Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Don Juan Quotes - Updated

So what I'm finding is that Don Juan was a fictional character known for his lack of discretion in sexual matters. He was a womanizer and a bit of warrior that "lived" in the 14th century. His story is told by a Spanish playwright in the 15th century. Other writer's like Lord Byron took up the mythology of Don Juan and told other stories about him. Even so, he is never portrayed as a moral man, though he does, from time to time, exhibit sympathy and even empathy in his travails throughout the European world.   

I find all of this interesting because of the quotes I have found attributed to him. He seems wise in the extreme and yet his words seem to be designed for one thing - to seduce. And this is what his character always seems to be about....seducing women, seducing people to bend them to his will even trying to trick God at one point near death. He is much like the Accuser of old in this respect. Mixing truth with a lie has always been the MO of our mutual Adversary.


I am finding these quotes from Don Juan more than interesting. I may have to undertake a study.

Self-importance is man's greatest enemy. What weakens him is
feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of his fellow men.
Self-importance requires that one spend most of one's life offended
by something or someone.

 As long as a man feels that he is the most important thing in
the world, he cannot really appreciate the world around him. He is
like a horse with blinders; all he sees is himself, apart from
everything else.

 The worst that could happen to us is that we have to die, and
since that is already our unalterable fate, we are free; those who
have lost everything no longer have anything to fear.

 Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid.

 To be angry at people means that one considers their acts to be important. It is imperative to cease to feel that way. The acts of men cannot be important enough to offset our only viable alternative: our unchangeable encounter with infinity.

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