to the week ahead.
I have to do two things this week. I am supposed to do them every week. You have to do them too if you are a person of faith.
1) Love the Lord God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength.
2) Love our neighbor as ourselves.
Surprisingly, these things are not as easy as you think. What we have to remember is our over all purpose. We were created to bring glory to God. If we can do that, then we can knock out these two commands. Piece of cake right? Ya right.
Lord I do love you even though it may not seem like it sometimes and I know you love me, even though I may not think so sometimes. Now that I think about it, it's kind of like we are married. I seem to be the weaker partner. So be it. I will try to follow your lead, hoping all the time you are listening to me. I'm not sure at this point why you should listen to me, but I kind of think you do. I will continue to work on our relationship. You're laughing at me aren't you? OK. I can deal with that. I'm a human being that gets laughed at frequently. The preachers said something this morning about You having a sense of humor. I know that's true. Look at all the different kinds of humans you made. You do seem to like variety. Glad I could help with that.
Steve also shared with me an interesting question brought to him by a young nephew. The kid wanted to know if God, who is invisible in our world, is visible in heaven. You might think this sounds like a 'kid' type question, but really it's very deep. I would submit to the young one that God is NOT invisible here. If pressed to prove this, I would try to point out all the people that are doing God's work by glorifying Him and loving their neighbors. As Christians, when we do this, we become the face of Jesus to people and as John tells us, if we have seen Jesus, we have seen the Father.
Now this could be a stretch for some, but is it also the point of the two greatest commandments. We, as believers, are the hands and feet of our heavenly Father. We help to make Him known. That is pretty heavy.
The boy seems to genuinely be seeking God. I'm kind of hoping God reaches out to him and locks him into the faith early. The Lord loves the young ones. We should all be so unjaded, forthright and innocent in our inquiries.
Spring is coming. Soon life will spring from death, beauty will replace corruption and a bass will be on my lure. Bring it Lord. I am ready. Thanks for the Day!
It got up to 70 degrees here today. It was enough push me to the service desk at Hy Vee to get my 2016 fishing license. I immediately broke it in. I put on my new hat hook and went fishing. I didn't catch anything, but the water looked promising even though it was still very cold. As the spring rains begin to warm the water, I'm sure I will find a bass with my name on it. I hope to be going again soon. Sunday afternoons are perfect for me and this activity. It gives me occasion to sort out the events from the day's worship and also look to the week ahead.
I have to do two things this week. I am supposed to do them every week. You have to do them too if you are a person of faith.
1) Love the Lord God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength.
2) Love our neighbor as ourselves.
Surprisingly, these things are not as easy as you think. What we have to remember is our over all purpose. We were created to bring glory to God. If we can do that, then we can knock out these two commands. Piece of cake right? Ya right.
Lord I do love you even though it may not seem like it sometimes and I know you love me, even though I may not think so sometimes. Now that I think about it, it's kind of like we are married. I seem to be the weaker partner. So be it. I will try to follow your lead, hoping all the time you are listening to me. I'm not sure at this point why you should listen to me, but I kind of think you do. I will continue to work on our relationship. You're laughing at me aren't you? OK. I can deal with that. I'm a human being that gets laughed at frequently. The preachers said something this morning about You having a sense of humor. I know that's true. Look at all the different kinds of humans you made. You do seem to like variety. Glad I could help with that.
Steve also shared with me an interesting question brought to him by a young nephew. The kid wanted to know if God, who is invisible in our world, is visible in heaven. You might think this sounds like a 'kid' type question, but really it's very deep. I would submit to the young one that God is NOT invisible here. If pressed to prove this, I would try to point out all the people that are doing God's work by glorifying Him and loving their neighbors. As Christians, when we do this, we become the face of Jesus to people and as John tells us, if we have seen Jesus, we have seen the Father.
Now this could be a stretch for some, but is it also the point of the two greatest commandments. We, as believers, are the hands and feet of our heavenly Father. We help to make Him known. That is pretty heavy.
The boy seems to genuinely be seeking God. I'm kind of hoping God reaches out to him and locks him into the faith early. The Lord loves the young ones. We should all be so unjaded, forthright and innocent in our inquiries.
Spring is coming. Soon life will spring from death, beauty will replace corruption and a bass will be on my lure. Bring it Lord. I am ready. Thanks for the Day!
Friday, March 4, 2016
Makin Shit Happen
There are people whose natural habit it is to make things happen. If they are dissatisfied, they make a change for themselves and sometimes without regard to the people around them, like family, wife or husband. Some will drag everyone in their circles into what they are doing even if it means a trip to the other side of the planet. Others are just naturally changing things up out of curiosity or attention seeking or boredom. It is who they are. They are the ones that show up at work with green hair. You know the ones I'm talking about.
When I was much younger, my Mom worked part time in a grocery store in addition to her full time job. She really liked working at Dahl's because of the wide variety of people she would meet as they checked out. There was one individual that would ride up to the grocery store on his bicycle. He would play a harmonica as he rode his bike and then he would come into the store. To say he was "differently enabled" would be a politically correct assessment. He would come into the store, playing his harmonica and flirt with the women at the service counter. He would also chat up the cashiers, my Mom included. I don't know that his intention was to pick up anyone; he just wanted to spread his particular brand of joy with as many people as possible. Sometimes his intrusions into the store would upset buying customers and they would have to ask him to leave. It seemed unkind, but necessary even though he had really done nothing to actually hurt anyone. His presence, however, provoked discomfort for some. He was a distraction and he enjoyed it. He wore a baseball cap like the one below.
Have you ever been the one that makes shit happen? It's odd to have the urge at my age, but I think I want to be that guy. Why now? You would think that I would be long past that and just want to coast off to heaven. Nope. For some reason, I think life is just beginning to get good...interesting. I want to make it that way for everyone. I want to shock old ladies and make young people get red faced and laugh. I want to upset those in authority. I want them to worry that they are losing control. I want to be the one that they wish they were free enough to be.
How odd.
So buckle your seat belts and get ready or better yet...I will turn off the seat belt sign so you will feel free to move about the cabin. Let's make some shit happen.
When I was much younger, my Mom worked part time in a grocery store in addition to her full time job. She really liked working at Dahl's because of the wide variety of people she would meet as they checked out. There was one individual that would ride up to the grocery store on his bicycle. He would play a harmonica as he rode his bike and then he would come into the store. To say he was "differently enabled" would be a politically correct assessment. He would come into the store, playing his harmonica and flirt with the women at the service counter. He would also chat up the cashiers, my Mom included. I don't know that his intention was to pick up anyone; he just wanted to spread his particular brand of joy with as many people as possible. Sometimes his intrusions into the store would upset buying customers and they would have to ask him to leave. It seemed unkind, but necessary even though he had really done nothing to actually hurt anyone. His presence, however, provoked discomfort for some. He was a distraction and he enjoyed it. He wore a baseball cap like the one below.
Have you ever been the one that makes shit happen? It's odd to have the urge at my age, but I think I want to be that guy. Why now? You would think that I would be long past that and just want to coast off to heaven. Nope. For some reason, I think life is just beginning to get good...interesting. I want to make it that way for everyone. I want to shock old ladies and make young people get red faced and laugh. I want to upset those in authority. I want them to worry that they are losing control. I want to be the one that they wish they were free enough to be.
How odd.
So buckle your seat belts and get ready or better yet...I will turn off the seat belt sign so you will feel free to move about the cabin. Let's make some shit happen.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
The Last Loser
Mitt Romney is making an allegedly important speech Thursday regarding the 2016 presidential race. This may become known as "Trumpus Interruptus" in the history books. We will see.
I cannot believe they are doing this. Establishment Republicans would rather see a loser lose again than see Donald Trump as President of the United States. It baffles me that they would rather have the Queen of Mean, the Whore of Babylon ascend the Capitol steps in January 2017. She, whose name must not be spoken, will ascend from the bowels of the ninth circle of Hell to rule the Empire.
Lord, you can stop them? Smite Mitt before he harms us all. Send him to wherever it is you are going to send Mormons after death. Make sure he gets a chain. Thanks
This should tell you exactly who these establishment GOP types are and where their real politics are the left of center and in their pocket books.
Truth be told, Trump is probably as liberal as the Witch ofEndor Arkansas. He may just be putting us all on for personal entertainment. Nevertheless, I have become convinced that he is the enema America needs. He has certainly increased interest in voting. It would be funny indeed if he managed to beat both of them.
Bring it Mitt. What have you got to lose?
I cannot believe they are doing this. Establishment Republicans would rather see a loser lose again than see Donald Trump as President of the United States. It baffles me that they would rather have the Queen of Mean, the Whore of Babylon ascend the Capitol steps in January 2017. She, whose name must not be spoken, will ascend from the bowels of the ninth circle of Hell to rule the Empire.
Lord, you can stop them? Smite Mitt before he harms us all. Send him to wherever it is you are going to send Mormons after death. Make sure he gets a chain. Thanks
This should tell you exactly who these establishment GOP types are and where their real politics are the left of center and in their pocket books.
Truth be told, Trump is probably as liberal as the Witch of
Bring it Mitt. What have you got to lose?
Resisting The Lord's Plans
As the Rolling Stones used to sing, "you can't always get what you want.." and another early Stones offering, "I can't get no satisfaction.." If I was going to have a couple of worldly songs at my funeral, it would probably be those two. They resonate with me in special ways, even as a child of God.
Many of us faith-centric individuals go through life in search of God's will and some elusive special purpose that we are certain matches what we are thinking we want to do for Him. For some reason, we have it in our minds that we are "more special" than a billion other Christians in pursuit of their obedience. God wants us to do what we want to do for Him. He would not ask us to do this or that thing that would be unpleasant or test us in ways in which we are weak. He would not want us to stay in a situation where, though we might bring Him glory, we would go crazy if we stayed. He would not put us in a place where seemingly nothing is happening.
And so we flee situations that make us uncomfortable or do not line up with the vision we believe God gave us. We run for the hills. We get ourselves thrown overboard. We flail about trying to escape the painful thing...whatever it is. We dread that feeling of a loss of momentum and we wonder what God is doing since it seems like we are spinning our wheels and going no where.
We do these things, even in the face of the uncomfortable truth that we are where we are because God put us there and He wants us to serve Him and each other from that place.
Read that last sentence again and tell me it does not ring true. What? Are you thinking it's true for other believers, but not you? Think again brother. Our purpose here has very little to do with what we want, how we feel or what we think. When we gave our lives to Jesus, they ceased to be our own. We are free from sin, but we are not free from our master. We must stay and obey and go when we are told. Our lives are not our own. Our purpose, generally speaking, is to bring glory to God and be obedient to His will no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in; and to find contentment in these things.
Some of us are like Jonah. We know what God wants, but we actively seek to escape doing it. Then when we finally submit to doing God's will and achieve the purpose He desired, we are still not content. We pout because it is still not what we wanted. Never mind God's glory and purpose.
Others are like Jeremiah who preached his message for 40+ years. No one listened or turned to the Lord. There was no repentance. I wonder how he felt about that? Did he feel like his life had been wasted? Still, the work he did had to be done by someone. He brought the Lord glory through his obedience and tenacity.
I would like to escape my current situation. I would like to walk away. I feel like my time is being wasted.
Then I think about the other lives that I affect in this place that I am in. If I give careful consideration to this, I discover that my influence has been much more pervasive that I thought. People I never think about have listened to the things I have said and read what I have written. These things have probably even brought God glory and honor in ways that I have not realized.
Therefore, I cannot run away. I am where I am because I AM THAT I AM put me here. Sometimes I wish He didn't love me so much....nah...I'm good with it.
Thanks Lord.
Many of us faith-centric individuals go through life in search of God's will and some elusive special purpose that we are certain matches what we are thinking we want to do for Him. For some reason, we have it in our minds that we are "more special" than a billion other Christians in pursuit of their obedience. God wants us to do what we want to do for Him. He would not ask us to do this or that thing that would be unpleasant or test us in ways in which we are weak. He would not want us to stay in a situation where, though we might bring Him glory, we would go crazy if we stayed. He would not put us in a place where seemingly nothing is happening.
And so we flee situations that make us uncomfortable or do not line up with the vision we believe God gave us. We run for the hills. We get ourselves thrown overboard. We flail about trying to escape the painful thing...whatever it is. We dread that feeling of a loss of momentum and we wonder what God is doing since it seems like we are spinning our wheels and going no where.
We do these things, even in the face of the uncomfortable truth that we are where we are because God put us there and He wants us to serve Him and each other from that place.
Read that last sentence again and tell me it does not ring true. What? Are you thinking it's true for other believers, but not you? Think again brother. Our purpose here has very little to do with what we want, how we feel or what we think. When we gave our lives to Jesus, they ceased to be our own. We are free from sin, but we are not free from our master. We must stay and obey and go when we are told. Our lives are not our own. Our purpose, generally speaking, is to bring glory to God and be obedient to His will no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in; and to find contentment in these things.
Some of us are like Jonah. We know what God wants, but we actively seek to escape doing it. Then when we finally submit to doing God's will and achieve the purpose He desired, we are still not content. We pout because it is still not what we wanted. Never mind God's glory and purpose.
Others are like Jeremiah who preached his message for 40+ years. No one listened or turned to the Lord. There was no repentance. I wonder how he felt about that? Did he feel like his life had been wasted? Still, the work he did had to be done by someone. He brought the Lord glory through his obedience and tenacity.
I would like to escape my current situation. I would like to walk away. I feel like my time is being wasted.
Then I think about the other lives that I affect in this place that I am in. If I give careful consideration to this, I discover that my influence has been much more pervasive that I thought. People I never think about have listened to the things I have said and read what I have written. These things have probably even brought God glory and honor in ways that I have not realized.
Therefore, I cannot run away. I am where I am because I AM THAT I AM put me here. Sometimes I wish He didn't love me so much....nah...I'm good with it.
Thanks Lord.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Dang It...I Am Just So Flippin' Angry I Could Cuss
Have you ever heard the word "euphemism"? Do you know what it means?
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
noun: euphemism; plural noun: euphemisms
mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to
be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or
Christians like to use euphemisms. It's all the words we use when we want to cuss. "Cuss" itself is an interesting word. It's a shortened Bible-belt form of "curse". We Christians would never want to curse. That would be a sin, so we have come up with all these replacement words for the actual profanity. Here are a few of them with their actual equivalents.
Shucks, Shoot, Crap = Shit
Dang, Darn, Drat = Damn
Frigg, Flip, Shag = Fuck
Son of a Gun = Son of a Bitch
Stupid Idiot = Dickhead
Someone from Indiana = Bastard = i.e. Paul Ryan
That last one was sort of my own invention. The Hoosiers run around saying "Hoosier Momma, Hoosier Pappa"...but I digress.
The thing is, what we call swearing, cursing and profanity and what these things actually are - are very different from actual cursing or swearing. None of the words above have any relevance to what God said in Exodus 20:7.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
The name of God was and is a sacred thing. It must not be misused, abused or casually spoken without the proper reverence. The ancient Hebrews and the Jews after them would go to ridiculous lengths to avoid this. They would not speak the actual name of the Lord, even in worship, and they would not write it or carve it on any surface from which it could be removed. They would substitute the word "adoni", which means "Lord" in Hebrew, even when reciting or copying scripture. They would use a euphemism for the name of God so as not to profane His divine and unspeakable, unpronounceable Name. You think I'm kidding (another euphemism)? I am not. There is even speculation that the actual name of God with it's proper spelling and pronunciation, has been lost, making it impossible to literally violate his command. If something goes unspoken and unwritten, it gets forgotten. Nevertheless, intention is 9/10's of the law.
This is the purest definition of what it means to cuss. All the other stuff is fluff. There are things that many people, particularly in the Christian world, the Church world, are uncomfortable talking about. They have to do with sex, defecation, urination and expectoration. These are perfectly ordinary human bodily functions that seem to make Christians squeamish. Yet we seem to have all these other words we use to talk about those things. Poop, Pee and Whoopee have been popularly used in the Christian community, they are not as clinical sounding as the actual terms and they are not considered profane. Slang maybe, but not profanity. There is nothing wrong with this, but there is nothing wrong with saying 'shit' or 'piss' or or or. As long as you do not take the Lord's name in vain, your use of other language will not offend me.
But what about 'damn'? Well really, we should not be damning people or animals of inanimate objects. This is like judging them. Seriously. Yet we do not seem to have a problem with 'darning' or 'danging' them. These words carry the same meaning as 'damning', but we Christians do not seem to have an issue with using them. We are less offended if our brethren say 'dang'. Again, intention is 9/10's of the law.
What we intend with the language we use is what determines if it's profane. You cannot just say that certain words are off limits to prevent abuse of God's name. To do that is to build a hedge about God's law. We find a way to violate the intent of God's law without actually doing it. This is not good.
So the next time you hear someone using some salty language, consider their intent before making judgements about their character.
Dang. I write some good shit sometimes. (;^))))
Monday, February 29, 2016
Disconnected Thoughts
Someone asked me why I blog. It's a fair question because the process can be time consuming, but there was an underlying accusation in their question. Really, what they wanted to know was, "why do you think anyone would possibly care to read about you or your life or your random disconnected thoughts about what is going on in the world?" This is what I derived from the whole conversation; it was never stated in those words.
I was being accused of narcissism in the kindest way possible; maybe only egomania, a show off at the very least. I have to confess to being a bit of a show off. I like attention. There are places where I get quite a bit of attention. I teach at church. This is where I have my most fun with people. I also participate heavily in a class that I attend as a student and I'm sure the teacher wishes I would just shut up, but I cannot resist going for a laugh while making a valid underlying point. I have also been known to bury personal digs in my veiled attempts at conversation in order to engender discussion.
I will grant you that this bothers people when they figure out what I am doing, but it does work in terms of producing an open discussion about things that people would otherwise remain silent about. And that brings me to this.
I blog because it's my way of thinking out loud, of organizing my thoughts on a subject, even of giving people another way to look at things. The common memes about the issues of the day are seldom correct and tend to be overly simplistic. There is usually more under the surface of things that needs to be looked at. We have to turn over the rocks in the yard and look at what lies beneath if we are going to attempt to understand what's really going on in our yards. Avoiding unpleasantness is not my life goal. People need to see the mess and deal with it - whatever the mess is. If writing or saying shocking things will do that, then I am up for it.
I confess to being tired of the PollyAnnas in church, at work and elsewhere that are always saying, "God is in control" or "they will figure out a way to make it work". This is a way of passing responsibility for whatever it is to someone else. God gave us brains for a reason. At work we even get paid to use them to a greater or lesser extent. Why don't we?
I am not saying that there is no ego involved in putting my thoughts on the internet for others to read. I do think I have valid things to say that others would do well to understand. Perhaps that is too much for me. Maybe it's not my place. I have never been very good at keeping my mouth shut.
So, the bottom line is this. If you don't like what I say, what I write or who I am, that's OK. Don't listen to me or read what I write or complain about it want to talk. Know this though. You will not shut me up.
Now for other things. Saturday night was an adventure in parent rearing. It was about 10:15 PM. I had just finished prep for Sunday's lesson. I came upstairs from my lair and was thinking about sleep when Dad grabbed the dog's leash, hooked him up and headed to the garage. Following close behind, I asked him, as he was putting the dog in the Highlander, what he was doing. He said he was going to take the dog for a ride. Really? 10:15 PM? A ride? He also had two containers of Blu Emu and his flashlight. 'Always be prepared' I guess.
Alzheimer's is a strange disease. When I told him that he needed to come into the house and get some sleep because we had to go to church the next day, his answer was that he would be back before morning. I did eventually get him and the dog back in the house. It took some cajoling, but I got it done. I fully expect to come home from work one night to discover that he and the dog have gone on an adventure. My life is so interesting.
People that have never been in my situation tend to be critical of my approach. They think that I am in control of this man and I should do a better job of caring for him. To this I would say Dad still has a mind and a will, albeit diminished. It is difficult to force him to do anything that he is set against doing. Even so, my thought has always been to allow him the maximum amount of independence and to let him do things as he is able. I firmly believe that a sense of usefulness does much to fight the brain atrophy he is experiencing. I think he has lived longer because of it. I also know that Alzheimer's 100% fatal and there will come a point of diminishing returns with this regimen. I believe now that we may be there. I now have to find the time to get him evaluated and start looking for places where he can live out the rest of his life.
Church members and family members will think this is terrible or irresponsible. I have another opinion. If this were my mate or life companion, it would be different. As it is, this is my aging father. He needs care that I cannot give him. I am gone a lot. I have a full time job. And as selfish as it sounds, I would like to have a life outside of work and Dad.
Some have said, "get elderly day care". This is an option, but not a good one. I still need to sleep. If he decides it's a good night to take the dog for a ride or a walk and wanders off, I will not be getting much of that.
"so get in home, round the clock care."
No. This won't work either. When he gets it in his head to do whatever, it's going to get to the point that it will take more than one person to stop him. He is old, but he is still strong and capable of wielding objects to strike people. Having been hit with his flash light, I understand this. Alzheimer's is a crazy disease that makes people crazy.
I really do not want to deal with this, but I am going to have to.
I was being accused of narcissism in the kindest way possible; maybe only egomania, a show off at the very least. I have to confess to being a bit of a show off. I like attention. There are places where I get quite a bit of attention. I teach at church. This is where I have my most fun with people. I also participate heavily in a class that I attend as a student and I'm sure the teacher wishes I would just shut up, but I cannot resist going for a laugh while making a valid underlying point. I have also been known to bury personal digs in my veiled attempts at conversation in order to engender discussion.
I will grant you that this bothers people when they figure out what I am doing, but it does work in terms of producing an open discussion about things that people would otherwise remain silent about. And that brings me to this.
I blog because it's my way of thinking out loud, of organizing my thoughts on a subject, even of giving people another way to look at things. The common memes about the issues of the day are seldom correct and tend to be overly simplistic. There is usually more under the surface of things that needs to be looked at. We have to turn over the rocks in the yard and look at what lies beneath if we are going to attempt to understand what's really going on in our yards. Avoiding unpleasantness is not my life goal. People need to see the mess and deal with it - whatever the mess is. If writing or saying shocking things will do that, then I am up for it.
I confess to being tired of the PollyAnnas in church, at work and elsewhere that are always saying, "God is in control" or "they will figure out a way to make it work". This is a way of passing responsibility for whatever it is to someone else. God gave us brains for a reason. At work we even get paid to use them to a greater or lesser extent. Why don't we?
I am not saying that there is no ego involved in putting my thoughts on the internet for others to read. I do think I have valid things to say that others would do well to understand. Perhaps that is too much for me. Maybe it's not my place. I have never been very good at keeping my mouth shut.
So, the bottom line is this. If you don't like what I say, what I write or who I am, that's OK. Don't listen to me or read what I write or complain about it want to talk. Know this though. You will not shut me up.
Now for other things. Saturday night was an adventure in parent rearing. It was about 10:15 PM. I had just finished prep for Sunday's lesson. I came upstairs from my lair and was thinking about sleep when Dad grabbed the dog's leash, hooked him up and headed to the garage. Following close behind, I asked him, as he was putting the dog in the Highlander, what he was doing. He said he was going to take the dog for a ride. Really? 10:15 PM? A ride? He also had two containers of Blu Emu and his flashlight. 'Always be prepared' I guess.
Alzheimer's is a strange disease. When I told him that he needed to come into the house and get some sleep because we had to go to church the next day, his answer was that he would be back before morning. I did eventually get him and the dog back in the house. It took some cajoling, but I got it done. I fully expect to come home from work one night to discover that he and the dog have gone on an adventure. My life is so interesting.
People that have never been in my situation tend to be critical of my approach. They think that I am in control of this man and I should do a better job of caring for him. To this I would say Dad still has a mind and a will, albeit diminished. It is difficult to force him to do anything that he is set against doing. Even so, my thought has always been to allow him the maximum amount of independence and to let him do things as he is able. I firmly believe that a sense of usefulness does much to fight the brain atrophy he is experiencing. I think he has lived longer because of it. I also know that Alzheimer's 100% fatal and there will come a point of diminishing returns with this regimen. I believe now that we may be there. I now have to find the time to get him evaluated and start looking for places where he can live out the rest of his life.
Church members and family members will think this is terrible or irresponsible. I have another opinion. If this were my mate or life companion, it would be different. As it is, this is my aging father. He needs care that I cannot give him. I am gone a lot. I have a full time job. And as selfish as it sounds, I would like to have a life outside of work and Dad.
Some have said, "get elderly day care". This is an option, but not a good one. I still need to sleep. If he decides it's a good night to take the dog for a ride or a walk and wanders off, I will not be getting much of that.
"so get in home, round the clock care."
No. This won't work either. When he gets it in his head to do whatever, it's going to get to the point that it will take more than one person to stop him. He is old, but he is still strong and capable of wielding objects to strike people. Having been hit with his flash light, I understand this. Alzheimer's is a crazy disease that makes people crazy.
I really do not want to deal with this, but I am going to have to.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
in flagrante delicto
According to Politico, there is a quiet move by the GOP powers that be to mount a 3rd party candidacy by someone more acceptable to them if Donald Trump is successful in his bid to capture the party's nomination for president. They have been caught in the act of plotting their own defeat and dooming us to four years of coughing fits, prevarication and criminal acts by HRC.
Conservative donors have engaged a major GOP consulting firm in Florida to research the feasibility of mounting a late, independent run for president amid growing fears that Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination.
A memo prepared for the group zeroes in on ballot access as a looming obstacle for any independent candidate, along with actually identifying a viable, widely known contender and coalescing financial support for that person. The two states with the earliest deadlines for independent candidates, Texas and North Carolina, also have some of the highest hurdles for independents to get on the ballot, according to the research.
These people just do not get it. In USA Today Glenn Reynolds sums up why it is that people are opting for a ballot box revolution rather than the status quo in both America and the United Kingdom (which is considering an exit from the European Union).
In America, Donald Trump — who many of the experts thought had no chance — is dominating the polls. In Britain, meanwhile, much of the public seems to be mobilizing in favor of exiting the troubled European Union — a British Exit, or Brexit.
Writing in The Spectator, Brendan O’Neill puts this down to a class revolt on both sides of the Atlantic. And he’s right as far as he goes, but I think there’s more than just a class revolt. I think there’s also a developing preference cascade. O’Neill writes: “In both Middle America and Middle England, among both rednecks and chavs, voters who have had more than they can stomach of being patronised, nudged, nagged and basically treated as diseased bodies to be corrected rather than lively minds to be engaged are now putting their hope into a different kind of politics. And the entitled Third Way brigade, schooled to rule, believing themselves possessed of a technocratic expertise that trumps the little people’s vulgar political convictions, are not happy. Not one bit.”
Well, that’s certainly true. Both America and Britain have developed a ruling class that is increasingly insular and removed from — and contemptuous of — the people it deigns to rule. The ruled are now returning the contempt.
Those that would rule need to know that we are sick to death of politicians that think they know better than we who elected them. We are sick to death of them catering to minorities and immigrants and the companies and businesses that hire them. We are tired of artificially low wages that are brought down by cheap labor. We want our jobs back that have been exported to China, India and Mexico. And we want America to be ours. Close the borders. Deport border jumpers. Allow only legal immigration. No amnesty please. No more anchor babies. No more religious extremists from the middle east. Bar them. Load up cattle cars and airplanes and send them back to where they came from. There is a legal process that millions have used to enter the US and eventually become citizens. This should be the only way anyone emigrates to our land.
Those who immigrated here legally are furious at the current situation. Donald Trump is collecting their votes along with millions of white Democrats and Republicans. It is time for a change. I am ready for a bit of craziness if it will make the powers that be sit up and take notice. We will not be controlled and if you try to mess this up, you will have the extremists pouring out of the woodwork to bring you down.
As a Libertarian, I really am not all that fond of any of the candidates. I had a passing fancy for Ted Cruz, but I got over it. I thought that Marco Rubio might upset the Trump apple cart, but that has not happened. I know it's early yet, but I have yet to see an obstacle that Donald Trump could not move out of his way.
I am willing to jump on this bandwagon just to see the feces hit the oscillating wind device.
Mr Trump is not a Ronald Reagan conservative. He is not a JFK type Democrat. He is, above all else, a pragmatic populist. Neither liberal or conservative, he wants to do what works for the most Americans possible. After all, we are the ones that pay the bills. If we can get him elected, then maybe we can get rid of the Paul Ryan's and Harry Reid's of this world too. Mitch Mc Connel and Nancy Pelosi also need to go home. I have had it with their imperial attitudes and their willingness to destroy our union to empower themselves. Let these technocrats move on to something productive or maybe...maybe, they should just retire.
Let the Trumpening begin.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Another Day, Another Opossum
The Daddy Possum was in the trap this morning. I reunited him with his wife down at Yellow Banks. He was docile by the time we got there and he seemed grateful for his release. He was almost petlike in his demeanor. As he exited the trap, he turned to look at me as if to say thanks and then he smiled his possum smile and trotted off into the woods.
I will reset the trap tonight. Transporting wildlife to a better place has become my new purpose. Possums do a great job of cleaning things up. They will eat most anything. Some think there are too many possums. This may be true. If so, competition will thin the herd. Whatever. It's fun and harmless.
I suppose I need a plan in case I get a skunk. This is a concern. If I smell funnier than usual the next time you see me, you will know what happened.
This had to be a hazard for the pioneers as they crossed the continent. I'm not sure what their solution was. I'm sure it gave the natives a good laugh. I am told that hydrogen peroxide will remove the smell. I hope I never have to find out. I wonder what the pioneers used?
I can tell in my bones that spring is coming. There is stirring of desire within me. I thought I was passed this, but maybe not. You might send up a prayer for me. The armor has weakened in places, but I must stand. I am too close to my goal now to fail.
Maybe my new hobby of collecting wildlife will help with this. I'm hoping for a raccoon next or maybe some possum babies. Lord, please hold the skunks for more skilled hunters.
I'm just about ready to go to work. I've been sitting here at Caribou for awhile and one of the employees is on break. He is plugged into his phone listening to something. It's making him whistle...very funny. Gots to go...
I will reset the trap tonight. Transporting wildlife to a better place has become my new purpose. Possums do a great job of cleaning things up. They will eat most anything. Some think there are too many possums. This may be true. If so, competition will thin the herd. Whatever. It's fun and harmless.
I suppose I need a plan in case I get a skunk. This is a concern. If I smell funnier than usual the next time you see me, you will know what happened.
This had to be a hazard for the pioneers as they crossed the continent. I'm not sure what their solution was. I'm sure it gave the natives a good laugh. I am told that hydrogen peroxide will remove the smell. I hope I never have to find out. I wonder what the pioneers used?
I can tell in my bones that spring is coming. There is stirring of desire within me. I thought I was passed this, but maybe not. You might send up a prayer for me. The armor has weakened in places, but I must stand. I am too close to my goal now to fail.
Maybe my new hobby of collecting wildlife will help with this. I'm hoping for a raccoon next or maybe some possum babies. Lord, please hold the skunks for more skilled hunters.
I'm just about ready to go to work. I've been sitting here at Caribou for awhile and one of the employees is on break. He is plugged into his phone listening to something. It's making him whistle...very funny. Gots to go...
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The Old Man, The Dog and The Opossum
There are few things in God's creation uglier than a possum.
I rest my case.
Anyway, I was made aware of a possum infestation under the east deck of the house by my Dad and a digging, barking wheaton terrier so I set the harmless trap and today I had my first possum. These are interesting critters even if they are ugly. They are marsupials. Like a kangaroo, the female carries her young in a pouch. The male possum has a bifurcated penis, which means it has two ends and this corresponds well to the female possum which has two vaginas. It sort of reminds me of Double Mint gum. Wrigley's had a commercial jingle that went something like, "double your pleasure and double your fun with Double Mint, Double Mint, Double Mint gum" and then they would show you video of twins chewing gum....but I digress.
So, finding my possum this morning, trapped and very crabby and with an excited wheaton terrier barking and running circles around it, I had to decide what to do with my prize. I considered calling my friend Steve. He likes to kill things. He probably would have skinned it and made me a hat. I was more concerned about him finding a way to eat it though. He is from Missouri. I think I will wait for a raccoon. Nicer hat.
My solution, in the end, was to take the possum for a ride. We went to Yellow Banks where I detrapped my toothy friend and she ambled out into the thicket toward the river where I am sure she will be happier than a pig in shit.
I then returned home and reset the trap. I think there's more possum to be had. This morning's was the female. Daddy possum is out there and it's my desire to reunite them at Yellow Banks. I'm sure his wife will be missing him and his bifurcation.
I rest my case.
Anyway, I was made aware of a possum infestation under the east deck of the house by my Dad and a digging, barking wheaton terrier so I set the harmless trap and today I had my first possum. These are interesting critters even if they are ugly. They are marsupials. Like a kangaroo, the female carries her young in a pouch. The male possum has a bifurcated penis, which means it has two ends and this corresponds well to the female possum which has two vaginas. It sort of reminds me of Double Mint gum. Wrigley's had a commercial jingle that went something like, "double your pleasure and double your fun with Double Mint, Double Mint, Double Mint gum" and then they would show you video of twins chewing gum....but I digress.
So, finding my possum this morning, trapped and very crabby and with an excited wheaton terrier barking and running circles around it, I had to decide what to do with my prize. I considered calling my friend Steve. He likes to kill things. He probably would have skinned it and made me a hat. I was more concerned about him finding a way to eat it though. He is from Missouri. I think I will wait for a raccoon. Nicer hat.
My solution, in the end, was to take the possum for a ride. We went to Yellow Banks where I detrapped my toothy friend and she ambled out into the thicket toward the river where I am sure she will be happier than a pig in shit.
I then returned home and reset the trap. I think there's more possum to be had. This morning's was the female. Daddy possum is out there and it's my desire to reunite them at Yellow Banks. I'm sure his wife will be missing him and his bifurcation.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
The Zombie Apocalypse
I'm not talking about a John Carpenter film here, but I do think we are fast approaching a time when such a thing is possible. These Zombies will not be the flesh eating, half dead, decaying, near mechanical bodied people stumbling down the streets in search of victims. They will be controlled by other means and they will appear to be perfectly normal, but they will be dangerous nevertheless...much like the thoughtless, mindless Hillary supporters and Rush Limbaugh listeners of the present day (;^))))
Something like the picture above. The powers that be (TPTB) would like nothing better than a controlled, near hypnotized, dumbed down population that submits quietly to everything that they propose. Devices like smart phones and the tablet I am using right now represent platforms that can be used to achieve this. Everyone today seems to have a device. Poor people even have Obama phones. We have become accustomed to having, on our person at all times, these means of communication. Couple this with the effects of fluoride in the water and the large numbers of people on some type of anti depressant or mood inspiring drug and you end up with a population of docile people that are self absorbed and willing to submit to anything as long as they can keep their creature comforts.
Imagine cell towers used to emit frequencies that calm the collective human brain as well as provide phone service. Imagine that TPTB have decoded the human brain and are capable of using these towers to create and control human behavior.
This could be the plot line of a good science fiction novel or the ramblings of a paranoid schizo, but it is also the kind of thing that might actually happen.
Did I say "might"? I think it is happening. There are whole segments of society that seem to be under the control and domination of something evil and for the first time in history, it seems organized. Those involved see it as the new and moral normal. Unity of human thought has been desired for millennia. It has been the long term goal of despots and messiahs throughout history, but control of thought has only been a goal of the spiritually evil ones that look to the long term and incremental changes to achieve control.
This slow, inevitable movement toward total thought control has been going on since the creation of the world. It has never been a secret. To call it conspiracy would be to minimize the truth of it. Controlling human thought is the key to real power. We must not submit to it. We must see it for what it is and expose it before it becomes too late.
My advice...turn off your TV's. Refuse to believe the collective meme promoted by CBSCNNFOXABCNBCMSNBC. The media is controlled. Use your brain to judiciously choose what you read on the net. Find other means of entertainment.
Explore your spirituality. You are body and spirit. You are not merely animated, physical matter with sentience. Ask yourselves where you come from and why it is you feel eternal even though death dogs you daily from birth. Do not submit to the social themes of your time. Examine what is and ask why. Think for yourself. Do not be afraid to be alone in your opinions. Despise 'group think' at home, at work and at church. Above all, do not lose yourself in the materialism of our time. Getting caught up in "stuff" is easy. Talk to people. Relate to them. Build relationships with those in your family. Never use TV as a baby sitter and do not let other people raise your children.
Live in this world, but do not let the zombies know you are different from them. Instead plant thoughts that cause their programming to malfunction. Make them think. If you can break their death stare long enough to make that happen, it will create dissatisfaction and put them on the road to freedom from control.
You were created to be free. Find your Creator and give control to Him. He will insulate you from the palpable, organized evil of this time in history and you will live freer than you have ever lived before, no longer a slave to your appetites. Decouple from the Big Lie and embrace the truth.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Something like the picture above. The powers that be (TPTB) would like nothing better than a controlled, near hypnotized, dumbed down population that submits quietly to everything that they propose. Devices like smart phones and the tablet I am using right now represent platforms that can be used to achieve this. Everyone today seems to have a device. Poor people even have Obama phones. We have become accustomed to having, on our person at all times, these means of communication. Couple this with the effects of fluoride in the water and the large numbers of people on some type of anti depressant or mood inspiring drug and you end up with a population of docile people that are self absorbed and willing to submit to anything as long as they can keep their creature comforts.
Imagine cell towers used to emit frequencies that calm the collective human brain as well as provide phone service. Imagine that TPTB have decoded the human brain and are capable of using these towers to create and control human behavior.
This could be the plot line of a good science fiction novel or the ramblings of a paranoid schizo, but it is also the kind of thing that might actually happen.
Did I say "might"? I think it is happening. There are whole segments of society that seem to be under the control and domination of something evil and for the first time in history, it seems organized. Those involved see it as the new and moral normal. Unity of human thought has been desired for millennia. It has been the long term goal of despots and messiahs throughout history, but control of thought has only been a goal of the spiritually evil ones that look to the long term and incremental changes to achieve control.
This slow, inevitable movement toward total thought control has been going on since the creation of the world. It has never been a secret. To call it conspiracy would be to minimize the truth of it. Controlling human thought is the key to real power. We must not submit to it. We must see it for what it is and expose it before it becomes too late.
My advice...turn off your TV's. Refuse to believe the collective meme promoted by CBSCNNFOXABCNBCMSNBC. The media is controlled. Use your brain to judiciously choose what you read on the net. Find other means of entertainment.
Explore your spirituality. You are body and spirit. You are not merely animated, physical matter with sentience. Ask yourselves where you come from and why it is you feel eternal even though death dogs you daily from birth. Do not submit to the social themes of your time. Examine what is and ask why. Think for yourself. Do not be afraid to be alone in your opinions. Despise 'group think' at home, at work and at church. Above all, do not lose yourself in the materialism of our time. Getting caught up in "stuff" is easy. Talk to people. Relate to them. Build relationships with those in your family. Never use TV as a baby sitter and do not let other people raise your children.
Live in this world, but do not let the zombies know you are different from them. Instead plant thoughts that cause their programming to malfunction. Make them think. If you can break their death stare long enough to make that happen, it will create dissatisfaction and put them on the road to freedom from control.
You were created to be free. Find your Creator and give control to Him. He will insulate you from the palpable, organized evil of this time in history and you will live freer than you have ever lived before, no longer a slave to your appetites. Decouple from the Big Lie and embrace the truth.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Monday, February 22, 2016
Jeb Bush Is Out
Ya, you knew that right? Well do not assume that he will be disappearing anytime soon. You may not see him on the campaign trail, but there are still Bush family operatives in the campaign. Who am I talking about?
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich. Though they have played the part of Bush enemies on the campaign circuit, all of them have been in the thick of it with the Bush family. I know many that believe Ted is an outsider like the Donald, but this is not true. He is "establishment" at his core. He has worked in Bush administrations for years before he was a Texas senator. He's the kind of guy that can screw you with out you knowing it. All you need to do is look at his credentials to see that he is an insider politically. His wife is even a big time banker. I think she is with Goldman Sachs. The worst part is that right now, he holds some major cards that could cause problems for Trump at the convention and he will soon have to make a decision. His delegates will be enough to put Trump over the top in delegate count. He needs to make a deal now if he really is the "outsider" that he would have us believe. Failure of Cruz to do so could result in a brokered convention that could give us Rubio or even a "draft Jeb" moment to keep the peace in the Grand Old Party.
Rubio has been firmly in the pocket of the Bush family for years. He is Jeb's Florida creation and this may be the hour of his establishment anointing. Together with Kasich, Cruz and Rubio could run enough interference to hand the nomination to Rubio or even a resurrected Bush.
Frankly, I am rooting for Donald Trump. I want anyone that is not one of the usual suspects. Hillary is an A-One nutjob and Jeb is from a crime family that makes the mafia seem like the Cleavers. I cannot stand to look at him. He is his mother in men's clothes. If you put a string of pearls on him and give him a permanent, it would be easy to mistake him for Babs.
America needs an enema. Donald Trump is the one to do it. I will complain about him when he is President. For now, "you Go Donald"!
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich. Though they have played the part of Bush enemies on the campaign circuit, all of them have been in the thick of it with the Bush family. I know many that believe Ted is an outsider like the Donald, but this is not true. He is "establishment" at his core. He has worked in Bush administrations for years before he was a Texas senator. He's the kind of guy that can screw you with out you knowing it. All you need to do is look at his credentials to see that he is an insider politically. His wife is even a big time banker. I think she is with Goldman Sachs. The worst part is that right now, he holds some major cards that could cause problems for Trump at the convention and he will soon have to make a decision. His delegates will be enough to put Trump over the top in delegate count. He needs to make a deal now if he really is the "outsider" that he would have us believe. Failure of Cruz to do so could result in a brokered convention that could give us Rubio or even a "draft Jeb" moment to keep the peace in the Grand Old Party.
Rubio has been firmly in the pocket of the Bush family for years. He is Jeb's Florida creation and this may be the hour of his establishment anointing. Together with Kasich, Cruz and Rubio could run enough interference to hand the nomination to Rubio or even a resurrected Bush.
Frankly, I am rooting for Donald Trump. I want anyone that is not one of the usual suspects. Hillary is an A-One nutjob and Jeb is from a crime family that makes the mafia seem like the Cleavers. I cannot stand to look at him. He is his mother in men's clothes. If you put a string of pearls on him and give him a permanent, it would be easy to mistake him for Babs.
America needs an enema. Donald Trump is the one to do it. I will complain about him when he is President. For now, "you Go Donald"!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
I have a foreboding. Something is not right in my part of the universe and I cannot put my finger on it. My intuition tells me something negative is going to happen in my life and I am not liking it. I have no idea what it is other than a bad feeling. It could be something I ate or maybe I'm edging up on a depression. I guess I'm long overdue for that. I need winter to be over and I think I need a vacation from my life. There's too much going on for me to deal with it all. I am not like other men. I do not multitask well and there comes a point where the machinery begins to break down.
My blood pressure has been too high. My meds are just not cutting it. My doctor's answer to that is more of the same with a higher helping of statins to cure my cholesterol poisoning. I probably need to get some exercise and knock off some of the caffeine. I suppose I might be edging up on a heart attack, but I've been trying to put that off until after 60. I can't be dying now. There is too much left to do. Still there's the dull tingling in my arms, especially the left one. I would like to think it's the nerves in my neck getting ground together by my narrowing cervical vertebrae, but who knows; and as my doctor says, "there's nothing you can do about it".
Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. They can come up with a vaccine in a week for the Zika virus, but they cannot fix my neck or cure my cholesterol poisoning except with another poison.
There have been several people in my family with hypertension. None of them have had a heart attack or a stroke. Is it possible that I am going to be the first one? Seems like I'm always the odd man out with this stuff. We will see.
I suppose I could get struck by a meteor. This too would be much like me. At the funeral people would say, "he would do anything for attention. Who gets hit by a meteor? Well Jeff, that's who".
It could be nothing...maybe my foreboding is due to something else or nothing at all.
We will see.
My blood pressure has been too high. My meds are just not cutting it. My doctor's answer to that is more of the same with a higher helping of statins to cure my cholesterol poisoning. I probably need to get some exercise and knock off some of the caffeine. I suppose I might be edging up on a heart attack, but I've been trying to put that off until after 60. I can't be dying now. There is too much left to do. Still there's the dull tingling in my arms, especially the left one. I would like to think it's the nerves in my neck getting ground together by my narrowing cervical vertebrae, but who knows; and as my doctor says, "there's nothing you can do about it".
Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. They can come up with a vaccine in a week for the Zika virus, but they cannot fix my neck or cure my cholesterol poisoning except with another poison.
There have been several people in my family with hypertension. None of them have had a heart attack or a stroke. Is it possible that I am going to be the first one? Seems like I'm always the odd man out with this stuff. We will see.
I suppose I could get struck by a meteor. This too would be much like me. At the funeral people would say, "he would do anything for attention. Who gets hit by a meteor? Well Jeff, that's who".
It could be nothing...maybe my foreboding is due to something else or nothing at all.
We will see.
I Am Of Two Minds..Or Personalities...Or Something
I can probably chock this up to his Alzheimer's, but I think Dad believes I am two different people and I think this may be my fault.
When I get up in the morning, I usually feel pretty good despite my age and all the other things that are wrong with me. I am in a good mood. I'm ready to go squat at Caribou and crank something out for the blog before work. I think the whole morning mood thing has to do with being able to leave and go somewhere else. It's like I am a prisoner on work release and that might be a subject for another blog post.
Anyway, when I come back from work at night, I do not always feel so good and sometimes my mood just sucks. I am cranky, bitchy and whatever else you can think of because people have been yelling at me all day on the phone. I get the impression that Dad believes that I am someone else. I even heard him mention this to the dog on Friday night. He said, "I wonder which one it will be", as I walked in the house from the garage.
I must seem like Jekyll and Hyde to him, even so, I should have the same appearance only with a few more wrinkles in my clothes. It's hard to believe I am so different that he actually thinks I am two people. Whatever.
I just wish it would warm up so he can get back to mowing lawn. He needs something to distract him besides me, my alter ego, the TV and the dog.
When I get up in the morning, I usually feel pretty good despite my age and all the other things that are wrong with me. I am in a good mood. I'm ready to go squat at Caribou and crank something out for the blog before work. I think the whole morning mood thing has to do with being able to leave and go somewhere else. It's like I am a prisoner on work release and that might be a subject for another blog post.
Anyway, when I come back from work at night, I do not always feel so good and sometimes my mood just sucks. I am cranky, bitchy and whatever else you can think of because people have been yelling at me all day on the phone. I get the impression that Dad believes that I am someone else. I even heard him mention this to the dog on Friday night. He said, "I wonder which one it will be", as I walked in the house from the garage.
I must seem like Jekyll and Hyde to him, even so, I should have the same appearance only with a few more wrinkles in my clothes. It's hard to believe I am so different that he actually thinks I am two people. Whatever.
I just wish it would warm up so he can get back to mowing lawn. He needs something to distract him besides me, my alter ego, the TV and the dog.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Ha Kavod Adonai
The Glory of the Lord. Ya, that's what it means. It is why the Lord created humans. We were made to bring Him glory and honor. Some of us do that and some of us don't. Some of us believe and some of us don't. It's the fallen state of the human race. We have to come to know Him before we are able to honor and glorify Him.
As I said, there are those that do and those that don't honor and glorify God. Some fail to honor God because they do not believe He exists. Others begrudgingly acknowledge Him, but they are angry with Him. They think He stacked the deck against them. I understand this. I felt this way for much of my life.
So, what if I told you that He does stack the deck? Further, that He does this so we can achieve the purpose for which we were designed - to bring Him glory.
I have only recently considered this. It came up in a sermon (thanks Steve) I heard last Sunday and in a conversation again yesterday. The question is, does God put us in miserable situations or bad circumstances for His own purposes, stacking the deck against us, so that we bring Him glory by the way we deal with it?
For years I was angry with God because I'm gay and I thought He should do something about it, but He did not. Praying never changed that situation. Prayer enabled me to resist, but it did not cure my unnatural desires. It was a wedge that I could not remove in our relationship. I held Him responsible. My anger continued for years.
At one point, I came to the conclusion that God was not responsible for my misplaced sexual desire. It had to be something else. I have held that position for quite awhile now. The flesh is broken after all. Only He can heal it...but the questions still remains, then why doesn't He?
Then someone said, "Jeff, you are what you are because God made you that way." Thanks Karla for helping to change my mind.
Really? Why would God make me gay and then forbid me to have that kind of life? Is that not the definition of a cruel god?
Well, no...not really. In the bigger picture of things, what could bring more glory to the Lord than a man who, against all odds, withstands the slings and arrows of his own desires and lives in spiritual victory because the Lord enabled him to do so?
Ya I know, maybe that's the deal. God takes something as broken and bent as me and makes me a lens to magnify His glorious light. Now we're talking.
I'm gay and even so, I bring glory to God. His power is an amazing thing.
Lord, thanks for Loving me and making me as you wanted me to be. Please continue to use me as a testimony of your power and help me ever to point to your glory. I love you. Amen
As I said, there are those that do and those that don't honor and glorify God. Some fail to honor God because they do not believe He exists. Others begrudgingly acknowledge Him, but they are angry with Him. They think He stacked the deck against them. I understand this. I felt this way for much of my life.
So, what if I told you that He does stack the deck? Further, that He does this so we can achieve the purpose for which we were designed - to bring Him glory.
I have only recently considered this. It came up in a sermon (thanks Steve) I heard last Sunday and in a conversation again yesterday. The question is, does God put us in miserable situations or bad circumstances for His own purposes, stacking the deck against us, so that we bring Him glory by the way we deal with it?
For years I was angry with God because I'm gay and I thought He should do something about it, but He did not. Praying never changed that situation. Prayer enabled me to resist, but it did not cure my unnatural desires. It was a wedge that I could not remove in our relationship. I held Him responsible. My anger continued for years.
At one point, I came to the conclusion that God was not responsible for my misplaced sexual desire. It had to be something else. I have held that position for quite awhile now. The flesh is broken after all. Only He can heal it...but the questions still remains, then why doesn't He?
Then someone said, "Jeff, you are what you are because God made you that way." Thanks Karla for helping to change my mind.
Really? Why would God make me gay and then forbid me to have that kind of life? Is that not the definition of a cruel god?
Well, no...not really. In the bigger picture of things, what could bring more glory to the Lord than a man who, against all odds, withstands the slings and arrows of his own desires and lives in spiritual victory because the Lord enabled him to do so?
Ya I know, maybe that's the deal. God takes something as broken and bent as me and makes me a lens to magnify His glorious light. Now we're talking.
I'm gay and even so, I bring glory to God. His power is an amazing thing.
Lord, thanks for Loving me and making me as you wanted me to be. Please continue to use me as a testimony of your power and help me ever to point to your glory. I love you. Amen
Tax Time
April 15 is fast approaching. Federal income tax filing must be done on or prior to that date, I suppose you already knew that unless you're a scoff law, tax protester or something called a "sovereign citizen". Most of these will end up in prison due to their special status as non-contributors, but I digress.
The fact is that we have to pay our taxes. It's the price of civilization, limited liberty, public sanitation and studies concerning the endangered red wing butt biter and gobi headed dung teaser; both so important to our continuing survival on earth.
Jesus was asked about paying tax to Rome in His day. He was all for it, even though many had issues with supporting the Roman Empire. Never mind that the Romans brought running water, sewers and paved roads to Palestine. They were stepping on other things considered absolute by many Judeans and so they would look for ways and people that would support them and lead them to victory over those that wanted clean water and safe travel, but again I digress. The Romans were a mixed bag of tyrannies and freedoms that worked well for centuries, much like the modern American empire of today.
Anyhow, Jesus was approached by some close to the political and spiritual leadership of His day to ask Him about paying tax to Rome. The conversation went something like this.
Matthew 22:15-22
15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax[a] to Caesar or not?”
18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”
21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.
Ya, it was supposed to be a trap. The Jews of the time were trying to manipulate him into saying subversive things that would force the Romans to deal with Him. It did not work. We give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. That certainly makes sense. That which is Caesar's is stamped with his image.
So what is stamped with God's image? What is it that we give to God?
Genesis 1:26, 27
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 2:7
7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
So it is us. We are to give to God that which is stamped with His image - ourselves.
How do we do this? We give of our time, our talent and our treasure in service to Him as our Creator. He is the one that endowed us the ability to create and to love and to choose in our own fashion, much as He has always done. We are like our Father before us, so we should conform ourselves to His image and give back to Him as our Creator.
The fact is that we have to pay our taxes. It's the price of civilization, limited liberty, public sanitation and studies concerning the endangered red wing butt biter and gobi headed dung teaser; both so important to our continuing survival on earth.
Jesus was asked about paying tax to Rome in His day. He was all for it, even though many had issues with supporting the Roman Empire. Never mind that the Romans brought running water, sewers and paved roads to Palestine. They were stepping on other things considered absolute by many Judeans and so they would look for ways and people that would support them and lead them to victory over those that wanted clean water and safe travel, but again I digress. The Romans were a mixed bag of tyrannies and freedoms that worked well for centuries, much like the modern American empire of today.
Anyhow, Jesus was approached by some close to the political and spiritual leadership of His day to ask Him about paying tax to Rome. The conversation went something like this.
Matthew 22:15-22
15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax[a] to Caesar or not?”
18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”
21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.
Ya, it was supposed to be a trap. The Jews of the time were trying to manipulate him into saying subversive things that would force the Romans to deal with Him. It did not work. We give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. That certainly makes sense. That which is Caesar's is stamped with his image.
So what is stamped with God's image? What is it that we give to God?
Genesis 1:26, 27
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 2:7
7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
So it is us. We are to give to God that which is stamped with His image - ourselves.
How do we do this? We give of our time, our talent and our treasure in service to Him as our Creator. He is the one that endowed us the ability to create and to love and to choose in our own fashion, much as He has always done. We are like our Father before us, so we should conform ourselves to His image and give back to Him as our Creator.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Your Wedding Clothes
I have been to weddings. Even today, people tend to upgrade their normal apparel prior to attendance. I guess it's suppose to be a sign of respect or maybe competition. I confess to not fully grasping the whole wedding tradition thing and I know it varies by culture as to what one wears, but generally speaking, since it's supposed to be a joyous occasion, a social event and a place to be seen, people will try to look their best.
Some among the younger set that are obsessed with love and the idea of being in love will bring their prospective partner to show them how it is done and what the process looks like. Others merely attend out of familial or friendly obligation, bringing the expected gift. Our culture's idea of what a wedding should be however, falls drastically short of what it was in Jesus' day.
In ancient times, the Jews would arrange marriages for their children. It was as much a financial transaction between families as it was a rite of passage into the final stages of adulthood. I am lead to believe that the betrothed couple would live together for a year prior to the wedding and later marital bliss. This was not a living together that involved sexual activity. This was forbidden. It was, rather, preparation for life together that measured compatibility in all other areas of real life. It was a test drive of everything accept the actual equipment, if I might be so bold.
When the wedding actually took place, it would be a major social event. The parents would invite friends and family and then announce when everything had been prepared. It was a literal feast and people would stay in your house during the entire event. The celebration would go on for days, maybe even a week. Both the ceremony and the consummation of the marriage would take place during the event. The consummation would take place in a room off the main wedding hall. Sometimes it was private. At other times there were a small number of witnesses, usually older women. The prospect of marriage is intimidating for many men, but I cannot imagine my first time around the block with a room full of old ladies behind a screen. Their purpose in being there was to confirm consummation. When the act was complete, they would check the sheets for blood. I would think such traditions would be enough to drive any man from the culture, but apparently it did not. But I digress. I'm here to talk a about Jesus' parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22.
Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
5 “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12 He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.
13 “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
Now if you have read what is above, you are aware that the king's initial invitees refused his invitation. The result was that the king decided to bring in people off the streets - people that had no real preparation for such a feast - people that were not initially good friends of the king. These people, being street people, were probably not wealthy and were ill prepared for such a formal event. It has been suggested that the king and his servants had to provide these people with wedding clothes, since they probably had none of their own or even the time to go home and change. And this is why the king is shocked by the presence of a man that is not properly dressed and has him thrown out.
The point of the parable is that those with wedding clothes (salvation and citizenship in the Kingdom) refused to attend (the Jews) and so the King (God) invited the impoverished people from the streets (the Gentiles) to His feast, going so far as to supply the means for attendance.
We are saved because God provided the means for our salvation. We just have to choose to put on our wedding clothes.
Are you wearing them? Do you just get them out on Sundays? The wedding feast is in full swing. You do not want to be seen by the king without your wedding clothes. Put them on. You will look great. Trust me.
Some among the younger set that are obsessed with love and the idea of being in love will bring their prospective partner to show them how it is done and what the process looks like. Others merely attend out of familial or friendly obligation, bringing the expected gift. Our culture's idea of what a wedding should be however, falls drastically short of what it was in Jesus' day.
In ancient times, the Jews would arrange marriages for their children. It was as much a financial transaction between families as it was a rite of passage into the final stages of adulthood. I am lead to believe that the betrothed couple would live together for a year prior to the wedding and later marital bliss. This was not a living together that involved sexual activity. This was forbidden. It was, rather, preparation for life together that measured compatibility in all other areas of real life. It was a test drive of everything accept the actual equipment, if I might be so bold.
When the wedding actually took place, it would be a major social event. The parents would invite friends and family and then announce when everything had been prepared. It was a literal feast and people would stay in your house during the entire event. The celebration would go on for days, maybe even a week. Both the ceremony and the consummation of the marriage would take place during the event. The consummation would take place in a room off the main wedding hall. Sometimes it was private. At other times there were a small number of witnesses, usually older women. The prospect of marriage is intimidating for many men, but I cannot imagine my first time around the block with a room full of old ladies behind a screen. Their purpose in being there was to confirm consummation. When the act was complete, they would check the sheets for blood. I would think such traditions would be enough to drive any man from the culture, but apparently it did not. But I digress. I'm here to talk a about Jesus' parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22.
Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
5 “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12 He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.
13 “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
Now if you have read what is above, you are aware that the king's initial invitees refused his invitation. The result was that the king decided to bring in people off the streets - people that had no real preparation for such a feast - people that were not initially good friends of the king. These people, being street people, were probably not wealthy and were ill prepared for such a formal event. It has been suggested that the king and his servants had to provide these people with wedding clothes, since they probably had none of their own or even the time to go home and change. And this is why the king is shocked by the presence of a man that is not properly dressed and has him thrown out.
The point of the parable is that those with wedding clothes (salvation and citizenship in the Kingdom) refused to attend (the Jews) and so the King (God) invited the impoverished people from the streets (the Gentiles) to His feast, going so far as to supply the means for attendance.
We are saved because God provided the means for our salvation. We just have to choose to put on our wedding clothes.
Are you wearing them? Do you just get them out on Sundays? The wedding feast is in full swing. You do not want to be seen by the king without your wedding clothes. Put them on. You will look great. Trust me.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
"Perseverance" is an interesting word. What I notice immediately is that it has the word, "severe", in the middle. This kind of puts me off. When I think about something "severe", I think of it as being dangerous or painful or strict in that disciplinarian sort of way. I want to run away from it, avoid it and hide. Who wants this kind of trouble? Not me.
But James, the Lord's brother says that if our faith is real, it will develop in us perseverance to withstand trials and temptations. I am a man of faith, therefore I must, in the spiritual scheme of my life, develop perseverance.
James 1:2-4
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Is he nuts? Am I really supposed to consider it a pure joy? I have a problem with that. I want perseverance as part of my spiritual character, but is there not an easier way to develop it? Trials and temptation involve discipline, self denial and sometimes outright pain. These things are not joyful to me. They bring anguish and second thoughts.
If I have faith as I claim, why should this be? Why would I fear the development of perseverance in my life? My faith should lead me to visualize what I could be as opposed to what I am and so be willing to tolerate the severity of the moment in pursuit of perseverance which will last me a lifetime.
He also says,
12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
James makes the choice clear. If we learn perseverance with all its severity, we will receive a crown of life. Who does not want that? A little severity for awhile and then a crown of eternal life - is that not a joyful thing? It will also require some patience and long suffering, and since I am shopping for spiritual items today, I may as well get the 3-pack. It will cost me some severity, but it's worth the investment and it will also be better than the alternative.
James says that if we fail to develop perseverance, then we will have to deal with the consequences. If we fail to persevere against the trials and temptations in our lives, the result will be death. Is he talking about spiritual or physical death? I'm thinking maybe both.
I do not consider that a pure joy. Nope.
So Lord, Please teach me to persevere. Help me to get to the place where I can enjoy it. Renew me daily from the inside out. Walk in front of me so I can see and watch my back so I do not become a victim. Please help to finish the work You started all those years ago. Thanks much. I love You. My crown size is 8 by the way.
Philippians 4:13
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
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